Colin Kaepernick Is Righter Than You Know

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what u mean b? da NFL had Falcons stadium & 22 teams ready to see this dude up up or shut up....

there's no excuse on his *** not going....

On a Saturday? That’s not standard protocol. This is a man who’s played in the NFL on its biggest stage. He knows better than anyone how they work.
From a business standpoint, outside of a few teams, the drama that comes with him still isn’t worth it.

People still mad and fuming about Eric Reid or Michael Bennett kneeling?

People still making big deal about Joe Mixon or Tyreek Hill and their accusations or charges?

People will be over the Myles Garrett and Mason Rudolph fight next week.

Kaep gets signed, people will move on after a week. There will be a few rednecks still mad but not enough to impact the teams revenue or viewership.
this is like getting a pair of nike yeezys back doored from Oregon and complaining your box came broken.

da NFL provided a private workout for him...they rolled out da red carpet.

you don't look a gifted horse in da mouth.

He’s been out the league for 3 years. Why would he or anyone think the NFL has good intentions after he exposed them for collusion, dragged them to court and then won?
He’s been out the league for 3 years. Why would he or anyone think the NFL has good intentions after he exposed them for collusion, dragged them to court and then won?

once again, they didn't have to do this... they told him "ite b you want another shot? here it is."

eff all da speculation, da politics, etc. it was put up or shut up time.
Kap had everything set up for him and ended up running away from the challenge of working out when and where it matters most. Seems like he’s more content with COMPLAINING than actually playing football. At the end of the day Kap is just another employee...or rather potential employee for an employer. He needs the NFL, the NFL doesn’t need him. He should have played his cards better on this one.

There’s no reality where you sue your former employer and get hired by them again. Kap knew what was up. Can’t be mad at him in all honesty for seeing the finesse before it happened.

Then why continue to BEG to be hired back by that same employer then? It’s almost like getting dropped by a chick only to ask her to take you back but keep talking bad about her to all your boys. Just be over and done with her. At the end of the day Kap dropped the ball yet again.




once again, they didn't have to do this... they told him "ite b you want another shot? here it is."

eff all da speculation, da politics, etc. it was put up or shut up time.
Kap had everything set up for him and ended up running away from the challenge of working out when and where it matters most. Seems like he’s more content with COMPLAINING than actually playing football. At the end of the day Kap is just another employee...or rather potential employee for an employer. He needs the NFL, the NFL doesn’t need him. He should have played his cards better on this one.

Then why continue to BEG to be hired back by that same employer then? It’s almost like getting dropped by a chick only to ask her to take you back but keep talking bad about her to all your boys. Just be over and done with her. At the end of the day Kap dropped the ball yet again.

I’m all for a black man getting his money, and yet I feel like he’s fighting a battle and an entity that’s much bigger than him. However, their are principles with everything in life. I’m of the mindset that he had all intentions to go out and practice within the terms the NFL requested but as more stipulations came in, his gut told him what the reality was. Let’s say in a perfect world, Kap went out performed and got picked up by an NFL team. Do you guys think that the NFL would allow him to kneel during the pledge? Of course not. There would easily have been a clause in his contract to stand for the pledge. And the minute he did that...on camera....after all of this?? He would’ve been buried alive.
once again, they didn't have to do this... they told him "ite b you want another shot? here it is."

eff all da speculation, da politics, etc. it was put up or shut up time.
You break someones arm and want a thank you when you pay their bills?Why a private workout? What's the standard for scouting? I don't want to say I know the process completely. But teams look for talent all the time and set up their own stuff. So why was this a stunt and horse and pony show.

Standard to me is the buffalo bills are looking for a backup.and get in contact with agents. They call guys in to practice and throw around. You're telling me not one team called for a random throw around after all this time? That they needed private workout to make their evaluations?

The perception is the NFL threw him a bone. I just don't see it as such.
ninja we all know why you are taking this stance

which is what?

Kap had everything set up for him and ended up running away from the challenge of working out when and where it matters most. Seems like he’s more content with COMPLAINING than actually playing football. At the end of the day Kap is just another employee...or rather potential employee for an employer. He needs the NFL, the NFL doesn’t need him. He should have played his cards better on this one.


this is like if you're homeboy hooks up with a cushy high paying union job and instead of going you get hammered da night before and blow off da interview :smh:
Why you adding all this context man?

We all know he’d much rather complain than participate in a closed workout with receivers he doesn’t know, on a travel day for high level front office personnel at a site that’s an hour away from the airport, after signing a waiver with irregular language that would kill any collision claims.

All of that stuff is irrelevant man.
In 2019, it’s almost as if people already have their opinions before events play out.

Like I said before, I’m not sure why he’d even want to go back, but I respect him putting the onus and pressure on the NFL by staying in shape and saying he’s open to any interviews.

To each his own. I’m still not watching that ****. I can’t support a league that treats players like property. A league that has tried to sweep serious medical issues of its players under the rug. The Kaepernick thing was just par for the course for the NFL and the straw that broke the camel’s back for me. The NFL is trash.
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I’m all for a black man getting his money, and yet I feel like he’s fighting a battle and an entity that’s much bigger than him. However, their are principles with everything in life. I’m of the mindset that he had all intentions to go out and practice within the terms the NFL requested but as more stipulations came in, his gut told him what the reality was. Let’s say in a perfect world, Kap went out performed and got picked up by an NFL team. Do you guys think that the NFL would allow him to kneel during the pledge? Of course not. There would easily have been a clause in his contract to stand for the pledge. And the minute he did that...on camera....after all of this?? He would’ve been buried alive.

He should have thought about ALL of that before hand. Instead of first accepting the workout and then literally changing it at the last minute. Going from 25 NFL scouts to just 7. Kap dropped the ball on this one and quite possibly blew his chance to get back in the NFL. From one black man to another black man.....he let US down as a whole yesterday for those of US that see the bigger picture as Kap wants to present it.
And again here we are ****ting on our own and giving the NFL a pass as usual. :lol::smh:

Y’all make it do easy for them to continuously divide.

Who’s giving the NFL a pass?? I think you forget that Kap won a settlement deal against the NFL for an undisclosed amount. In the legal world I haven’t heard of a situation where an employee wins a lawsuit AGAINST an employer and that same employer is willing or presents an opportunity to hire back that same employee that sued them and won. If you have please let me know.

I’m not for calling out one of our own publicly but dammit if we do something so egregious and mess up an opportunity for ourselves or potentially others in the future it needs to be talked about and addressed. Kap dropped the ball on this one.
I love how we run with a narrative from one side. We don’t know if Kap had a valid reason to be uncertain. He wanted to make sure to cover his own self in the day in age where if you don’t, you’re food.

maybe he follows protocol, let’s NFL have there way and balls out and gets a job.

maybe he lets them have their way and they play him. It’s not farfetched.
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