Communism isn't such a bad idea if you think about it

Aug 6, 2004
everything is shared, thus everybody wins
but then everyone would be lazy and nothing would get done because everyone knew they didnt have to do squat and still make the same amount of money as adoctor who is saving someones life on the daily
Your right. But Americans have been programmed to associate it with evil so the word instantly triggers a negative response.
Its a good thing for the poor and lazy

for the people who strive to make money and want to be rich its not... I dont wanna share my money with your lazy %##!

and also it never works cuz theres always coruption
Originally Posted by ScottiePimpin33

but then everyone would be lazy and nothing would get done because everyone knew they didnt have to do squat and still make the same amount of money as a doctor who is saving someones life on the daily

QFT. I don't know why this is a hard concept for people to grasp. If you tell me I can sit on my $*@ all day, and make the same living as someone whoworks 15 hour days, why the hell would anyone do anything? People have this ******ed view of communism and socialism, thinking that it will elevate the lowerclass up to the same level as the upper class, which is in truth $*@ backwards, as all historical evidence, and common sense, shows that the opposite occurs: the upper class is brought down to the lower class. So instead of having a mixture of rich, poor, and people in between, everyone is just poor...except, ofcourse, for the government officials and leaders. Ask youself, if communism is so good, why has it failed everytime a country has tried it?
Originally Posted by ScottiePimpin33

but then everyone would be lazy and nothing would get done because everyone knew they didnt have to do squat and still make the same amount of money as a doctor who is saving someones life on the daily
Actually, since you would be doing things for the good of the common man and not just to be selfish and greedy like we do now, people may actuallybe more inclined to work hard because they understand that a great number of people are relying on them.
Originally Posted by J Burner

Originally Posted by ScottiePimpin33

but then everyone would be lazy and nothing would get done because everyone knew they didnt have to do squat and still make the same amount of money as a doctor who is saving someones life on the daily

QFT. I don't know why this is a hard concept for people to grasp. If you tell me I can sit on my $*@ all day, and make the same living as someone who works 15 hour days, why the hell would anyone do anything? People have this ******ed view of communism and socialism, thinking that it will elevate the lower class up to the same level as the upper class, which is in truth $*@ backwards, as all historical evidence, and common sense, shows that the opposite occurs: the upper class is brought down to the lower class. So instead of having a mixture of rich, poor, and people in between, everyone is just poor...except, of course, for the government officials and leaders. Ask youself, if communism is so good, why has it failed everytime a country has tried it?

Russia failed. But Capitalism failed in America long term. Because it was a manipulated form of the actual idea in both instances. I would actually sayCommunism has worked very well in Cuba especially considering that the main reason they are poor is because the US has enforced a trade embargo that hasseverely affected there exporting.
the idea behind it sounds great. but once you add the human element only corruption and greed are left in the end
Originally Posted by Rjbrooks

the idea behind it sounds great. but once you add the human element only corruption and greed are left in the end

thats sounds more like capitalism
It's a great idea if you just think about it, but as soon as you start doing it, it gets really %*+%$@ up every time.. plus it's notindividually fair, and people don't exactly have hive minds ya know
On top of everything else. What would give anyone any incentive to strive to be the best if all I will receive for my hard work is the same for everyone else?It just doesn't work if we were all robots then maybe.
What gives people the chance to strive there best now??? Social mobility is a myth in this country, Communism overs the average person the chance at a betterlife than what he lives now. Unfortunatly people would rather live off the fantasy of being one of the guy's from entourage instead of actual improvedsocial and physical conditions.
From the looks of some of the replies in here, you guys really need to spend less time on nt and more time educating yourselves.
Originally Posted by airmaxpenny1

Originally Posted by J Burner

Originally Posted by ScottiePimpin33

but then everyone would be lazy and nothing would get done because everyone knew they didnt have to do squat and still make the same amount of money as a doctor who is saving someones life on the daily

QFT. I don't know why this is a hard concept for people to grasp. If you tell me I can sit on my $*@ all day, and make the same living as someone who works 15 hour days, why the hell would anyone do anything? People have this ******ed view of communism and socialism, thinking that it will elevate the lower class up to the same level as the upper class, which is in truth $*@ backwards, as all historical evidence, and common sense, shows that the opposite occurs: the upper class is brought down to the lower class. So instead of having a mixture of rich, poor, and people in between, everyone is just poor...except, of course, for the government officials and leaders. Ask youself, if communism is so good, why has it failed everytime a country has tried it?

Russia failed. But Capitalism failed in America long term. Because it was a manipulated form of the actual idea in both instances. I would actually say Communism has worked very well in Cuba especially considering that the main reason they are poor is because the US has enforced a trade embargo that has severely affected there exporting.

Communism hasn't worked in Cuba, hence all the people coming to Florida on rafts. When Castro took power, he nationalized all tobacco farms (meaning hetook the land from the rightful owners, and deemed it property of the Cuban government, because thats how communism works, the government owns EVERYTHING). Inturn, the tobacco farmers and Cigar makers left Cuba, and went to the Dominican Republic, Mexico, El Salvador, Nicaragua, etc...and now all the best Cigarsactually come from those countries. Regardless of whether or not the US allowed Cuba to export Cigars to us, the cigar industry in Cuba would have still allbut died, because all the major players left and started over in countries where they were free to run their business. Which is what happens when you takeaway the incentive for people to do business, they just take their business elsewhere.
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