Colin Kaepernick Is Righter Than You Know

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#VeteransForKaepernick is trending worldwide...

Those criticizing Kap, really don't understand the tenants in which this country is built on & why he feels the way he does.

My sympathy goes out to the gold star families that are angered or hurt by Kap's actions, but I'm glad to see the people offended by this because it makes it clearer those are the people I don't want to associate with.

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Most military personnel are brave fools. The rest are just violent thugs.

Y'all gotta chill with this rhetoric. It took me a minute to understand it, but never let a fellow slave make fun of you for your chains.

The military affords people of color to be honored as men in their community. I'm aware of all the hoopla that goes along with serving the white mans militia and unjust wars etc. but... people are going to die on this planet regardless. When young black men enter the military they're able to come home and be looked at as a men in a society that's designed to dehumanize and emasculate them.

It's easy to point at them and say they were dumb, followers etc, but for every service member I'll show you a person whose in debt to college loans, a mortgage etc.

My point is we're all in some form of mental slavery. I'm no longer mocking my people who are making the best out of an undiagnosed post traumatic slavery disorder.
Y'all gotta chill with this rhetoric. It took me a minute to understand it, but never let a fellow slave make fun of you for your chains.

The military affords people of color to be honored as men in their community. I'm aware of all the hoopla that goes along with serving the white mans militia and unjust wars etc. but... people are going to die on this planet regardless. When young black men enter the military they're able to come home and be looked at as a men in a society that's designed to dehumanize and emasculate them.

It's easy to point at them and say they were dumb, followers etc, but for every service member I'll show you a person whose in debt to college loans, a mortgage etc.

My point is we're all in some form of mental slavery. I'm no longer mocking my people who are making the best out of an undiagnosed post traumatic slavery disorder.
Shut up
Y'all gotta chill with this rhetoric. It took me a minute to understand it, but never let a fellow slave make fun of you for your chains.

The military affords people of color to be honored as men in their community. I'm aware of all the hoopla that goes along with serving the white mans militia and unjust wars etc. but... people are going to die on this planet regardless. When young black men enter the military they're able to come home and be looked at as a men in a society that's designed to dehumanize and emasculate them.

It's easy to point at them and say they were dumb, followers etc, but for every service member I'll show you a person whose in debt to college loans, a mortgage etc.

My point is we're all in some form of mental slavery. I'm no longer mocking my people who are making the best out of an undiagnosed post traumatic slavery disorder.
Shut up
Explain why you disagree if you disagree.

I don't think he said anything offensive here, so your reply isn't helping discourse.
That whole "speech" was ******** treatment of a black man doesn't change in this country because he served in the military.

Not to mention his garbage about people are going to die regardless.

Boy was just typing to type.

Get a blog with that ol ********.
You sound stupid... Preaching to have young black men used as pawns ... And vets get treated like crap once they come home

That's not what I said at all. I understand that the psychology of the black male has been emasculated on levels that most people aren't willing to deal with.

Life is a chess game. You have to make moves 6 steps ahead some times. If we're being upfront about it, the only way most black males get honored in the neighborhood is by becoming an entertainer, athlete or drug dealer. For the majority of us that's not realistic.

I'm not advocating for black males to join the military, but if they feel that's a viable option to support their family and themselves then I understand it. Just like I understand a person taking out a student loan who is striving for an education in hopes to support themselves as well.

Our psychology is a product of willie Lynch syndrome. I'm in a point my maturity where I understand that we're all making the best out of it until we get out of it.

Cause peep game my dude, I am a veteran, I went to a service academy, I served both sides enlisted and commissioned, and was in special ops. I spent 4 years of my life being embarrassed about my decision because I didn't have the right template to evaluate myself nor my Psychology.

Going back to life being a chess game, I am able to do things for my community and family that I wouldn't have been able to do with out my military service. I'm well aware I could have done that as a civilian but guess what.... as a vet I'm getting the preference where ever I go over the civilian.

So yea if a black man wants to use that avenue to free him and his family from impoverished conditions in gonna show him the way so he can do so with maintaining his dignity.
That whole "speech" was ******** treatment of a black man doesn't change in this country because he served in the military.

As a black man whose served in the military this is incorrect. And I could care less about how whites perceived me. It was how I was perceived by my people. Despite how y'all feel about the military it opens doors. Until we have a better option, why not infiltrate the system from within.
Y'all gotta chill with this rhetoric. It took me a minute to understand it, but never let a fellow slave make fun of you for your chains.

The military affords people of color to be honored as men in their community. I'm aware of all the hoopla that goes along with serving the white mans militia and unjust wars etc. but... people are going to die on this planet regardless. When young black men enter the military they're able to come home and be looked at as a men in a society that's designed to dehumanize and emasculate them.

It's easy to point at them and say they were dumb, followers etc, but for every service member I'll show you a person whose in debt to college loans, a mortgage etc.

My point is we're all in some form of mental slavery. I'm no longer mocking my people who are making the best out of an undiagnosed post traumatic slavery disorder.

Why are 50% of homeless veterans black?
As a black man whose served in the military this is incorrect. And I could care less about how whites perceived me. It was how I was perceived by my people. Despite how y'all feel about the military it opens doors. Until we have a better option, why not infiltrate the system from within.

Bruh miss me with all your ******** you lost me at people are going to die regardless, I'm not looking for any back and forth with someone with such a ****** up mindset.
what you said at first could be interpreted as "black men knowingly risking their lives for a system that deems them expendable either way is a viable avenue to respectability in the general American community," which, even if universally true, would be an entirely ****** up concept.

I really don't think that's your sentiment, but your original post could be read that way and I think that's why people are upset.
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Bruh miss me with all your ******** you lost me at people are going to die regardless, I'm not looking for any back and forth with someone with such a ****** up mindset.

It's a fact my dude. Y'all gotta get passed the morality aspect it if y'all really wanna see change. There's been no revolution on this planet with out blood spilled. When stuff hits the fan who do you think people in our community would follow?

In no way am I advocating that we sign up with the ambitions of getting killed on foreign soil. Get what you need and get out. All of the military science is ours anyways. The pilgrims haven't invented anything. This whole planet is ours to inherit but y'all aren't ready because y'all wanna stand behind morality and idealistic conjecture.
What? Lmao you can't be serious
My point is it's a system designed for us to fail from top to bottom. I'm not going to make fun of someone else for trying to make the best of their situation. Whether it be the welfare system, or the military we're all coping in the best way we know how.

If the military can afford me opportunities where I can make myself and the person of welfare independent of the system why not?
You couldn't have a conversation above my head on top of the empire state building.

You're in here manufacturing statistics, and babbling about nothing.

Dudes have the same ******** retorts time and again like you pretending to be the smartest guy in the room means anything after you've made a damn fool of yourself.

Give it a rest doggie.
You couldn't have a conversation above my head on top of the empire state building.

You're in here manufacturing statistics, and babbling about nothing.

Dudes have the same ******** retorts time and again like you pretending to be the smartest guy in the room means anything after you've made a damn fool of yourself.

Give it a rest doggie.

Enlighten me young man. How should we go about rectifying the black man's plight in America ?
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