college kid dunks on LeBron; Nike takes the tapes

vids were prolly erased ... LeTape
Ryan Miller, the would-be Zapruder whose video of LeBron getting TomChambered was commandeered by a Nikegoon, has offered a few more details about the incident. Namely: The dunk was awesome, and Bron-Bron was kind of a prick.
Miller spoke with WHTK-AM in Rochester, N.Y., where he apparently usedto intern. You can listen to the podcast here. A rough transcript:
Ryan Miller: [The dunk] was good. I haven't looked online to read too much about it. It was as good as it could've been hyped up to be. LeBron's team actually lost two out of three games to these college guys. It was LeBron; Danny Green, the rookie; Christian Eyenga, the rookie; Tarence Kinsey, who's on the team; and one of LeBron's high school buddies. And Jordan Crawford blew by Danny Green, the kid from North Carolina on the Cavs. And LeBron came for some help defense, and they jumped at the same time, and he threw it down with two hands over LeBron. This is, like, a 6-foot-4 kid.

Interviewer: Man. So then, when you get word that they want your camera, then, how did that all break down?

Miller: It's funny because LeBron's team won that game, actually, [the one] with the dunk. And then LeBron's team lost the next game to the same group of college guys. And LeBron was just standing there, grabbing some water, 'cause it was winners stay on, so LeBron had to sit out a game. And I actually went up and introduced myself and said, "Hey, I'm Ryan Miller." LeBron's good friends with Jonny Flynn, and I know Jonny real well, and I was like, "[I'm] good friends with Jonny." Jonny gave me a little message to tell LeBron if I ended up seeing him. He's like, "Oh, where are you from?" I said, "Syracuse" - [it was a] "nice to meet you" type of thing. He's pretty friendly. Then two minutes later, I saw him go over to Lynn Merritt, the director of basketball at Nike, and then he was talking to him for a second, and then Lynn brought me and another camera guy over. We were the only two people filming - it was later at night - and they said, we need your tape. They claimed you weren't supposed to be shooting the college and the pro guys working out, and I was told earlier in the day that you could, and there was no media policy saying you couldn't. It had to have been because LeBron - he played terribly all day, actually. Those three games he played terribly. So my guess is he didn't want anybody seeing the footage. That's the only thing we could think of.

Interviewer: So when you get your camera or tape - so that tape is gone?

Miller: I don't know what happened to it. He originally claimed, well, like, these guys are just getting in shape right now, these Cavs guys. People don't need to be seeing 'em. He was kind of giving me the runaround with different excuses. There was a guy in charge of the media who took my tape, and he's like, "You know what, lemme just pass this by the Nike guys, and I'll give it back to you in the morning." But the next morning, he said the director at Nike actually wanted the tape himself, so I have no idea where it is.
Originally Posted by 23ska909red02

They were split into teams, and LeBron had his own team. In all the college player's eyes, I could see a little fire burning, with all of them itching to show what they have against arguably the best player in the world. One player in particular definitely left their mark in Jordan Crawford of Xavier. On an inbounds play, The King was a step slow, and Crawford put a two-hand dunk on him.
Story is that Nike confiscated any video of this to protect LeBron's image


Im Not You:
Lebron doesn't get dunked on remember? He gets "dunked by"

everybody in the gym got "flashed" MIB style


There was a guy in charge of the media who took my tape, and he's like, "You know what, lemme just pass this by the Nike guys, and I'll give it back to you in the morning." But the next morning, he said the director at Nike actually wanted the tape himself, so I have no idea where it is.


lebron taking tapes.....jay-z prevented CB from performing
laugh.gif wonder they're friends
From him not shaking hands after his playoff lost and this #(&$, you can tell Lebron is just a sore loser.
One of the cameramen said that he was filming all day and nobody had a problem with it until Lebron got dunked on

It doesn't sound like anyone had to sign waivers.

It kinda makes me mad that something embarrassing happens to these players and they think that they have the power to take the tape. If it were Kobe, myfavorite player, I would feel the exact same way about what he did.
Originally Posted by Im Not You

Dude is a straight lame for giving up the tape so easily...
the camera men don't want to hurt their relationship with nike/lebron. All of you act as if the cameraman should have snuffed the nike rep andhopped over the fence with the tape. Yall need to grow up, it's not hard to understand why he gave the tape over.
Originally Posted by DubA169

Originally Posted by Im Not You

Dude is a straight lame for giving up the tape so easily...
the camera men don't want to hurt their relationship with nike/lebron. All of you act as if the cameraman should have snuffed the nike rep and hopped over the fence with the tape. Yall need to grow up, it's not hard to understand why he gave the tape over.

I'll reserve judgment until I've heard from all sides involved but it's really not that big of a deal. Alonzo Morning got crushed on a lot but thenagain he swatted a lot of guys, too.

At those complaining about the corporate athlete....very ironic.

And what's wrong with corporations? I mean people vote for them in elections
This is a real childish move. The cameramen were weak for giving up the tape. PERIOD

Could you imagine the value of that tape now? It's probably been edited by now.

Somehow I hope that whoever edited the video made a copy before doing so.
Originally Posted by AntBanks81

This is a real childish move. The cameramen were weak for giving up the tape. PERIOD

Could you imagine the value of that tape now? It's probably been edited by now.

Somehow I hope that whoever edited the video made a copy before doing so.
Not really. Considering this economy the guy definitely doesn't want lose his job. Provide for my wife and kids or provide masturbatorymaterial for adolescent males--- not a tough choice.
Lebron has the worst PR sense in the history of sports..

so now, instead of just letting the tape ride and never having the vid circulate other than on sports messageboards, the story ends up on ESPN for everyone tosee and he looks even more like a tool.

and i anticipate him releasing some kind of weak statement now to cover it up.
Skip went IN on Lebron...

at Jemele Hill saying maybe he should get a shirt that says "My name is Carlos"
@ this dude taking two big Ls in one week. First trying to deny Ariza'sclaim that he would remain in Cleveland in order to get him to sign and now this. All done to save/promote his image, but ending up backfiring. Indefensibleand pathetic.
People asking about for a video, read this! As it's been posted a bunch of times.

A minor controversy erupted at the LeBron James Skills Academy on Monday night when two videographers recorded a pickup game in which Xavier's Jordan Crawford dunked on James.

Gary Parrish reported on that a Nike representative confiscated tapes of the dunk after conferring with James.

AFTER Lebron asked the Rep to come over.

MAD lame in my opinion, be a man.
Originally Posted by SenatorJeffSmith

I'll reserve judgment until I've heard from all sides involved but it's really not that big of a deal. Alonzo Morning got crushed on a lot but then again he swatted a lot of guys, too.

At those complaining about the corporate athlete....very ironic.

And what's wrong with corporations? I mean people vote for them in elections
I'm really curious, do you think before you type?

did alonzo morning have nike reps confiscate video when he got dunked on? It's not a big deal then why did lebron have the tapes confiscated? He just madehis own pr problem for no reason.

I don't even think YOU know where you are going saying that people vote for corporations in elections. Companies that hire lobbyists and companies thatcontribute to campaigns have nothing to do with people mad over the concept of a corporate athlete. What the **** are you talking about?

i swear 8 out of 10 cav fans are simple.
Originally Posted by 23ska909red02

at Jemele Hill saying maybe he should get a shirt that says "My name is Carlos"
Not sure I get that.

it's from the movie Hangover, which i just saw again tonight for the 398590-35th time so anything Hangover-related is hilariosu to me
Just FYI....

Expect a Commercial where Lebron uses this to make fun of himself. W&K is already on notice.
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