Colin Kaepernick Is Righter Than You Know

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I wonder how many police departments would be open to the DOJ doing what they did in the Ferguson, picking through all their records to prove or disprove that they are discriminating against minorities.

If Kaep is sooooooooo out of line. Let the DOJ prove him wrong, simple

Multiple SFPD officers have already been caught spreading racist and homophobic texts, talking about the people they enjoy victimizing in the streets. Multiple unarmed minorities have been gunned down by SFPD just recently. For that SAME department to come out and say Kaepernick's comments are inaccurate is HILARIOUS to me
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What I miss? SC fill me in bruh

Steezy I'm disappointed in you, i haven't shaded you in a minute, I been civil to you, yet when Ninja outchea trying tell me to leave America, bringing up my childhood, and saying I hate America, you say nothing

But if I say anything to Ninja bout the DR you would be all over me.

I thought we turned a corner :smh: :lol:
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-kapernick refuses to stand during national anthem

- many nters say good for him

- rico and ninja hood acuse nters of not loving america

- rusty and rico spar.

- the "leave america if you dont like it " argument is made

- jimmies are rustled
Privatized prisons and the corporations (like the CCA and the GEO group) that thrive on keeping minorities institutionalized don't care about rehabilitating and educating convicts, no they rather feed the pattern of recidivism.
This isn't true across the board though. I've worked in prisons so I've seen firsthand (in Massachusetts) the efforts taken to rehabilitate and reintegrate inmates, although Massachusetts in general is super liberal

Inmates get drug treatment, mental health counseling, job training in various fields, GED, college degrees, train NEADS dogs for the disabled, volunteer with youth, are given transitional jobs in the community for work release and so on.

Can't really see how that's feeding into recidivism.

It's what happens before prison that needs to be addressed.
This isn't true across the board though. I've worked in prisons so I've seen firsthand (in Massachusetts) the efforts taken to rehabilitate and reintegrate inmates, although Massachusetts in general is super liberal

Inmates get drug treatment, mental health counseling, job training in various fields, GED, college degrees, train NEADS dogs for the disabled, volunteer with youth, are given transitional jobs in the community for work release and so on.

Can't really see how that's feeding into recidivism.

It's what happens before prison that needs to be addressed.

It's all connected fam. Thankfully the for profit ones are being phased out so there hopefully won't be as much of an inventive to rig the system and just get bodies in there for minor crimes.
-kapernick refuses to stand during national anthem

- many nters say good for him

- rico and ninja hood acuse nters of not loving america

- rusty and rico spar.

- the "leave america if you dont like it " argument is made

- jimmies are rustled

-jewels are dropped and glossed over as usual
This isn't true across the board though. I've worked in prisons so I've seen firsthand (in Massachusetts) the efforts taken to rehabilitate and reintegrate inmates, although Massachusetts in general is super liberal

Inmates get drug treatment, mental health counseling, job training in various fields, GED, college degrees, train NEADS dogs for the disabled, volunteer with youth, are given transitional jobs in the community for work release and so on.

Can't really see how that's feeding into recidivism.

It's what happens before prison that needs to be addressed.

IDK how things work in Massachusetts but in many states folks get billed for any and all services they receive including their incarceration.

A surefire way to keep people institutionalized.

I'm not denying that there are services available to help people reintegrate convicts into society, I'm saying that they're financially incentivized.

The fact that many of these corporations and unions that offer these services actively lobby to keep unjust laws and policies in place doesn't really reflect well on the industry.

Listen, I'm not suggesting convicts get a free ride, I'm saying that many people are currently incarcerated for absolutely absurd offenses. Do away with unpractical laws we do away with a lot of the costs (and haha, a lot of profits for the industry) associated with incarceration and "rehabilitation".
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So not standing up for the national anthem has people calling him "not black"? Hey, if that's the case then maybe certain self-hating black posters on this forum should do the same thing instead of whining about Kaepernick. They would give anything to be called "not black". It would be a dream come true for them.
Did we not make a deal that you were suppose to come and Ninja with blatant disrespect the next time he talk grizzy bout our people
I know you said this jokingly, and this is somewhat unrelated, but this is something I never understood.

You scold Donald Trump for speaking about minorities as though they are monolithic entities (of course they're not, groups are comprised of individuals who do not all necessarily think / look / act alike -- to think otherwise would be generalizing), yet you're over here with Mr. obsessive racial inferiority complex talking about defending "[y]our people" as though you are one homogenized entity -- just a big group of people who all think and act alike, and who should always rush to the defense of the entire group or any individual when coming under any criticism / scrutiny, without exception.
For example:

I've seen many black people refer to this man as an "Uncle Tom" and "not a real  black person." (No true Scotsman fallacy)

So if you're black and you disagree with / speak out against the actions of other black people, you're just trying to please white people and / or you're not "truly" black (whatever that means)?

It can't be because you look at situations objectively rather than making judgments based on your skin color?

...Doesn't that kinda contradict the whole "don't generalize us" thing? [emoji]129300[/emoji]
Did we not make a deal that you were suppose to come and Ninja with blatant disrespect the next time he talk grizzy bout our people

I know you said this jokingly, and this is somewhat unrelated, but this is something I never understood.

You scold Donald Trump for speaking about minorities as though they are monolithic entities (of course they're not, groups are comprised of individuals who do not all necessarily think / look / act alike -- to think otherwise would be generalizing), yet you're over here with Mr. obsessive racial inferiority complex talking about defending "[y]our people" as though you are one homogenized entity -- just a big group of people who all think and act alike, and who should always rush to the defense of the entire group or any individual when coming under any criticism / scrutiny, without exception.

For example:

View media item 2149684

I've seen many black people refer to this man as an "Uncle Tom" and "not a real black person." (No true Scotsman fallacy)

So if you're black and you disagree with / speak out against the actions of other black people, you're just trying to please white people and / or you're not "truly" black (whatever that means)?

It can't be because you look at situations objectively rather than making judgments based on your skin color?

...Doesn't that kinda contradict the whole "don't generalize us" thing? [emoji]129300[/emoji]

If you actually read my post in here there is one where I specifically say I love the diversity among black people. I call all "black" people my people btw.

It has nothing to do with group think. I have no idea what the spoiler is suppuse to be, one of your old post? Ole boy is one of my people he might be a lost one, but he still my brother.

And that dude has been discredit with facts, there is even video proof of it happening.

So miss me wit your bs lecture, you probably still feeling a kinda way from the Politcal Thread. When i called out your i have black friends" shtick
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Steezy I'm disappointed in you, i haven't shaded you in a minute, I been civil to you, yet when Ninja outchea trying tell me to leave America, bringing up my childhood, and saying I hate America, you say nothing

But if I say anything to Ninja bout the DR you would be all over me.

I thought we turned a corner :smh: :lol:

nT has its mind made up about me, I'm purposely staying away from this one, I can say hey look at this ice cream cone, "go away racist!" Would be the reply automatically :lol:

I feel me and ninja had very similar upbringings, single moms, hustling in the land of opportunity, made a life for ourselves people back home can only dream of to be honest, so I feel in a way I would always see the points he tries to make better than most....I don't stand behind him in everything tho....there is plenty to complaint about when it comes to America, yes I would be slanging come back in Colombia or probably dead, but that doesn't mean I live in a Utopia, this country is ****, the racial injustices are clear as day....the protection from justice that the shield carries is I respect Kaep for what he's doing and this action is legit exposing ALOT OF have the right as American to **** as much as you want about what goes on in this country, that doesn't make you un-American, no nation is perfect, if I go to DR there will be a lot of Domonicans unhappy with their situation, but they still love their land, same with Colombia....I really do think of you dudes were to sit accross from each other it would be all catches a lot of heat on here and eventhough I've never met him personally, I know a ton of uptown cats like him and they are all cool as ****
-kapernick refuses to stand during national anthem

- many nters say good for him

- rico and ninja hood acuse nters of not loving america

- rusty and rico spar.

- the "leave america if you dont like it " argument is made

- jimmies are rustled


Never disappoints.
So miss me wit your bs lecture, you probably still feeling a kinda way from the Politcal Thread. When i called out your i have black friends" shtick
I actually haven't thought about that thread since I clicked "submit." 

If you were intent on being intellectually honest, you'd acknowledge that I wasn't simply mentioning the mere fact that "Hey, I have black friends" -- obviously, that's not  the important part.

The important part is that I provided personal anecdotes explaining how I came to loathe racism towards black people all by myself at a young age, how I feel about my black friends (love), how my black friends feel about me (love), and how I make an effort to be especially  nice to random black people I encounter to hopefully mitigate some of the racial discrimination they have faced / continue to face.

I'm not looking for a trophy, a pat on the back, or a cookie; but it would be nice if people could understand my experience and at least give me the benefit of the doubt before immediately calling me a hateful racist bigot. Just a thought.
Originally Posted by SneakerHeathen

Privatized prisons and the corporations (like the CCA and the GEO group) that thrive on keeping minorities institutionalized don't care about rehabilitating and educating convicts, no they rather feed the pattern of recidivism.

This isn't true across the board though. I've worked in prisons so I've seen firsthand (in Massachusetts) the efforts taken to rehabilitate and reintegrate inmates, although Massachusetts in general is super liberal

Inmates get drug treatment, mental health counseling, job training in various fields, GED, college degrees, train NEADS dogs for the disabled, volunteer with youth, are given transitional jobs in the community for work release and so on.

Can't really see how that's feeding into recidivism.

It's what happens before prison that needs to be addressed.

IDK how things work in Massachusetts but in many states folks get billed for any and all services they receive including their incarceration.

A surefire way to keep people institutionalized.

I'm not denying that there are services available to help people reintegrate convicts into society, I'm saying that they're financially incentivized.

The fact that many of these corporations and unions that offer these services actively lobby to keep unjust laws and policies in place doesn't really reflect well on the industry.

Listen, I'm not suggesting convicts get a free ride, I'm saying that many people are currently incarcerated for absolutely absurd offenses. Do away with unpractical laws we do away with a lot of the costs (and haha, a lot of profits for the industry) associated with incarceration and "rehabilitation".

Some sources to corroborate with my claims.

The last link I'll quote a snippet of....

GEO Group (GEO) and Corrections Corporation of America (CCA) are driving the mass incarceration of people of color in America. These two for-profit prison companies have successfully lobbied for policies that lock black and brown bodies behind bars, with our tax dollars paying private companies to keep them there. With the financial assistance of their major investors, CCA and GEO will continue to lobby for policies that fuel mass incarceration and the mass detention of immigrants.

I don't make unsubstantiated, uninformed claims. All of this is happening before our very eyes. There are countless articles highlighting the practices of private prison corporations.

I don't mean to be edgy but this is precisely why I do not really want to engage in debates on these subjects. I provided the names of the corporations in my original post and instead of researching the companies you claim it isn't true "across the board".

Now I don't know who you worked for, but I can assure you, if you scrutinize most of these private companies you will find some unsavory devils in the detail.
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I don't think THAT'S why anyone calls you a racist or bigot. Post history didn't lie. As a matter of fact this is the exact same stichk that blco used, he even threw in that he employed black people as if that absolves him from the ridiculous things he said before.
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I don't think THAT'S why anyone calls you a racist or bigot. Post history didn't lie.
Ah, so you're alluding to my post in the Trayvon Martin thread from 2012. Let's take a look:
Please, PLEASE show me where I was being racist.

I EXPLICITLY  stated that George Zimmerman was wrong for following / harassing Trayvon.

(This is where it gets all confusing, so pay close attention.)

...But then I made an educated guess that Trayvon would probably still be alive had he avoided the confrontation with the armed man rather than engaging in the confrontation with the armed man, and simply continued walking to the safety of his home. That's not racism, that's just common sense.

if this was a shot at me then @ me

i dont know where or how you find the nerve to talk out your neck but i truly dont know who you are to even have a "mr insertcornyjokehere" retort

mr. takingshotsforrelevance?

anyway all ill say is find your "insult" offensive and there are racial undertones to your disrespect so ill leave it at that
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