College Sucks...yea I said it

Originally Posted by cRazy dav0

One of the realest things i was told when i first got to school by an upperclassman ... "most of these people that will become your friends won't even be here next year"
For me, this is the hardest part of college so far. I'm a junior and at least 5-10 good friends have left school for one reason or another... getting in trouble, bad grades, drugs, drinking, etc.

It's without a doubt worth it, however. What would I be doing without college? Living at home, going to tech school? Trying to work at the factory in my home town? Hanging out with my high school friends that stuck around? Man if that was the case, I would have killed myself already. Nah, I'm living the life, making new friends and partying it up, all while getting average grades and working towards a diploma. It will only have taken me four years, and my career options will have opened up 100x with a degree.

Yeah, the debt sucks. But nearly everyone is in the same boat, besides the trust fund kids or scholarship athletes. It's the experience of a lifetime and I would never give it up. If you think it sucks, I'm sorry... you're probably doing it wrong.
I dont like the idea of going to an expensive college for a degree and rely on that piece of paper to get you a good job, the problem with this theory is its everybody's else idea. Now im not knocking further education, but it should be just for that, to me a community college is just fine, Its cheap, I don't got to worry about being in debt, I can take my time and finish it in my own pace.

While I do that, I can take what little money I have and put that towards investments (instead of spending it on stuff) and make money work for me rather than work for my money. The idea of working for a paycheck is ancient and only some realize theirs other ways to actually generate income.
my college experience sucked as well but that's because I don't like how I went about going to college. College has been one of the most unfulfilled experiences of my life (school in general). I really wished I worked a normal job and went to school part-time because I feel like I have learned/accomplished very little from classes. What I have liked about my time is that I have spent almost 2 years at a government relations firm with real-world experience that I have absolutely loved every minute of. I know that my internship and college experiences go hand-in-hand, but I get a great feeling from doing something for work while I feel so empty from school.
Originally Posted by BlackStilettos

I graduated from BU, and I honestly hated everything about the experience. My school kept screwing me over and played stupid when I had to get my parents involved.
How where they screwing you over? My college is known for its horrible administration, but if you're persistent/hound them, you get %#** done.
And you hated everything? I go to a commuter school at the moment, and although the tuition is somewhat affordable, I wish I would have dormed so I could have party/chilled more.
You didn't get that at the very least from going to BU? BU's also a pretty recognizable/established college so I mean it had to have been worth it a bit.
im paying 25K a year for UC and its raising 10% next year. stop complaining about debt.
work hard to get the best job and you wont have a problem
Originally Posted by davidisgodly

I spent a total of 30$ on clothes last year. Yup 1 pair of slacks and 3 t-shirts. I have not bought a pair of sneakers in 3 years. Hey man do you. I hope you the best in life.
I didn't even know you was a brother, nor does that matter.
More power to this guy! Spent $30 and STILL got an internship at Goldman Sachs.
[color= rgb(0, 0, 0)]Not. [/color]
damn, my debt is around 15k...I'mma a teacher, so I'mma do the loan forgiveness program and wipe it out BOOM.

I mean, honestly---I ain't even really trippin', my loan bill is just another "bill" to me :/ DEFINITELY glad I went to school. Looking at my friends/family who didn't and I'm just like

Originally Posted by Jking0821

You do realize that there are around 4000 colleges in the US 55 is inthe top 2%. So i don't know what your chuckling at. I guess engineeringstudents can't do easy math or easy googling

this is dumb. you're acting as if all 4000 colleges are trying to have the best engineering program in the U.S.

You realize what you just said.  You think colleges don't care about thier programs.  Like they really say oh we have an engineering who cares about that!  Every school strives to be the best not all have the means to do so.  So to say a school that is ranked 55th in the US is still stupid no matter how you deduce it 55 is more then decent.
Originally Posted by Dynamic X

Originally Posted by davidisgodly

I spent a total of 30$ on clothes last year. Yup 1 pair of slacks and 3 t-shirts. I have not bought a pair of sneakers in 3 years. Hey man do you. I hope you the best in life.
I didn't even know you was a brother, nor does that matter.
More power to this guy! Spent $30 and STILL got an internship at Goldman Sachs.
[color= rgb(0, 0, 0)]Not. [/color]
more info?
Originally Posted by Jking0821

You realize what you just said.  You think colleges don't care about thier programs.  Like they really say oh we have an engineering who cares about that!  Every school strives to be the best not all have the means to do so.  So to say a school that is ranked 55th in the US is still stupid no matter how you deduce it 55 is more then decent.

Yes but you are overlooking the fact that the school is #55 in engineering programs, not colleges in general
. You really believe that there are over 4,000 engineering programs in the country
Originally Posted by Jking0821

You realize what you just said.  You think colleges don't care about thier programs.  Like they really say oh we have an engineering who cares about that!  Every school strives to be the best not all have the means to do so.  So to say a school that is ranked 55th in the US is still stupid no matter how you deduce it 55 is more then decent.

schools give priority to some of their programs
you think Art schools are really concerned about engineering?
I wouldn't trade my 4 years in college for anything.  I'm a few years out of school and am making what many would consider a nice salary at a PE firm but I'd trade it all in a heartbeat for another 4 years back in school with my friends. I've talked about this with my friends and they would all do the same.

So many memories.

The 3 am drunk convos. The feeling you get when you like a chick and realize you have no shot. The feeling you get when you like a chick and finally hook up with her.  The obligatory breakfast at the diner the morning after partying to discuss "what the #+$% did I do!?". Walking around on campus in the summer. Walking around on campus in the summer on a Friday knowing what's gonna go down that weekend.
Getting up Saturday and knowing that you're gonna play ball/workout, eat, take a nap, party, and wake up in the afternoon on Sunday. 
Going booze shopping with your boys Fri evening. Meeting up to have lunch in between classes and plan the weekend.

Staying in smoking and playing Winnign Eleven till 4 am.
Getting a good grade on "that" exam and knowing your weekend will be that much sweeter.

I'd take all the money I've saved up over the past few years and flush it down the toilet no questions asked if I could redo college with my friends.  

Maybe it took me getting really sick (but I glad I did in hindsight) in order to realize that 99.999999999999999% of what we call "life/ living" is bull *%!@. Very few things actually matter and it's kind of funny realizing.

You think college sucks? You don't know what's coming then.
Originally Posted by wawaweewa

I wouldn't trade my 4 years in college for anything.  I'm a few years out of school and am making what many would consider a nice salary at a PE firm but I'd trade it all in a heartbeat for another 4 years back in school with my friends. I've talked about this with my friends and they would all do the same.

So many memories.

The 3 am drunk convos. The feeling you get when you like a chick and realize you have no shot. The feeling you get when you like a chick and finally hook up with her.  The obligatory breakfast at the diner the morning after partying to discuss "what the #+$% did I do!?". Walking around on campus in the summer. Walking around on campus in the summer on a Friday knowing what's gonna go down that weekend.
Getting up Saturday and knowing that you're gonna play ball/workout, eat, take a nap, party, and wake up in the afternoon on Sunday. 
Going booze shopping with your boys Fri evening. Meeting up to have lunch in between classes and plan the weekend.

Staying in smoking and playing Winnign Eleven till 4 am.
Getting a good grade on "that" exam and knowing your weekend will be that much sweeter.

I'd take all the money I've saved up over the past few years and flush it down the toilet no questions asked if I could redo college with my friends.  

Maybe it took me getting really sick (but I glad I did in hindsight) in order to realize that 99.999999999999999% of what we call "life/ living" is bull *%!@. Very few things actually matter and it's kind of funny realizing.

You think college sucks? You don't know what's coming then.
I don't remember where I saw it, but a Texas oil billionaire said during a graduation commencement that the one thing he would trade all his money for was youth.
But thanks for reminding me about my college memories.
Originally Posted by wawaweewa

I wouldn't trade my 4 years in college for anything.  I'm a few years out of school and am making what many would consider a nice salary at a PE firm but I'd trade it all in a heartbeat for another 4 years back in school with my friends. I've talked about this with my friends and they would all do the same.

So many memories.

The 3 am drunk convos. The feeling you get when you like a chick and realize you have no shot. The feeling you get when you like a chick and finally hook up with her.  The obligatory breakfast at the diner the morning after partying to discuss "what the #+$% did I do!?". Walking around on campus in the summer. Walking around on campus in the summer on a Friday knowing what's gonna go down that weekend.
Getting up Saturday and knowing that you're gonna play ball/workout, eat, take a nap, party, and wake up in the afternoon on Sunday. 
Going booze shopping with your boys Fri evening. Meeting up to have lunch in between classes and plan the weekend.

Staying in smoking and playing Winnign Eleven till 4 am.
Getting a good grade on "that" exam and knowing your weekend will be that much sweeter.

I'd take all the money I've saved up over the past few years and flush it down the toilet no questions asked if I could redo college with my friends.  

Maybe it took me getting really sick (but I glad I did in hindsight) in order to realize that 99.999999999999999% of what we call "life/ living" is bull *%!@. Very few things actually matter and it's kind of funny realizing.

You think college sucks? You don't know what's coming then.
i miss college ... everything you said is 100% true ... i was so happy to graduate but now i go back every homecoming b/c i love being in that atmosphere 
I would only miss college if I dormed it up. Commuting to cuny and suny schools does not equal "college life".
The obligatory breakfast at the diner the morning after partying to discuss "what the #+$% did I do!?".

so true.. i didnt even realize that we did this, but basically every morning after we party me and all my boys gather in the dining hall to recap

its always

"yoo i blacked out"
"she hooked up with WHO?? no waay"
"you know that girl ____? yeah her. i f****ed her last night"

and frosh year when we had to have mealplans, if you hooked up with a girl the night before, without FAIL you would see her in the dining hall the next morning. awkwaaaaaaaaaarddd

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