College Group Projects FTL....

I dont even do them things unless the entire groups grade depended on it. If we're each graded individually, i fall back and let other things make up mygrade. Group projects should be abolished in college.
Don't get me started on this !#$!.
I was working on one last night BY MYSELF for 2+ hours.
I can't stand doing group projects.
I hate professors who give you that BS about, "This is reality, figure it out amongst yourselves. I know your schedules clash and it may be hard toschedule time, but that's a part of life, deal with it."
throughout my whole college career, i had to pull so much dead weight. it got so bad one time that i kicked a guy off of the project and didnt tell him untilthe day it was due. all the hard work ended paying off tho.

for my graduate class and biggest project, i got a great group. they ended up doing so much of the work. it was the first time i didnt have to stress.
If you want to be successful, you'll have to get used to working in groups. I hated groups myself, but being on set, and trying to figure out the bestshots for scenes, and constant rewrites, your always in some sort of group activity. No one became successful solo, well except Warren Buffet, but thatsanother subject.
I had to do one for speech, it sucked cause no one knew what the topics was about in the first place

I don't know if its to late, but try to ask them for some type of way to communicate with each other, number email etc.. so that everyone is on point
This the reason I haven't gone to my Database and Research class in the last week, I hate being in groups, I work waaaaay
better when Im by myself.
i remember i had a group one time where we never even met to work on it. the first day we just broke up the project into parts and everyone did it themselves.we e mailed to some dude that put it all together. it was funny because he changed a lot of stuff in our papers, i didnt really care but that was kinda oc todo something like that.
btw im the guy that doesnt do any work and just basically sits there the whole time
Originally Posted by JoseBronx

I had to do one for speech, it sucked cause no one knew what the topics was about in the first place

I don't know if its to late, but try to ask them for some type of way to communicate with each other, number email etc.. so that everyone is on point
Were gonna get together tomorrow 30min before to put it together.

I just smell failure

And usually Im the guy that just sits there and does nothing. But the lack of communication is buggin me. Hopefully everyhting goes off smoothly.

i jus did a group project for my hiphop class where we had to rank our top 5 MCs of all time.

it sucked cause only 2 or 3 of us outta 5 ever showed up to our meetings...i swear ppl are so unreliable

but we managed to pull it off and did pretty well i think. (ps. I did my part on Jay-Z & he was #1 on our list)
I feel ya. I gotta do a group project for my marketing class and ain't no one responding to emails or nothing. Bad communication plus they tryna meet up onVETEREN'S DAY =\

I had a very similar project in the same class a few years ago.

Me and one other guy did the whole thing. The other 3 guys got beat down after the project lets just say that.

And we didn't include their names on it, so it was all good.
I remember 1 semester I had 4 classes, 4 different groups.

It was a nightmare to schedule meetings.

There is always drama.

I'm not sure how beneficial group work is to whatever you are studying. It teaches you how to work with others more than anything else.
Yo, the worst are those meetings in the school library at like 7pm at night on a Sunday. Everyone doesn't want to be there. Everyone shows up late and atdifferent times. Everyone BS's for like 20 minutes about the weekend and how they feel like crap. And when you leave, there is a sketchy outline of whereyou want to go with the project or paper, but realistically, nobody really cares because we all know we'll meet again a few nights before its due.

Total waste of time, but something I think every group does just so they feel like they've put in a little bit of effort.
I usually kickback and make minimal thoughtless contributions....and then put my name on the top.
Only lazy teachers assign group work. They do it because they don't want to assign, collect, read, comment, grade, and hand back 50 small projects. Theywould rather set up 10 groups of 5 people and than do one fifth of the work.
All the time ... matter fact I have one now .

Me &nd two other people were supposed to go to Chinatown together because we have to present about it Friday .

These _'s act like they don't want to go . How are you going to do a project on a place you never went to ?

I don't even care , I went , took pictures &nd imma get that young A+ Friday .

Them ... I don't even care .

%%%**+%* .
So I was put into a new group. My group is suppose to prepare a videoconference about something this evening I'm still not exactly sure what the whole assignment is about and my groups communication sucks and the teacheronly tells me to talk to my group. I'm all stressing about it I'm ready to just drop the class even though its too late I just don't wanna dealwith it anymore.

OP- How did it go?
just this morning i was suppose to meet my group for our management class and all of us but 1 girl showed up and when we texted her she was all like damn weredoing it today
. Its hard to really organize yourelf with a group in college as opposed to doing a group project in high school haha
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