Conan O'Brien -- Free at Last

Yeah Zik, Joel didn't come out to LA with them. And on one of Conan's last episodes he "set free" Vigoda from a cage in the park
andAbe ran away as Conan cried... I couldn't find a video but it was pretty good
I figure to update this with some REAL news, not just repost lame TMZ rumors..

[h1]NBC's late night labyrinth[/h1] [h2]Will Leno move back to 11:30? And what about Conan?[/h2]

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If it comes down to Leno vs. O'Brien, now that NBC has seen how both perform at 11:30, the network may side with Jay Leno.

O'Brien's edgier comedy was always seen as a tough sell for Leno's more middle-of-the-road fanbase.
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NBC has a late night mess on its hands.
Similar to the game-changing moment in 1993 when David Letterman walked away from the Peacock after Jay Leno scored "The Tonight Show," Conan O'Brien may be close to doing the exact same thing.

Insiders were confirming late Thursday that Leno had been offered -- and had accepted -- a return to the 11:35 p.m. time slot, where the host dominated the late night wars for nearly 15 years.

Leno is expected to return to his late-night chair following the Winter Olympics at the end of February.

The attention now turns to Conan O'Brien, who has a difficult decision in front of him.

O'Brien's handlers are likely mulling all of their options -- and pitching their client to both Fox, which currently doesn't have a late night franchise on the weeknights, and ABC, which would have to move "Nightline" and "Jimmy Kimmel Live" out of the way.

But neither network appears immediately likely to make a play for O'Brien, insiders said. What's more, Broadcasting and Cable reported that NBC has the option to bench O'Brien for the remainder of his contract but keep paying him.

If O'Brien ultimately decides to stay, "The Jay Leno Show" will air at 11:35 p.m. for half an hour (and focus mostly on its monologue), followed by "The Tonight Show with Conan O'Brien" at 12:05 a.m. and "Late Night with Jimmy Fallon" at 1:05 a.m.

But if O'Brien negotiates an early release and bolts the Peacock, then Leno will once again host a one-hour "Tonight Show with Jay Leno" each night.

Leno has said that wouldn't say no if NBC gave him back the slot -- and indeed, it appears he has agreed to the new arrangement, even if it means hosting just a half-hour show each night.

For O'Brien, the red-headed host's options outside NBC may be limited. "Nightline" is performing well for ABC, and the network appears to have backed off its once-likely plans to dump the late night newsmag.

The scenario at Fox is more tricky. The network has mulled getting back into the late night game, having been run out of the daypart after 1993's disasterous "Chevy Chase Show."

But Fox's owned stations and affils do quite nicely with off-net syndie fare in late night. Stations, which are able to sell much more ad time in those sitcom repeats, might not be eager to clear O'Brien -- particularly given his lukewarm performance vs. David Letterman at NBC.

The host could also consider late-night first-run syndication -- where no late-night player has really worked since Arsenio Hall -- or cable.

NBC's likely counting on O'Brien ultimately realizing that there are few other options in late night. If O'Brien's willing to take his lumps, he would still host the storied "Tonight Show" franchise, and he'd still air a half hour earlier than he did on "Late Night" -- and would likely be the midnight victor vs. "Jimmy Kimmel."

But it would also require moving past an awkward late night shuffle.

Meanwhile, in moving Leno back to late night, NBC will suddenly have five hours worth of primetime air to fill. And given that NBC has already scheduled "Parenthood," handed back "Southland" and reduced "Day One" to a limited run series, its hour-long cupboard is pretty bare this midseason.

Peacock insiders argue that they managed to do just fine when faced with a similar dilemma during the writers' strike.

Net will likely move some of its dramas, like "Law and Order: SVU," back to 10 p.m. Other holes might be filled by reality shows, repeats and "Dateline NBC." Repurposed episodes of USA and Bravo series might also be in the offering.

For next season, NBC already has aggressive plans to produce up to 18 pilots this development season. But that new crop of series won't be ready until fall.

That's because NBC wasn't ready to make such drastic changes this soon, especially since the net has long said it would give "The Jay Leno Show" at least a year in its 10 p.m. slot before making any changes.

Peacock has also long argued that "Leno's" performance, while low, still met its financial targets.

But not only was "Leno" performing poorly, but it crippled NBC's owned and affiliated stations' 11 p.m. newscasts. What's more, the domino effect of the Peacock's primetime perf spread not only to Leno at 10 p.m. but to O'Brien at 11:35.

O'Brien's edgier comedy was always seen as a tough sell for Leno's more middle-of-the-road fanbase, and NBC was bracing for a ratings drop. But add the loss of Leno's "Tonight Show" audience to NBC's depressed primetime lead-in, and the "Tonight Show" was smacked with an even bigger drop than expected.

That left NBC with a weakened Leno, a weakened "Tonight Show," a weakened O'Brien and even a weakened "Late Night," which had been taken over by Jimmy Fallon.

Affiliates, which early on preached patience, have gotten increasingly vocal with their anger over "Leno's" and NBC's primetime performance.

Following the November sweeps, it was clear that the show's 10 p.m. lead-in ratings have crippled the Peacock's owned and affiliated stations' late newscast ratings. (Such an impact had been predicted, yet still stung for stations.)

NBC had managed to squash Boston affiliate WHDH's attempts last year to pre-empt "Leno" with a 10 p.m. newscast. But if several stations joined arms to dump Leno, the network wouldn't be able to retaliate as effectively. And a revolt was brewing.

As a result, under pressure NBC quickly started hammering out this new late night scenario -- which nonetheless came with several challenges (including what's believed to be a massive, eight-figure payout for O'Brien) .

The idea of Leno back at 11:35 gained steam among NBC bosses, who were hashing out the fate of the primetime "Jay Leno Show," in recent weeks.

NBC appeared more ready to cut O'Brien loose than it was last year, when some industry wags first suggested that NBC halt its "Tonight Show" succession plan and keep the top-rated Leno in place.

At the time, Peacock execs ultimately decided that they'd already gone too far down the road in adhering to the plan, first formulated more than five years ago, and grooming O'Brien as Leno's successor.

NBC execs also didn't want to find themselves competing against O'Brien on Fox or ABC, and didn't want to write that $40 million kill fee to the long-time "Late Night with Conan O'Brien" host.

But when it came down to Leno vs. O'Brien, now that NBC has seen how both perform at 11:30, the network was ready to put its support behind Leno.

Peacock finally decided to pull the trigger just in the past few days, and has been meeting with both Leno and O'Brien and their reps.

Network is set to hold an affiliate meeting later this month at NATPE, and will likely have its late-night plan figured out by then.

NBC isn't confirming any of this just yet, but it won't be able to duck the issue for long.

The Peacock faces the press on Sunday as part of the TV Critics Association's winter press tour -- but its unclear whether any of this will be officially resolved before then (O'Brien, for one, probably won't have an answer for NBC by then), and as a result the conglom's recently promoted TV chieftain Jeff Gaspin will have to artfully pick his words.

The network itself was only confirming that "The Jay Leno Show" hadn't been canceled, and that it hoped to keep O'Brien in the fold.

"We remain committed to keeping Conan O'Brien on NBC," the network said in a statement. "He is a valued part of our late-night line-up, as he has been for more than 16 years and is one of the most respected entertainers on television."

The net's earlier statement about Leno, meanwhile, was just as carefully worded: "Jay Leno is one of the most compelling entertainers in the world today. As we have said all along, Jay's show has performed exactly as we anticipated on the network. It has, however, presented some issues for our affiliates. Both Jay and the show are committed to working closely with them to find ways to improve the performance."

If O'Brien balks, there's always a chance NBC may also decide that it doesn't want to hand-deliver a lucrative late night franchise to a rival like Fox and News Corp. -- and could instead still aim toward another scenario that could somehow keep both Leno and O'Brien in the Peacock stable.

Other options that have been mentioned in the past include striking a deal with affils to move their local newscasts down to 10 p.m.; that would allow for "The Jay Leno Show" at 10:35 and "The Tonight Show with Conan O'Brien" at 11:35. (That's been dismissed by net execs, however, who are loathe to give up an hour of primetime).

Had NBC opted to keep Leno in prime, NBC might have considered decreasing "Jay Leno" to just three nights a week in prime, or struck a deal with Leno to do an abbreviated version of his show at 8 p.m. Leno, however, has said he has no interest in doing a show that early.

But with the timeslot switcheroo now inevitable, Leno had some fun at NBC's expense on his Thursday night "Jay Leno Show."
"The Justice Department announced they will conduct an anti-trust review of Comcast's proposed deal to merge with NBC," he quipped. "An anti-trust review. Which is the relationship I have with NBC -- Anti-trust... What does NBC stand for? Never believe your contract."

- NBC realized they made a huge mistake with Leno at 10 and Conan at 11:35
- NBC wants to put Leno at 11:35 for half an hour, and move Conan's Tonight show at 12:05
- Conan had a two year agreement to be the host of the Tonight Show, so they can't directly fire him and give the show back to Jay
- If Conan wants to leave to another network, then Jay can get the Tonight Show back no questions.
Why don't the swap time slots.

Conan to Prime Time, and Jay to Late Night??

Conan is a better show anyway.
Because if Jay couldn't do well in prime time, not a chance in hell Conan can.

Jay's numbers were always bigger and he had a more broad audience, if Conan can't bring in the numbers at 11:30, no way he can at 10pm.

As much as I hated this failed experiment, putting Leno at 11:30 for 30 minutse, then Conan at midnight would be the best way to salvage this situation.
Seriously, has Leno ever done anything that didn't benefit himself? I now understand why Howard Stern hates the guy. If the reports are true that heaccepted a return at the 11:35 slot, that's basically a half a peace sign to Conan. Conan never had a chance with the show because NBC put Leno at 10 whichbombed and subsequently affected him as well. To have Conan move to California and not give him a year to get comfortable is just a slap in the face. If I wereConan, I'd just leave NBC and go to ABC because they're interested in reviving their own late night shows. Conan and Jimmy back to back would be greatfor ABC.
JinKazama wrote:
NBC is a bunch of fools if this true. Jay sucks at 10 why would you give a guy with HORRIBLE ratings a prime slot. From what I have seen Conan is holding his own at 1130 against Letterman, nightline...

Jay must have pictures of somebody butt naked with a monkey if they make this move
Jay has something better than a picture of a network exec naked with a monkey... its called a lucrative signed contract that probably has an equally lucrative buy-out clause.

Big J 33 hit the nail right on the head. This is all about MONEY. NBC took a somewhat calculated risk by trying to put a latenight talk show format on primetime (10PM slot). One of the main reasons is because they wanted to keep all of their talent happy (Big J touched upon this already). Another reason was cost. It is exponentially cheaper to produce a daily talk show for the 10PM slot than it is to produce 5 scripted sitcoms or dramas (or even 4 cause Friday night TV is lame) even after taking into account Leno's sizeable salary. In hindsight, it was a stupid strategy for NBC that has pretty much blown up in its face.

True, true, but IMO Jay punked NBC. I think NBC had it right...let Jay go and get Conan to cultivate the next generation of Tonight show viewers. It wouldn't pay off now but in 3-5...who knows. The mistake was giving Jay the 10PM slot. Now that the show is tanking the affiliates are gettingmurdered in the ratings so a change must be made. If I'm Conan I'm like wait a minute my ratings aren't in the toilet why am I moving? If I'mConan I'm jumping to Fox, ABC...and doin' to Leno what Arsenio did to Carson

Jay's basically got NBC by the balls and his monologue last night basically said so...yeah its comedy but dude was goin' hard at his bosses.
It's like the higher-ups forgot that it took a few years for Conan to get his stride on Late Night.
They need to give him a chance.
If the problem is Jay Leno not getting ratings, they should just give him the boot.

Jay is done, Conan is actually funny. That is all.
Originally Posted by FrenchBlue23

Why don't the swap time slots.

Conan to Prime Time, and Jay to Late Night??

Conan is a better show anyway.
Truth man.

Jay's jokes always seemed weak and his interviewing skills don't seem that better than Conan imo.

I have always thought of this, if Conan had a show where he would go out and mess around like he does sometimes for his skits.

That would be a hit but his late night show is appreciated as well
at Conan taking shots at Leno in his monologue tonight. He mocked Leno imitating his voice but you can tell he is not happy with NBC or Leno.
Lame. Conan jokes are juvenile and sophistimicated. Leno jokes are juvenile and appeal to the lowest common denominator (oops, I meant Americans).

It's too bad that NBC execs are as stupid as they clearly are. Free Conan!
Originally Posted by reemz

Jimmy Fallon is trash, I legitimately feel awkward watching more than 15 seconds of it cause he bombs so hard.
Couldn't have said it better myself. I've always been a Leno and Conan fan, it'll be a dumb move for NBC to get rid of Conan but whoknows what they have planned...
ABC has come out and said they wouldn't be interested in Conan

Fox is the bigger possibility if Conan wants to leave NBC, but I don't see him walking away from all that money. NBC can move his show back to 12:05, butno later and they can't fire him for two years, unless they want to pay him his money. He's making about 50 million I believe for those two years.
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