Colin Kaepernick Is Righter Than You Know

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Yeah “not the race card”. You know what? Fine. Anyone with a ******* brain should be on Kaps side END of discussion. Nobody gives a **** about a 2min song just like they didn’t give a **** about saying the pledge in grade school. All of a sudden this man wants to do something and the racists come out. Like a child with their toy sitting in the corner untouched for hours suddenly really wanting it when someone gets near it.
I know the headlines are misleading and leave out certain information for shock value. I didn't read the entire story yet.
Basically, said it better about yourself than anyone else could. Don't fully comprehend what's happening, didn't research the details but nothing's gonna stop you from jumping out the window and commenting instead of just kicking back and taking it in first.
Didn't read the entire story yet sounds like when wypipo talk about "let's wait for all da facts (skewed BS that supports the racist motive)"


Idk why we show restraint we should be whooping their ***
How white lady gonna push up on them
THEN say
Don’t touch me
White folks so damn entitled
They do this cause they know we stay not doing **** back
I pray a white person try and run up on me today
I pray
These stand up and respect the flag clowns don't give a flying leap about the service men and women. They are using them as props for their white supremacy. Rewind to the Obama years and these fools couldn't stand the country but look at these idiots now.
I had something typed up so bad
bout white folks
But had to delete it :lol:
I’ll just say I agree
Went out my house last night, one of my (white) neighbors had a flag flying, in the rain, and un-lit. Both of which violate the flag code. They don't give a crap about the flag.
I would never join the military or fight for this racist country. If I ever have kids they wont be allowed to join the military.

this is why I never served despite the Marine Corp and the Army trying to recruit my *** heavy way back in HS
I would never join the military or fight for this racist country. If I ever have kids they wont be allowed to join the military.

There's two major things I have issues with regarding the military in this country.

1) Propaganda would have you believe that the military members in this country need to be worshipped because they're some honorable warriors or something. Meanwhile, the armed forces in the US are full of white supremacists who only join up to get arms training that they can implement in their militia groups after their 4 years are up. Either that, or they're out there fulfilling their fantasies of killing "hadjis" with the excuse that they're "protecting" us. You always hear about how black, Asian, and Latino members are treated by white superiors/fellow members. On top of that, you have widespread sexual abuse against female members. What type of honorable group of warriors would do this to their own?

There are good people in the military; I'm not denying that. Still, the realization of "What am I really fighting for?" is missing in a lot of these people.

If you go to Asia, there are some countries that have mandatory military service for adult males. You know why most people have no problem with it? Because those countries aren't out invading other people in the name of "freedom". They are actually there to protect their people against countries like North Korea or preventing China from just claiming them as territory. I would have no problem with the US military if that's what they were doing as well.

2) Like other people have mentioned in this thread, minority military members are treated like @#$@. It's funny when people refer to WWII people as the "golden generation", when those same people were the ones who discriminated against, spat on, murdered, etc. the minorities that laid their lives on the line for them.

-Navajo code breakers/talkers that literally won the war for the US in the Pacific? "@#$@ off back to your reservations"
-Black infantry that were used as cannon fodder or were given the most dangerous tasks like clearing mines and tunnels? "Don't you dare use the same entrances, restrooms, and fountains as me"
-Japanese service members that went against the Empire of Japan? "Your families belong in internment camps"

I could keep going on and on. I know that these minorities that signed up for military positions tried to show that "Look, we're all Americans", which on paper is admirable, but no matter what you do to prove your worth, you will never be considered one of "them".
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There's two major things I have issues with regarding the military in this country.

1) Propaganda would have you believe that the military members in this country need to be worshipped because they're some honorable warriors or something. Meanwhile, the armed forces in the US are full of white supremacists who only join up to get arms training that they can implement in their militia groups after their 4 years are up. Either that, or they're out there fulfilling their fantasies of killing "hadjis" with the excuse that they're "protecting" us. You always hear about how black, Asian, and Latino members are treated by white superiors/fellow members. On top of that, you have widespread sexual abuse against female members. What type of honorable group of warriors would do this to their own?

There are good people in the military; I'm not denying that. Still, the realization of "What am I really fighting for?" is missing in a lot of these people.

If you go to Asia, there are some countries that have mandatory military service for adult males. You know why most people have no problem with it? Because those countries aren't out invading other people in the name of "freedom". They are actually there to protect their people against countries like North Korea or preventing China from just claiming them as territory. I would have no problem with the US military if that's what they were doing as well.

2) Like other people have mentioned in this thread, minority military members are treated like @#$@. It's funny when people refer to WWII people as the "golden generation", when those same people were the ones who discriminated against, spat on, murdered, etc. the minorities that laid their lives on the line for them.

-Navajo code breakers/talkers that literally won the war for the US in the Pacific? "@#$@ off back to your reservations"
-Black infantry that were used as cannon fodder or were given the most dangerous tasks like clearing mines and tunnels? "Don't you dare use the same entrances, restrooms, and fountains as me"
-Japanese service members that went against the Empire of Japan? "Your families belong in internment camps"

I could keep going on and on. I know that these minorities that signed up for military positions tried to show that "Look, we're all Americans", which on paper is admirable, but no matter what you do to prove your worth, you will never be considered one of "them".
talk that ****
What's next? Positives of the holocaust?
Texas 8th-graders asked to list positives of slavery
A San Antonio charter school has apologized after a teacher asked students in an eighth grade American history class to list the positive and negative aspects of slavery.
The Great Hearts Monte Vista teacher who distributed the worksheet titled “The Life of Slaves: A Balanced View” was placed on leave and the school said it would audit the textbook associated with the lesson, said Aaron Kindel, the superintendent of Great Hearts Texas, which operates 28 public charter schools in Texas and Arizona.
“To be clear, there is no debate about slavery. It is immoral and a crime against humanity,” Kindel said in a statement posted Thursday on the Great Hearts Facebook page. He said the school’s headmaster plans to explain the mistake to the history class.

Scott Overland, a spokesman for Pearson, which published the textbook, said the company didn’t create and doesn’t endorse the worksheet assigned to the students, KENS-TV reported .

“We do not support the point of view represented in the worksheet and strongly condemn the implication that there was any positive aspect to slavery,” Overland said.

A parent of one of the students in the class posted the worksheet Wednesday on Facebook. U.S. Rep. Joaquin Castro drew attention to the issue on Thursday when the Democrat tweeted that the worksheet was “absolutely unacceptable.”

“Asking students to complete such an assignment challenges the reality that slavery was utterly dehumanizing,” Castro said in a statement. He also called on the charter school network to review its history curriculum.
I wonder how his parents feel????
Have they ever spoke about the situation
Bring his adoptive parents are white
And I’m sure was wild stuff happening to him growing up
I wonder how his parents feel
Have they been supportive
Haven’t seen them lately
Though I used to always see them
When he was starting games
I wonder how his parents feel????
Have they ever spoke about the situation
Bring his adoptive parents are white
And I’m sure was wild stuff happening to him growing up
I wonder how his parents feel
Have they been supportive
Haven’t seen them lately
Though I used to always see them
When he was starting games

His mom and sister have twitter pages and are behind him 100% from what I can tell.
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