Colin Kaepernick Is Righter Than You Know

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This dude should play Kap in the biopic. Looks like him.

in fairness, it is their livelihood--financial security beyond our comprehension--and we can't "ask" them to do's something that they have to decide is worth the potential price tag to them.

that's why Ali is still The Champ to this day.

I get that 100%. If they aren't going to do or say anything substantive, then they should just go back to doing nothing like before. It's basically helping "in spirit" and not actually doing anything other than trying to get positive PR. The original message keeps getting lost or replaced by these weak symbolic half steps. You're 1000% right about Ali. He really was the champ. |l
kaeps mom is white so i can see them sprucing up that white guy to play him :lol:

but the guy gotholes posted like what the hell??? looks nothing like kaep
Soccer players should copy NFL protest against racism, says Thuram

Soccer players should copy NFL protest against racism, says Thuram

Philip O'Connor

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FILE PHOTO: Former French soccer player Lilian Thuram attends an inauguration ceremony of a renovated football stadium in the West bank town of Al-Bireh near Ramallah April 14, 2011. REUTERS/Abed Omar Qusini
STOCKHOLM (Reuters) - European soccer players should copy American footballers by “taking a knee” during national anthems to protest against racism, former World Cup winner Lilian Thuram said on Friday.

In a gesture initiated last season by then-San Francisco 49ers quarterback Colin Kaepernick, several NFL players have routinely knelt on one knee during the playing of the American anthem.

It is intended to call attention to what the protesting players see as a pattern of racism in the treatment of African-Americans by U.S. police.

“I would love it if soccer players did it (took a knee),” Thuram told Reuters.

”I think it would be fascinating to see that, and not just black players either...

“I hope that this resistance movement will spread itself outside the USA and that more people, regardless of skin color, follow in their footsteps to create a better society,” the 45-year-old Frenchman added.

The issue of taking a knee was magnified earlier this month when U.S. President Donald Trump said any NFL player who protested during the anthem was a “son of a bytch” who should be fired.

Unlike in the NFL, national anthems are not routinely played before soccer matches in Europe’s major leagues and are usually only heard at international fixtures.

Thuram, a former Monaco, Parma, Juventus and Barcelona defender who won the World Cup with France in 1998, was speaking in the multicultural Stockholm suburb of Tensta, where he spent several hours discussing race and society with local journalism students.

“We are in Sweden, and you are asking me about the situation in the USA -- that means that it has become a question in Sweden. That’s why it is so important that there are people who take up injustices and make them visible,” he said.

“If you make injustice visible, it comes into the spotlight, and if it is in focus then one must start to question what is happening. To solve a problem, you have to bring it into the open.”

Thuram said he would like to see more white NFL players taking part in the protest.

“It’s sad not to do it. It would be much stronger (if everyone did it). There are many who think, ‘I don’t care about this’, that they are not affected by the issue,” he said.

Thuram hopes that the NFL protest will force a change in attitudes.

“That day when vast amounts of people take a knee, people will be forced to think about these issues,” he said.
Trump called Cowboys' Jerry Jones four times about anthem protests: report
President Trump last Monday reportedly called Dallas Cowboys owner Jerry Jones four times imploring him not to let his team kneel during the national anthem.

The president repeatedly called Jones while the owner stood in the locker room before the Monday night football game against the Arizona Cardinals, according to Ian Rapoport of

Trump's apparent persistence didn't pay off. Jones and the entire Cowboys team briefly knelt before the national anthem began. The team then stood as the anthem was sung.

The Dallas Cowboys were among several teams that demonstrated during the weekend.

Jones, who according to CNN donated $1 million to President Trump’s inaugural committee, joined several other NFL owners who stood or knelt with their teams after Trump lasted out at athletes who don’t honor the anthem.

The protests came in response to comments Trump made during a rally in Alabama last month, in which he called on kneeling players to be fired. The president was met with fierce backlash from NFL players, coaches and executives over the weekend, leading to a wave of kneels or other forms of protest against his attacks.
You know what's crazy before this? People would be on their phones during the anthem or running to their seat, or at the urinal, or not paying attention with their hat still on. Most just stood people watching without a care for what was happening 20 plus years worth of disgrace ( around 9/11 people seemed to care again) but decades of just utter disregard should have everyone more upset than what they perceive as the worst thing ever now. The NFL paid the dod millions and was caught doing shady stuff trying to force all of this onto us. But they aren't the bad guys here?
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