Condo Collapse in Florida, 4 Dead 159 Missing...

This reminds me of the Citicorp building in midtown Manhattan that had potential to collapse

An undergrad architecture student brought the flaws of the building's design in her thesis to the engineer's staffers and it explained how quarterly winds could cause it to collapse. They eventually took action after reviewing the design flaws that were brought up

The Red Cross estimated 200k people could have potentially been killed in the city, if it hadn't been corrected

The sad reality is, this country has a lot of crumbling infrastructure that won't be addressed until a catastrophe happens
Unfortunately even that won't get us to fix the problem. They'll blame the inspector, call it a tragedy, and move on. Itll take far too much money to fix our infrastructure. They tried to pitch 4 trillion and it's been negotiated down to near 1. Negotiated away peoples lives and livelihoods if you ask me cause it's only a matter of time before more buildings or bridges collapse.
This all wild. There have been even recent examples of new construction having to be torn down due to incompetence. There was a building in Seattle that got torn down about a decade ago (my co-worker lived in it, and had to move). There was also the building at City Center in Vegas ten years ago that got torn down before anyone even moved in, due to design flaws. God knows what is going on with those Miami condos built in the 70s/80s.
It’s especially more dangerous for these buildings near the beach. If the outer protection layer is compromised, then you have to worry about the salt in the air getting in and corroding the inner structure.

If you’re wondering why you haven’t heard more about how those problems play out in deteriorating condo projects, it’s because there weren’t many … until now. The law that established the condominium as a concept in American law turns 60 this year. Champlain Towers South turned 40 this year. An entire generation of buildings is moving from middle age to old age, a time in life that requires complex and expensive decisions for condominiums just as it does for humans. And those decisions will be left up to people like you or me.

Essentially what we’ve done is take some very sophisticated infrastructure and handed it off to laypeople, most of whom have no experience with maintaining it or determining the condition of it,” said Tyler Berding, a California lawyer whose firm works with hundreds of homeowners associations. The condo board is charged both with committing to repair work and raising the money to pay for it, often against the wishes of skeptical, penny-pinching neighbors.
No. They actually found a few more this morning. It was brought down in fear of the workers safety.
So... What do you want, them to be pressed to death?
Tying to see where I wrote that…… 🤷🏽‍♂️ How about a fair and speedy trial?

that said, if the families of the people dead want more….. wouldn’t blame them
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What is justice in a situation like that? The only thing that will happen is a slap on the wrist. And wasn’t the actual issue the HoA committee and the coat to repair the issues?
What is justice in a situation like that? The only thing that will happen is a slap on the wrist. And wasn’t the actual issue the HoA committee and the coat to repair the issues?
No I think with publicity like this, someone is going to have to go down.
What does “go down” mean? And who is ultimately responsible? The president of the HoA committee? It’s a condo community.
Contractors, HoA personale assigned to this building, Inspectors, Engineers attached to said inspectors, maintenance, etc. This is going to fall on a lot of people. This has nationwide coverage and people are outraged about the safety issues being ignored and already instructed another building to be vacated. You can believe that nothing will happen, but I believe that someone/people will ultimately be found at fault and it won't be a minor fine.
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