College students protesting "racist" Halloween costumes vol. C'mon man

The lack of critical thought of some of the members of this board is astounding. I respect Method Man for having patience, but at this point, I just can't.

I don't know if it's immaturity or lack of the ability to be empathic, but it's upsetting to see the attitude of some of the board members.
I am incredibly surprised by some of the responses in this thread. If you can't see why those costumes are offensive... I don't even.
Originally Posted by thytkerjobs

Originally Posted by CreateDestroy



Other ones are mad ignorant though. 
 @ actually wearing blackface
Originally Posted by Enchanted1

Damn some of yall are really stupid...

Are you really suprised that dressing up in black face might offend some people? 
Nah, I can see how it's offensive. But I think a lot of people do it to look physically more like the character they are trying to imitate. Not everyone knows the history of black face, minstrel shows, etc.

I'm going as Michael Jackson with a Jheri Curl wig. Should I be worried about "ethnic" people being offended?

I know for sure I wouldn't give a damn if I saw a minority wearing a cowboy or pilgrim costume. Pretty much same logic right?
Originally Posted by frostythepoptart

Originally Posted by Method Man

Originally Posted by Nktran001


It's pitiful that people can get away with openly disrespecting entire groups of people you supposedly identify with or care about and you'll just sit there and laugh and spout cliches like "it's not that serious."  

Thank goodness some people over the years have mustered the courage and self-respect to stand up to this sort of thing.  It's no wonder that our era has thus far been characterized by complacence and cowardice.  In January, everyone gives me props for the Dr. King banner.  You could at least honor what the man died for.  

Absolutely pathetic.  

How are you gonna be upset about racism in the criminal justice system, but LAUGH at the same stereotypes used to perpetuate racial profiling?  

I'm hoping this is a function of immaturity and not an accurate reflection of what some of you believe.  Few people have the guts or the effrontery to mock those wrongly imprisoned or executed due to racism, but you'll sit here and laugh at racist stereotypes because that's "just a joke."  Connect the dots.

American culture is racist.  That's no laughing matter. 
the difference is the context. the whole thing is stupid and overly sensitive. we're a culture and not a costume. Yeah so all these "stereotypical costumes" become representative of your culture. pure jokes. i don't get how people let others dictate your life because of stereotypes. They're offering fried chicken but I'm not gonna ask cause its stereotyped to my race. I like this car but I can't buy it cause its stereotypical of my race. Screw that live life enjoy it have fun. Yeah most of the time its hard to decipher between intent and action but no one is dressed as a geisha to sit at a party and make fun of asian folks all night.

So there are situations when it's OK to disrespect, make fun of, and downgrade other races?  I guess as long as the person doing it is laughing huh?....
I can't do it...I'm not reading any further in this thread.  The acceptance is pathetic. 
Much of this just seems to amount to "don't take my toy away."  Lots of privileged, sheltered, and entitled attitudes showing up in this thread.   
Your right to "have fun" shouldn't come at the cost of someone else's right to basic respect.

the difference is the context. the whole thing is stupid and overly sensitive. 

Why?  Because they're "having fun?"  
Let's go back to that article about the guy who won a contest at the Department of Homeland Security's Immigrations and Customs Enforcement office Halloween party for wearing blackface, fake dreadlocks, and a prison jumpsuit.  He was just "having fun," right?  Who got hurt?  

Think about this one for a second.  
The ICE is responsible for, among other things, ensuring the swift departure of all immigrants ordered to leave the country, investigating claims of human trafficking and smuggling, identifying fraudulent immigrant benefit applications and identification, and investigating illegal immigrants in the workplace, specifically those with access to sensitive infrastructure (like nuclear power plants.)  So, this is an agency that targets illegal immigrants in particular, an agency responsible for imprisoning over 20,000 immigrants – and their reaction to a White man mocking a prisoner of color is to give him an award.  What does that say about the level of respect that exists within the culture of the ICE for immigrants of color?  What does it say, further, about our society that we continue to see blackface at costume parties, not just in frat houses but in government office parties?  What type of environment does that indicate with regard to respecting diversity in the workplace?  In government? 
You can say that these are just spoiled brats at college house parties, but these people still will still leave those parties, ignorance in tow, and influence society as they interact with it - and, unfortunately, with us.  Some of these kids may be responsible for hiring decisions at some point.  They may approve loans.  They may vote in elections.  They may give descriptions of suspects to police officers or take the stand as witnesses.  They may judges, business executives, politicians, lobbyists, HR directors, police officers, soldiers, and so on.  

So even if you're so selfish as to not give a damn about whether or not your tasteless, ignorant costume offends anyone else, keep in mind that ignorance, in and of itself, carries a greater consequence in society at large.  When you reinforce, in someone's mind, that their "individual rights" are more important than showing respect to others, that they should be allowed to wear blackface if they think it's funny and to hell with those oversensitive Black folks, then don't you think that attitude will manifest itself elsewhere in life?  

Seriously, you don't think people have the right to object when somebody starts wearing blackface out in PUBLIC?

So, by this logic, we should get rid of cowboys, indians, and every other costume where you dress up like another PERSON?

It's interesting how you guys seize on what you feel are the weakest examples and ignore the general concept.  So, because you think it's okay for a White person to dress up as L'il Wayne, racist costumes in general are okay?  That's what this whole campaign is about.  

If you don't understand the historical connotations of blackface, I would urge you to learn some history.  

More often, however, we aren't talking about "other people" (read: individuals), but, rather, "other peoples."  In other words, we're talking about dressing up as a "type" of person - or, specifically, a stereotype.
Racial stereotypes, it seems, have become so utterly clichéd, so ubiquitous, so ingrained within our collective cultural fabric, it’s as though they've become generic.  They are value laden, but treated as though they were as stripped of their context and value as other stock holiday fixtures like witches, Frankenstein’s monsters, fairies, zombies, Santa Claus, and similarly iconic characters.  In the minstrel age, of course, each character had specific names.  Today, they don’t, which is even more insidious.  There is no Mammy, no Sambo, only generic stereotypes consisting of the same basic traits.  These college kids dress up as the same characters at every party around the country.  Is this supposed to be a coincidence?  They can’t read music, but they can all sing the same tune from memory.  He is “the thug
Saw this, and the parodies (some funny) and i just knew meth wasn't gonna be having this when it hit NT.
Originally Posted by WITNESSkb24

So, by this logic, we should get rid of cowboys, indians, and every other costume where you dress up like another PERSON?

Get over it
Cowboys are a bad example of a white person.
And yea Indian logos are raising eyebrows all across the NFL & MLB so yea they can go too.

@ "Get over it"

Why should we? So a certain set of people can feel comfortable with their ignorance for the sake of fun?


That's the mentality that makes 70% of the people in here think this is acceptable. 

You're spineless if you're somewhere and someone prancin' around in a caricature of your culture and you feel disrespected but you don't say anything.

 ..."Get over it".
Wow. Method Man. Cliff notes please..... joking. Im joking. I just read all of that and couldnt agree more. So well put. Wow. Just perfect.
I'm going to hold up the movie 'white chicks' for halloween and pretend that i am one of these STARS
Im Mexican and would be dying if I saw a white guy/black guy in that Poncho/ donkey costume
if it was just for laughs and messing around
Unless they were actually instigating racism towards me i would be offended saying this is how all mexicans are.

I understand though, why people would take offense.
The costumes are bad but my real issue is how people in them feel they have free license to perpetuate stereotypical behavior (usually the bad).
Meth put it best.
Folks saying this is cool and funny dont understand how messed up this truly is.I guarantee alot of folks use these costumes as an excuse to let out their inner racist.Trust me they are stereotypical for a reason.They pick the lil waynes,50 cents, T pains ,lil johns for a reason.The gang bangers,cholos,chinese peasants,geisha's etc for a reason.Halloween ironically is a time where people can put down their political correct ness and disguise their own hatred and racism in the form of ironic costumes.Its not cool when folks mock your race,culture at all.All those bad racist jokes become acceptable at these type of parties solely because the people at those parties aren't of the race they are mocking they can finally get away with it for one night and they aren't gonna miss that once a year chance to do that.

Some of yall are too comfortable .Like how can you sit up and condone somebody being racist to the highest degree.
Looked at the original post and KNEW Meth would come in here with another novel

Though, he lays the issue out well for those who can't seem to grasp the "larger picture."
Originally Posted by ThorrocksJs

Meth put it best.
Folks saying this is cool and funny dont understand how messed up this truly is.I guarantee alot of folks use these costumes as an excuse to let out their inner racist.Trust me they are stereotypical for a reason.They pick the lil waynes,50 cents, T pains ,lil johns for a reason.The gang bangers,cholos,chinese peasants,geisha's etc for a reason.Halloween ironically is a time where people can put down their political correct ness and disguise their own hatred and racism in the form of ironic costumes.Its not cool when folks mock your race,culture at all.All those bad racist jokes become acceptable at these type of parties solely because the people at those parties aren't of the race they are mocking they can finally get away with it for one night and they aren't gonna miss that once a year chance to do that.

Some of yall are too comfortable .Like how can you sit up and condone somebody being racist to the highest degree.

I had NO idea this many people had ill feelings towards Halloween.
The two that are really offensive are the Islamic terrorist one and the blackface. No excuse for the black face, enough with that "I'm a rapper, I'm a gangsta" facade, or the Islamic terrorist, funny i never seen those before 9-11 so what possible connotation could that hold?

Always remember Comedy trends a thin line between jokes and malice, more time than not, a person's true racist belief's are expressed in those "jokes".
EDIT: Just looked at the Spanish one, Wow
Originally Posted by ThorrocksJs

Meth put it best.
Folks saying this is cool and funny dont understand how messed up this truly is.I guarantee alot of folks use these costumes as an excuse to let out their inner racist.Trust me they are stereotypical for a reason.They pick the lil waynes,50 cents, T pains ,lil johns for a reason.The gang bangers,cholos,chinese peasants,geisha's etc for a reason.Halloween ironically is a time where people can put down their political correct ness and disguise their own hatred and racism in the form of ironic costumes.Its not cool when folks mock your race,culture at all.All those bad racist jokes become acceptable at these type of parties solely because the people at those parties aren't of the race they are mocking they can finally get away with it for one night and they aren't gonna miss that once a year chance to do that.

Some of yall are too comfortable .Like how can you sit up and condone somebody being racist to the highest degree.
I dressed up as a Mormon two years ago to a Halloween party (Asian here). White button up, black slacks, black tie, and a bike helmet (no white face paint tho
). Though I agree with you to a certain extent, I definitely was not letting out my "inner hatred/racism" or anything with my costume. I guess I was just being a bit ignorant (which I hope is the case with most people wearing these costumes), cuz after seeing this thread and reflecting on that costume, I realized I was pretty much having some laughs at the expense of someone's religion.
Everything is funny until it hits close to home. A lot of sheltered ppl on this board. I've seen it too much "Oh, it's just a joke" then u make a thread about prayin for your family but how about we joke about ur mom's cancer or somethin; it's all in fun right?

Race/creed/nationality/religion is not something to joke about no matter how you slice it.
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