Colin Kaepernick Is Righter Than You Know

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That ***** Quanell X.

He hit another white chick with that ether and at the end all she could do was shut the hell up also :lol: This is a regular segment if u look him up on YouTube. What is his actual relation if any to Malcolm?

Lol @ ****** wearing those boots they not even trying to hide it no more. That's a good ol boy in the South thing

There was this black chick he was debating with a couple days ago. I don't remember her exact words, but she pretty much said black people are making more money than ever and doesn't see why discrimination is being brought up. I wanted to jump through the tv and smack the *****. That is the mainstream media's favorite type of black person - totally out of touch and pandering.
As usual a collective effort would be best to force their hand but we are depending on people who likely have a very minor political background or activism history whom have also grown very accustomed to being catered to.

We are asking a lot but looking big picture it is the right thing to do
How do we know which protest is genuinely causing the drop in ratings?
We don't. We just know the NFL has sided with the president, Jerry Jones, and that whole MURICA 'patriotic' movement. So just by association, I think we can assume, the other side (to them) has no merit, financially or constitutionally.
We don't even know if this "ratings drop" is real. I've read that people are still watching at basically the same number, the difference is people are watching for less time. It's been a lot of blowouts and bad games so that's probably why.

Just like I saw fox news put up some poll that showed the NBA is now more popular than the NFL. Lol

Know got damn well white folks don't love the NBA close to as much as the NFL. They just tryna make it seem like the black players that's kneeling are so bad that it's causing the ratings to drop and hurting the popularity but it ain't.
I ask because by saying that the other protesters are the ones who are having the major impact on the ratings can a create a "Why bother" attitude for those of us who are protesting with NFL players. It's like we aren't even giving ourselves enough credit and diminishing our accomplishments
Im curious to see what Lebron will do.... they aren't going to touch him.

LeBron might be the single most powerful athlete in the world, at the very least in American sports.

clear cut best player in a star driven league who is also a major financial vehicle for his team's city.

a legitimate transcendental superstar. Jordan in the social media age, basically.

I see it, he sees it.

let's see what happens.
LeBron might be the single most powerful athlete in the world, at the very least in American sports.

clear cut best player in a star driven league who is also a major financial vehicle for his team's city.

a legitimate transcendental superstar. Jordan in the social media age, basically.

I see it, he sees it.

let's see what happens.
U bout to piss off all dah Kobe stans w that statement lol.
agreed doe.
LeBron might be the single most powerful athlete in the world, at the very least in American sports.

clear cut best player in a star driven league who is also a major financial vehicle for his team's city.

a legitimate transcendental superstar. Jordan in the social media age, basically.

I see it, he sees it.

let's see what happens.
lord lebby?:emoji_hugging:
when this first started, I admit I wasn't the biggest fan of Kaep's protest. over time, and mostly because of the reaction to his protest, which has exposed for all to see why this is an issue, I became fully convinced.

now I see this and wonder how anyone who's not a blatant racist doesn't side with Kaep (this is a quote from Mike Ditka):

let me rephrase what I said: Kneeling for the anthem doesn't make you anti-American. But not supporting those who kneel does make you racist.
let AB and Bell kneel and get suspended and see who watches the next Steelers game... same goes for most teams. if even just the top 2 or 3 players kneel and get suspended, who the hell will watch?

not to mention hurting their bottom line, see what happens to their records when they lose games because they suspended their stars.

the NFL and trump just gave these athletes power. more power than they've ever had on these issues. i hope they use it.

**** trump

edit: if I'm a star on a good team, I'm waiting till the playoffs to kneel and then see what they do. let them **** themselves and their city and fan base over a protest for social justice. history will be kind to them, I'm sure.
edit: if I'm a star on a good team, I'm waiting till the playoffs to kneel and then see what they do. let them **** themselves and their city and fan base over a protest for social justice. history will be kind to them, I'm sure.

When you think about how dedicated these men are to the goal of at least one Super Bowl and if one or more of them can sacrifice that possibility for this cause it's amazing, or could be amazing.
let AB and Bell kneel and get suspended and see who watches the next Steelers game... same goes for most teams. if even just the top 2 or 3 players kneel and get suspended, who the hell will watch?

not to mention hurting their bottom line, see what happens to their records when they lose games because they suspended their stars.

the NFL and trump just gave these athletes power. more power than they've ever had on these issues. i hope they use it.

**** trump

edit: if I'm a star on a good team, I'm waiting till the playoffs to kneel and then see what they do. let them **** themselves and their city and fan base over a protest for social justice. history will be kind to them, I'm sure.

All of this. The time is now!
**** Goddell.

You don’t please both sides when we’re talking about freedom of speech and police brutality. Goddell could eat a bag of ***** right along with the NFL.

freedom of speech ≠ work place rule..

no one is arresting these players..da government aint raiding lockerooms.

its literally da same blueprint from ol boy from google who emailed that manifesto around and got canned.

NFL saw their last week's Monday Night Football ratings.. they're were not thrilled :lol:
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