Condo Collapse in Florida, 4 Dead 159 Missing...

Contractors, HoA personale assigned to this building, Inspectors, Engineers attached to said inspectors, maintenance, etc. This is going to fall on a lot of people. This has nationwide coverage and people are outraged about the safety issues being ignored and already instructed another building to be vacated. You can believe that nothing will happen, but I believe that someone/people will ultimately be found at fault and it won't be a minor fine.

They NEVER get the people actually responsible for these tragedies.

Wasn't there a large bridge that collapsed in Washington state a few years ago?

Anyone of them catch a bullet?
Who is them? If it’s a collective decision like that…besides a financial settlement, public apology, what else do you do?

I can’t even tell you the contractors, inspectors, etc at fault. Will their reputation possibly be damaged? Maybe

One way to keep track of needed repairs is a "reserve study," in which condo boards bring in experts like engineers or certified specialists every few years to inspect buildings and estimate how much the boards should collect from residents to prepare for future fixes. The building's financial documents, obtained by NBC News and NBC 6 South Florida, show that Champlain Towers South had not done a professional reserve study since at least 2016. That decision was legal, but it meant that planning was left to the board, a shifting group of volunteers with little training in building maintenance.

"If the owners would have had a reserve study, if the board was proactive and had funded its reserves, this never would have happened," said Julio Robaina, a former Republican state legislator.

Robaina sponsored a 2008 law requiring condo associations to hire engineers or architects to submit reports every five years about how much it would cost to keep up with repairs.

The law lasted just two years before it was repealed in 2010, after Robaina left office. Robaina blamed pushback from real estate lawyers and property managers, who he said claimed that the law was too burdensome for condo owners. The legislator who sponsored the repeal, former state Rep. Gary Aubuchon, a Republican real estate broker and homebuilder, did not reply to messages seeking comment.
So the rich dudes that built a piece of crap…… what happens to them?

It was built 40 years ago….by the water…..15 million of work needed to be done not because it was built poorly but because it was neglected.

I think you’re going to find over the last 3 years many members of the board sold their places. I assume all board members knew about these millions of repairs that would be needed and dumped their home to someone else and downplayed or didnt even tell the buyer.
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