Colin Kaepernick Is Righter Than You Know

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I support his stance. But would he be doing this if he was still relevant in the league? or If he was playing for another contract? Or if he still had the big sponsors he had before? I think hes doing this because he has nothing to lose now . Somebody probably already brought this point up but i just skimmed through the whole thread.
I hate those type of bait and petty fog type questions. :smh:

ask a question who's answer doesn't really mean anything but just gets people debating arguing over the answer. :rolleyes

Kaep said some real ****. Funny how when real people say real ****, fakes tend to get upset about it
Shaq went on Fox News, the official network of white supremacy, to pedal those deflections and nonsense talking points :x :smh:
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Shaq just mumbled thru the question. He didn't say anything at all.

What irked me was him talking about "why didn't Kaep didn't come with this from day one as a rookie." Like people are not capable of growing and learning. Smh

Look at how Steph Curry handled this same question:

Steph is a dude that "GETS IT".
Shaq just mumbled thru the question. He didn't say anything at all.

What irked me was him talking about "why didn't Kaep didn't come with this from day one as a rookie." Like people are not capable of growing and learning. Smh

Look at how Steph Curry handled this same question:

Steph is a dude that "GETS IT".

The I could have let the "to each's his own" thing slide.

But the thing about what why didn't Colin do it earlier or as a rookie, look at Ali and Bill Russel, is BS.
I support his stance. But would he be doing this if he was still relevant in the league? or If he was playing for another contract? Or if he still had the big sponsors he had before? I think hes doing this because he has nothing to lose now . Somebody probably already brought this point up but i just skimmed through the whole thread.

I usually wouldn't even respond to something like this because I don't like to be negative but let me answer with this question.

What does him being "relevant" in the league or his sponsorships have to do with the issues that he is speaking against?

Like what at all?

The I could have let the "to each's his own" thing slide.

But the thing about what why didn't Colin do it earlier or as a rookie, look at Ali and Bill Russel, is BS.

Exactly, just stupid af. Imagine someone saying the same about Malcolm x. It's almost implying you want people to just keep doing bad and never change for the better.
I support his stance. But would he be doing this if he was still relevant in the league? or If he was playing for another contract? Or if he still had the big sponsors he had before? I think hes doing this because he has nothing to lose now . Somebody probably already brought this point up but i just skimmed through the whole thread.

I usually wouldn't even respond to something like this because I don't like to be negative but let me answer with this question.

What does him being "relevant" in the league or his sponsorships have to do with the issues that he is speaking against?

Like what at all?


Was thinking the same thing when I skimmed over the post. **** has absolutely nothing to do with anything and anyone with a lick of debating skills would see it for the deflection it is.

And now I have to add Shaq to my list of cornballs. 2016 has caught all kinds of bodies.
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Shaw never struck me as smart enough or aware enough to have an opinion of value on a topic like this.

It would completely shock me of he did have an enlightened view. This is par for the course.

Dude is good for jokes and pranks. He's not who you think of when it comes to issues like this.

Dude is trying to protect his image and not **** his money up. Ain't no way he's THAT out of touch. He should've stayed off of this topic and declined to be interviewed. :smh:

I've BEEN a Shaq fan ever since his LSU days and even went to his first game against Kobe when he went to the Heat, rooting for him in Staple's Center... in Red... in downtown LA. :smh:

Damn. Heroes often disappoint.
Gotta keep track of all these people trying to play both sides, too worried to upset white people in his country. Shameful. A lot of these people have no backbone.
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