College Group Projects FTL....

We had to program a robot and have it navigate a course and record it's displacement and orientation for a Digital Design Lab class my sophomore year.

One student ended up doing all the programming and everyone else (included myself watched)...lmaoooo.

I've been the student who had to do most of the work, or atleast the challenging/technical aspect of the project. It's no fun, but alot of times youcan't have too many chefs in the kitchen. Everyone can program, but who is the best at it?
I had a dude straight up drop the class like 10 weeks into the semester to avoid a project.
my group in college was
, we always had our stuff together. lazygroup members, people who don't know what they're doing, everyone trying to be a leader, and horrible writers/public speakers for the loss though
. glad i ended up in a good group and didn't really have to deal withall of that...

If your Economics project is about the tragedy of the commons at least you can enjoy the irony.
i had one project for a comm class regarding PSAs. really simple project: max of 10 pages including charts/graphics etc. originally it was going to me and thisone girl. however, a second girl was added to the group who neither me or the original girl were fond of. this girl never went to class, so we didn't haveher contact information until the week it was due. the night before it is due she says she will send it over in 15 mins saying she was just doing a final edit.that was around 8pm. I didn't get it until midnight. the next day she doesn't even show up for the presentation, so the two of us had to wing her part.
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