Complex Mag: The 50 Most Racist Movies

May 2, 2001

[h2]The 50 Most Racist Movies[/h2]

Complex runs down the flicks that you might not have realized were wildly offensive. Turn on your racist radars, people!

Some notables...

50. The Love Guru
Straight up, we love Mike Myers for his earlier work, but this flickwas more offensive to Indians and Indian-Americans than colonialismwas. Essentially this half-baked brick was just an excuse for Myers toline up a litany of jokes about Indian people's silly accents andspirituality. Guru Tugginmypuda? If you catch Myers with a red dot onhis forehead, safe bet it's a laser scope.

48. The Air Up There
The white man is back up his old tricks as an assistant collegebasketball coach (Kevin Bacon) tries to pry a tall African prince withstar potential from his tribe to help him win some games. Despite hisinclination to rape the Dark Continent, coach saves the day, resolvingthe tribe's potentially bloody conflict with a neighboring tribe and anencroaching mining company—by organizing a high-stakes game ofbasketball. Flagrant foul!

43. Falling Down
It's a revenge fantasy straight out of Glenn Beck's id: violentCaucasian rage against Korean deli owners, Latino gangbangers, andwhoever else that dares to disenfranchise the white male. Oh, whitemale. Poor you.
41. Romeo Must Die
Ah, Shakespere's timeless love story Romeo and Juliet, updatedfor the hip-hop generation. With their two families feuding, a blackgirl (Aaliyah) and a Chinese man (Jet Li) find an unexpectedbond—except for the fact that the couple didn't even share a kiss onscreen, making the "love story" a bit of an anti-climactic joke. Infact, the movie originally ended with a kiss, but producers supposedlycut the scene at the last minute because it didn't "test well" withaudiences. Damn. Can't the yellow man get some?
34. Driving Miss Daisy
Proving once and for all that there's nothing quite as awesome as benevolent whites, DMDshows black folk the benefits of being nice to curmudgeonly old crackerbitties: You get to drive them around a bunch, hip them to how yourproblems actually mirror theirs, let them teach you how to read, and,when it's all said and done, feed them pie in a rest home. Sweet!

27. Black Hawk Down
RidleyScott's account of the 1993 "Battle of Mogadishu" drew heavy fire forcasting African-Americans, who neither look nor sound like Somalis, toportray them as an ignorant, extra dark and scary, bloodthirsty mob ofvillains with no legitimate cause to attack U.S. Army Rangers. Well,they've got their cause now.

26. The Last Samurai
Like Dances with Wolves before it and now Avatar, The Last Samuraishows you can always count on the white savior to help preserve thenative culture his people are destroying. Nathan Algren (Tom Cruise) isa washed-up ex-military American drunk in Japan with no apparentpurpose in life until he's taken in by a clan and lays his life on theline to preserve the Samurai way of life. %%%* a bow of courtesy, wefeel like head-butting someone.
18. The Siege
Whileit seems to sympathize with Arab-Americans, who the U.S. militaryrounds up and interns on Randall's Island after terrorist attacks shakeNYC, leading to martial law, The Siege'sreal message is that the Middle Easterners who you least expect ofwanting to kill you definitely have a belt of explosives in theirwardrobe.

3. Soul Man
When'80s funnyman C. Thomas Howell (we're assuming the "C." stands for"Cracker") can't afford to pay for college, he puts on blackface andsteals a scholarship designated for minorities. Spoiled white boys needAffirmative Action too! The most racist part about this movie isn'tthat he's in blackface (although that's pretty $*!*++' racist too)—it'sthe fact that we're supposed to believe that everyone else buys itwithout even questioning why he looks like an Aryan douche covered inshoe polish. Even his black girlfriend, played by miscegenation masterRae Dawn Chong, doesn't catch on after she sees him naked!

2. Planet of the Apes
"No, no," they say, "it's a deepallegory about race, politics, and power! It's not racist!" Right. Wesee light-skinned apes commanding thuggish dark-skinned apes as fearfulwhiteys cower in terror. Call us simpletons, but you really need towatch this one again—on weed.

1. Breakfast At Tiffany's
In the history of inexplicable Hollywood racism,Breakfast at Tiffany’s takes the %@%$+%##*%%+’ rice cake. Nobody would'venoticed had director Blake Edwards removed the random, inconsequentialcharacter of Mr. Yunioshi, gold digging Holly Golightly’s bumbling, annoyingJapanese neighbor, but there he is, sticking out like thetwo-inch buckteeth Mickey Rooney in yellowface sports to complete his look andensure that the movie, like his portrayal, is ah-so disrespectfur.

....Some are a little nit-picky...but I can't disagree with # 1.
I half expected someone else to be the thread starter since it was a Complex Magazine thread.
I remember seeing clips of Mickey Rooney in "Dragon: The Bruce Lee Story." - I was somewhat bothered by that. I know he and Linda felt so uncomfortable while watching that.

Originally Posted by cocolicious

Um... Who cares? It's just movies.
You do. Obviously. You really wasted your time to comment on something that "nobody" cares about? Why?

You say it as if movies aren't important
I saw Breakfast at Tiffanys as a kid and still remember Mickey Rooney's character. Knew this movie would be on the list somewhere.
Only saw the ones listed here but was expecting blazing saddles to be in the top 5 at least. I know it was satirical and not meant to be racist but man that movie is crazy
[color= rgb(102, 0, 153)]I woulnd't say [/color][color= rgb(102, 0, 153)]these movies are r[/color][color= rgb(102, 0, 153)]acist.[/color][color= rgb(102, 0, 153)]....but there are definitely stereotypical characters

My idea of a racist movie would be the "film industries masterpiece"  Birth of a Nation

EDIT: nvm didnt read the fine print
Originally Posted by AG 47

Originally Posted by cocolicious

Um... Who cares? It's just movies.

You're right. We could all use a little racism from time to time.
I swear this chick is on the verge of committin NT suicide word to SShanique

PotA could've been #1 but Bfast at Tiffs def beat it. There's racism in every movie for the most part....Well, not racism, but stereotypes, which is in turn a sub group of the r word. 
2. Planet of the Apes
"No, no," they say, "it's a deepallegory about race, politics, and power! It's not racist!" Right. Wesee light-skinned apes commanding thuggish dark-skinned apes as fearfulwhiteys cower in terror. Call us simpletons, but you really need towatch this one again—on weed.

I hate that damn movie.
8. Every Rob Schneider Movie

True story. Little #$@%.

10. Bulworth

20. The Green Mile

Green Mile should have been higher up. Bullworth was unwatchable to me. Halle Berry
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