Colin Kaepernick Is Righter Than You Know

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I'm Interested to know you all's age range. I am actually pleasantly surprised that this is the state of education now. That's wassup!

Bruh I’m in here reading the replies like HUH? From this thread basically all the “cool kids” got good grades. Kids were in school smoking weed, playing multiple sports and making good grades? LOL the nerds into DBZ etc weren’t making good grades? wow I’m not saying that didn’t happen at all at our school but it for sure wasn’t a majority. If you were doing that well, chances are you were getting recognition for doing that well playing multiple sports etc.

Man I went to school in Houston Texas...lamar high school and then Dobie on the southeast. That certainly wasn’t my experience. I didn’t even smoke or drink because the people known for doing that were so ******ed and wreckless. It wasn’t until college that I saw people were handling business and indulging in stuff like that.

The talk white act white thing WAS definitely a thing in middle school but once I got to high school it wasn’t heard as much. The thing is though to me if you’re black you’ve been made fun of on SOMETHING on some levels by your peers and done it to others. Not in a nasty way but that’s just the culture or was. “Choppin” “Cappin” “getting fired up” etc. you could get made fun of for anything. If you “talk white” if you wear your pants w/ your shirt tucked in could be anything. Thing is you get thick skin and shrug it’s just a joke...nobody Is really bullying over that kinda of stuff.

Also someone said “it’s not if you’re talking white but if you’re a cornball” who determines that though? There’s no book of what makes someone corny. Someone could think the way someone dresses with their shirt tucked in is corny, or how they talk...or their voice etc. corny is subjective.

Let’s not even get into what the females are feeling at that age :lol:

That being said, charles barkley is a clown. And what he said is a whole separate issue from police brutality and white supremacy. He’s just deflecting
Nah. What about it?

FBI warns of new threat of 'black identity extremism'

"The FBI has declared that “black identity extremism” is a violent threat in the US according to a leaked report.

The document obtained by Foreign Policy is dated August 2017 and written by the Domestic Terrorism Analysis Unit within the bureau.

It read: “The FBI assesses it is very likely Black Identity Extremist (BIE) perceptions of police brutality against African Americans spurred an increase in premeditated, retaliatory lethal violence against law enforcement and will very likely serve as justification for such violence.”

continued here..
It is. This is what they want it seems. It's what everyone gets whether they like it or not.

It's sad we're going down this road again as a country. But don't think that the second time around people wont be prepared.
oh yeah
i think us black folks been waiting for another chance to get it on
FBI warns of new threat of 'black identity extremism'

"The FBI has declared that “black identity extremism” is a violent threat in the US according to a leaked report.

The document obtained by Foreign Policy is dated August 2017 and written by the Domestic Terrorism Analysis Unit within the bureau.

It read: “The FBI assesses it is very likely Black Identity Extremist (BIE) perceptions of police brutality against African Americans spurred an increase in premeditated, retaliatory lethal violence against law enforcement and will very likely serve as justification for such violence.”

continued here..

I heard about this. So if a cop murders a black man they can just say "He's BIE" to justify it. I'm not surprised. It's a war on black people, mainly black men. it's always been a one sided war.
I heard about this. So if a cop murders a black man they can just say "He's BIE" to justify it. I'm not surprised. It's a war on black people, mainly black men. it's always been a one sided war.

BINGO. Coded language is everything, look at how they refuse to call dude who orchestrated the Vegas shooting a terrorist while trying to hide the fact that he wasn't alone. They want us exterminated

Malcolm's words always held true. **** wasn't even "militant" as they loved to characterize it even up until today. It was just cold, hard, truth. And they STILL denied racism was an issue and silenced people in the 60s during the height of Jim Crow. It's sick.

Idc how many times this has been posted...Ali's words ring truer every damn day. What these guys were preaching then is literally the same **** going on 50 years later.

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