College is toughh.. study tips?

Originally Posted by MJ23Forever

this semester is going horribly for me.
First semester, I didn't study too hard and got by with a 2.8 gpa.
This semester on the other hand, I decided to put more effort into my school work and I'm not getting good results at all.
When I actually sit down like a night or 2 before an exam to study, and I study for like 20-40 hours I bomb my exams.
I do much better when I go into them without studying and now that I'm tryin to do well and study I fail miserably, and it's really starting to get to me.
I'm thinking its my way of studying..

anyone out there have any good study techniques that they would recommend?
I would really appreciate it.
Man I feel the same way. School is really starting to get on my nerves
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