Colin Kaepernick Is Righter Than You Know

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That's fair. Wasn't directed toward you, but more Skip in the video above.

It's so frustrating to listen to white people who just don't get it, or don't want to get it. I get sick of hearing the whole 'couldn't they do it another way?' point. I mean, really. Why does it ****ing matter how gentle they were with THEIR protest? Why would anyone, trying to get an issue discussed and make people pick sides on a very serious issue, do so in a way to ruffle the least feathers as possible? The **** blows my mind.

Why the **** should we even have to worry about offending people. Black folks are literally dying in the street, and we have to be gentle with our delivery when we expect **** to change?

Honestly, if those good white people don't speak up soon and continue to try to appease both sides, this is gonna get uglier than it is now. Much uglier.

Even if you try to protest or discuss it in the nicest, most soft spoken way possible, they'll still just bring up "But what about Chicago and black on black crime?" They're not trying to hear you no matter what you say or how you do it. They're trying to pretend like the form of protest is what's making them mad, when we all know what it's really about.
This is where it gets murky, because as mentioned earlier a lot of soldiers decide to serve at a time of their life where they're looking for anything to grasp onto. Fresh out of school, more than likely with limited opportunities and see the military as the best option. Young men and women looking to fill a void in their lives that high school left, I can understand getting swept up in everything and not necessarily being able to see the forest for the trees.

I remember being a senior in high school right after 9-11 happened. The recruiters were at my school plotting and got their fair share of impressionable heads to join. It was cats who wanted to join before 9-11 happened, but they rode that patriotic wave in the aftermath and got a few heads to join who likely wouldn’t have. When you have a bunch of impressionable 16 and 17 year olds, that’s very doable though.

As for the military itself. The middle America Fox News crowd is selective of the military they worship. They’ll suck a sociopath like Chris Kyle dry if given the chance, but say something like “I served and did 3 tours in the Middle East, I come back and have been a victim of profiling and police brutality” and my how quick that worship and thanks for their service turns to “stop playing the race card”.
I mean, I agree, but regardless a lot of them do put their lives on the line.

Only people I thank for service are my close friends, though. The true irony of it all is how little we take care of our veterans when they return from war broken, yet people who never put on combat boots push them all to center stage to protect their delicate little hearts and cognitive dissonance.

This is why I don't engage in these phony I love the military conversation. As long as there are homeless vets, vets struggling to get healthcare I don't want to hear it.
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This is why I don't engaged in these phone love the military conversation. As long as there are homeless vets, vets struggling to get healthcare I don't want to hear it.
That's what I don't about these struggle patriots. They all about supporting the troops but they routinely support politicians that want to cut physical and mental health services for veterans.

If these clowns really support the military they would stop cheering on the American war machine, and demand transition the military into a a true peace keeping and humanitarian force and make sure they have all the services at their disposal to transition back into civilian life easily.

But nahhh, nothing but Go Murica be out their mouths
How do y’all feel about the black players that refuse to take a knee? My honest opinion is that all these ***holes are a year late with this nonsense. NFL players are sheep just like average citizens. Like NOW all the sudden you wanna protest? Lol! If I hear the word solidarity again I’ll vomit
Just watched ray Lewis on first things first


Every time he was asked a question he couldn’t or didn’t wanna answer he said the kids won’t understand the intellect :rofl::rofl::rofl:

Then he kept making everything about prayer smh

I feel bad if he does have cte but get him off tv asap cuz he’s only hurting himself and us as well.
How do y’all feel about the black players that refuse to take a knee? My honest opinion is that all these ***holes are a year late with this nonsense. NFL players are sheep just like average citizens. Like NOW all the sudden you wanna protest? Lol! If I hear the word solidarity again I’ll vomit

better late than never. don't discard players for catching on slowly, the systems in place are super effective.
better late than never. don't discard players for catching on slowly, the systems in place are super effective.
Just watched ray Lewis on first things first


Every time he was asked a question he couldn’t or didn’t wanna answer he said the kids won’t understand the intellect :rofl::rofl::rofl:

Then he kept making everything about prayer smh

I feel bad if he does have cte but get him off tv asap cuz he’s only hurting himself and us as well.

Do I kneel, do I stand!?!

What would Jesus do!?!
Cop Confident He’ll Be Exonerated By Clear Video Evidence Of Him Shooting Defenseless Black Man

ORLANDO, FL—Optimistic that the footage would shield him from responsibility for any role in the victim’s death, local police officer Ruben McDermitt was reportedly confident Friday that he’d be exonerated by the clear video evidence of him shooting a defenseless black man. “Once they see the tape of me opening fire unprovoked on this innocent civilian, there’s no way I’ll be indicted,” said McDermitt, adding that while he was initially nervous about potentially being charged in the shooting of the unarmed African American, who was neither running away nor resisting arrest, he was instantly reassured upon realizing there was high-definition video showing him firing six rounds into the man’s chest as he held his hands up and begged for his life. “Given the fact that there’s crystal clear footage of me gunning down this individual in cold blood from several angles, let’s just say I can breathe a whole lot easier.” At press time, McDermitt was right.
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