Colin Kaepernick Is Righter Than You Know

Will you boycott the NFL this upcoming season?

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You know what's crazy before this? People would be on their phones during the anthem or running to their seat, or at the urinal, or not paying attention with their hat still on. Most just stood people watching without a care for what was happening 20 plus years worth of disgrace ( around 9/11 people seemed to care again) but decades of just utter disregard should have everyone more upset than what they perceive as the worst thing ever now. The NFL paid the dod millions and was caught doing shady stuff trying to force all of this onto us. But they aren't the bad guys here?

I just saw a Stephen A clip saying that the teams weren't even present on the field when the anthem was sung until like 09
I just saw a Stephen A clip saying that the teams weren't even present on the field when the anthem was sung until like 09
True. New Mexico of the Mountain West Conference had a couple players kneel during the anthem yesterday against Air Force in a NCAA football game. Lots of crazy talk since it was against a service academy. The coach mentioned that the team is usually never out for the anthem. Most NCAA teams are not out during that time.

Apparently there was a weather delay at the start of the game and the anthem was done at halftime. It was done in an impromptu fashion by the AF band.

What’s next? Anthem done twice or after every quarter? If there is a will, there’s a way. Feels very forced and cultish
I notice a common characteristic of the type of people that make these posts. Just can't put my finger on it...

Gordy Lee
2 hrs ·
Lynch should be banned from all sports. He has been and aleays will be a disgrace. So sad.

Dave Whalen
5 hrs ·
Thank You Marshawn Lynch, for reminding why I could never stand your racist, ignorant ***, and why I'm Boycotting the un-patriotic NFL! - Sad for those good patriotic players that are caught up in this mess! - Lynch you've "ALWAYS" been the most selfish POS in the NFL! - Good Riddance skittles boy. Here's a good idea, try getting some psychological help with your $millions, although not sure if there's a cure for stupid!

Roger Mowrey
58 mins ·
Get this embarrassing person off the field and off the team, if it means that much to win the are a disgrace to America

Martha Sanders
1 hr ·
Put him in jail president Trump.

Earl Smith
1 hr ·
I've always said Marshawn Lynch was the biggest ghetto piece of **** in the NFL and he proves me right once again. At least now he plays for the biggest piece of **** team in the NFL, and all of professional sports for that matter, the Oakland ******* Raiders.

Keith Wilde
2 hrs ·
This Racist Bastard needs to go live in a non free country, Oakland he is worthless

Jeff Kline
8 hrs ·
What a disgrace!!!! Las Vegas needs to cancel the move of the Raiders to Las Vegas. I do not want to be responsible for paying any part of this clown coming to Las Vegas, and the visitors may not know they are help paying for him too through room taxes. We do not need this albatross coming to our neighbor hood. Stay in Oakland, YOU SCUM BAG..
Dummies don't eem know it's considered "disrespectful" to use the flag as clothing
It seems very childish for people to protest the NFL over what they perceive as un just protests by what is essentially less than 10% of the league. Wrap that concept around your head for a minute. These people can't tolerate any sort of protest or stance away from their norm. So they are ready to basically blackmail the league into getting their 'way'. That's 100% against what America is all about. Or was all about.

Just because you didnt get your way, you shouldn't boycott what you perceive as the 95% that are 'doing the right thing'. Sorry but these teams don't need short sighted fans like these. Their actions basically enable teams to turn on the few that do take a knee. Ugly Mob bully Mentality
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i respect a racist who tells me he doesn't like me and doesn't give a **** about black folks
then these fake *** people who pretend they don't know what the protest is actually about
I'm still confused as to whether people are actually ignorant enough to think this protest is about disrespecting the military, et al, or they are intentionally obfuscating.
I almost bought a Kaep sweatshirt with that logo but I think that logo is trash. Guy actually got that **** tatted on him, wow.
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