Conan O'Brien -- Free at Last

Sometimes making no move is the best move of all. They should've never moved Leno in the first place. He was consistently winning the time slot. Now whatdo they have. Conan's losing, and Jay's horrible in prime time. I think this was the only move they could make. Either put Leno back in his originalspot and pray that he can win his audience back, or leave Conan in the spot, continue to lose, and pay or lose Jay to another network. Stupid move from theoutset.
Fox executives have had informal conversations with Conan O'Brien's people - but nothing concrete about NBC's late-night funnyman going to Fox.

"I love Conan personally and professionally," Fox Entertainment president Kevin Reilly told members of the Television Critics Association Monday.

"We've talked to his people. We've had some informal conversations...mostly to commiserate," Reilly said. "Until he makes a decision, we can't do anything."

Monday's press gathering marked the first time any Fox official commented publicly on the late-night fiasco at NBC. Reilly said Fox officials were digesting the turn of events the same way everyone else was.

Reilly said Fox officials were digesting the turn of events the same way everyone else was.

"He needs to make a decision," Reilly said, adding the network couldn't talk to him officially until then.

Immediately after word surfaced that NBC was shaking up its schedule as a way to end the disastrous prime-time run of "The Jay Leno Show," insiders at Fox made it known that the network might be interested in O'Brien.

Over the weekend, NBC's top programmer Jeff Gaspin confirmed that his goal is to have Leno host a half-hour at 11:35 p.m., followed by an hour-long "Tonight Show with Conan O'Brien" at 12:05, and then "Late Night with Jimmy Fallon."

As of Sunday, though, there had been no deal to make that happen. O'Brien and NBC were to continue negotiating Monday.

As of mid-afternoon there wasno change in the situation.

However,it seems O'Brien and his team are not excited over the NBC moves.

"But how do you trust the partner who's broken so many promises," asked an O'Brien friend.

"For whatever any 'deal' is, how can you trust it?" the pal said.

In 2004, while he was being courted by other networks, NBC officials guaranteed O'Brien the "Tonight" show job in 2009.

Last year, as part of the switch, the network also convinced Leno to take on a prime-time comedy show. All through the spring and summer, NBC and Leno tried to convince viewers that 10 p.m. was the new 11:35.

The "Jay Leno Show" launched to weak reviews and tepid ratings, that have since fallen. NBC's affiliates complained that ratings for their late local newscasts plummeted with Leno's ratings. Likewise, O'Brien's "Tonight" dropped from what Leno was doing.

Faced with yet another programming debacle, Gaspin stepped in to rejigger the schedule.

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So the basic plan now is that NBC wants Leno at 11:35 doing a half an hour version of "The Jay Leno Show", and then Conan's"The Tonight Show at 12:05, then Fallon at 1:05.

From a business standpoint this is the best case scenario for NBC, they have Leno against Letterman once again, and then Conan comes on during the 2nd half ofLetterman's show, which should be a boost to Conan.

However NBC and Leno are both @$@#%%$# for doing this in the first place. Leno had years to build his audience for the Tonight Show, and Conan has only had 7months. Yeah sure Conan will still have his Tonight Show, but the message is loud and clear... NBC made a mistake and they want Leno back. They can'tfire Conan for two years, or else they pay him over 50 million, but this is the next best thing.

I was listening to a Patton Oswald interview and he said it the best, Leno doesn't bring anything new or exciting to late night, and it's not clear whyhe wants the Tonight Show so badly... he wants it just to have it, but he brings nothing to the table comedic wise. Letterman wanted the Tonight Show becausehe loved Carson and wants to make it better, and Conan is bringing something new and different, and NBC is afraid because they're a crappy network andcontinue to bleed money.
People don't realize though that Leno never wanted to change his timeslot. Conan was barking more and more about wanting to do 11:30 late night and wasthreatening to leave. They didn't call his bluff and eventually pushed Leno out and gave Conan prime time. Also, Leno 10 PM slot costs 400000 per episodeunliek ER and law and order which cost 1.2 per episode. Rating has been dramtically lower for both shows as well as the 11 oclock news in many states. This isreal reason they are changing. The experiment failed nuff said. Ratings wise people prefer Leno. Leno 5.2 mil>>Conan 2.8.
Originally Posted by dumbout227

People don't realize though that Leno never wanted to change his timeslot. Conan was barking more and more about wanting to do 11:30 late night and was threatening to leave. They didn't call his bluff and eventually pushed Leno out and gave Conan prime time. Also, Leno 10 PM slot costs 400000 per episode unliek ER and law and order which cost 1.2 per episode. Rating has been dramtically lower for both shows as well as the 11 oclock news in many states. This is real reason they are changing. The experiment failed nuff said. Ratings wise people prefer Leno. Leno 5.2 mil>>Conan 2.8.
Except rather than gracefully bow out of the spotlight Leno has openly campaigned to have his old job back, and he has made it clear to Conan andNBC he's unhappy and this is the result.

I don't want to see Conan leave, and then the big cry baby Leno get the Tonight Show back... because that's what would happen immediately. But Idon't want to see Conan get jerked around by the idiots at NBC either, so the move to Fox would give him the most freedom, but there's not a chance hebeats Leno or Letterman at the same time. But it shouldn't be about winning, but just putting on the best program no matter what.
Conan > Leno.

Mr. O' Brian needs to head to Fox.

He'd get all of that lost freedom back and then some.

Agree man, Leno was all talking about passing the torch to Conan and such. And of course Conan would want that 11:30 slot, dude paid his dues and is the mostfunniest late night host and he was at the end of his contract? I really hope Conan leaves for Fox or ABC, dude deserves some freedom on the show and theprimetime

And the guy moved his family from NY to LA and already purchased a home
Originally Posted by Air Kalo

Conan > Leno.

Mr. O' Brian needs to head to Fox.

He'd get all of that lost freedom back and then some.

True story. In his heyday, Conan was funnier than a lot of shows on television, including Leno. I think a lot of it has to do with the demographic that iswatching, you figure it's the audience who still watches their local news show.

I think NBC is gonna have to payout Conan's salary because of the change in the time slot. I hope he was smart enough to include the language in hiscontract.
[h3]Patton Oswalt on Leno and Conan shakeup (audio)[/h3]
The brilliant Patton Oswalt gives a comedian's analysis of the Jay Leno and Conan O'Brien shakeup.

Bit of a rambling audio interview, but there's some good bits here. Oswalt's basic thrust is that comedians are frustrated with Leno because, forall his success, he doesn't do anything interesting with his platform.

"You almost want to take [Leno] aside and ask him: Why do you want this so badly?" said Oswalt."Because you don't do anything with it. Whereas Conan clearly wants the show because there's things he's dying to do with his writing staffand places he wants to take the show ... Conan's way better than he was at 12:30 p.m., so [NBC] keep your hands off."
Jay needs to just fade off....he's trying to hold to his fame when he should just lay back and take a swim in all his money.

Conan is the only funny dude out of the bunch...Fallon, dude straight up sucks. Just the sight of his face annoys me.
Originally Posted by Baybully650

Jay needs to just fade off....he's trying to hold to his fame when he should just lay back and take a swim in all his money.

problem is as funny you think conan is alot more ppl think letterman is funnier then both jay and conan and now da ratings war is killing conan's rep soits jay leno back to

da rescue.
Conan is getting crushed in the ratings for a few reasons... Leno gives him an awful lead in, Letterman has been established so of course his audience will bestronger at that time slot, and Conan's only been on the air for 7 months.

NBC is already saving huge sums of money with Jay at 10 pm... his show saves them millions each week at that slot. So it's not like bringing back Jay issimply to win ratings/money, this move is going to cost them far more than their current plan.
Originally Posted by ninjahood

Originally Posted by Baybully650

Jay needs to just fade off....he's trying to hold to his fame when he should just lay back and take a swim in all his money.

problem is as funny you think conan is alot more ppl think letterman is funnier then both jay and conan and now da ratings war is killing conan's rep so its jay leno back to

da rescue.

Exactly. Obviously Conan is FAR more talented, but to think he could go head to head with them is ridiculous. He's get destroyed because his style ofcomedy does not appeal to the masses.
Leno is a turd. Dude if you didn't want to leave the tonight show then you should have just stayed. It's not like people were wanting you out. Talkabout the ultimate take back. Just accept the fact that you made a bad decision and your new show sucks and go drive your cars.
i think its going back to normal and fallon will be the odd man out... it doesnt make sense to get rid of conan completely
Letterman is the King

Leno is hard to watch

All Leno does is do some terrible stand up for not for the first bit of the show. Then sit down tell some more jokes off a TelePrompTer. Then give easy andboring interviews while sucking up to anyone.

Letterman on the other hand doesn't really rehearse, and goes out their and makes it up as he goes along, not relying on a pre written jokes. He can behimself and make the show flow. He also gives great interviews, and is not afraid to call his guest out if he thinks there idiots.

Conan is ok but I don't like how he always makes himself the butt of the joke. Kimmel is funny to from his man show days and has his own followers fromthen that watch him now. Fallon was only funny on weekend report making songs about holidays. Jon stewart is ok, but show can get kind of boring, Colbert onthe other hand is hilarious and maybe the best live show on tv right now.
What pisses me off about this is that SOUTHLAND was killed due to this god damn failed experiment
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