Confessions of a "state your profession here"

smh...seems the only was you're getting legit service (for the most part) in any retail place is if you're the one physicallyhandling whatever you want or someone on the inside is your friend.
my boy worked at Dominos in HS

he said one time this dude who called in a order for carryout was being an ^&*hole

so they played hockey on the floor with his pizza and another dude dipped his toppings in the toilet

Originally Posted by JayHood23

When I worked at a shoe store and somebody needed a shoe and they were obnoxious I'd tell them we didnt have their size.
On Jordan release day I'd pull my size out the night before and when somebody wanted that size I'd hit em with the we dont got em

Takes me back to my FINL days.
Originally Posted by ZEEN1NE


all this was done towards the end when the cool manager would close

-spit in food
-scratched my balls and made sandwiches with bare hands (manager wasn't around)
-hawked maddddd loogies in the cooking oil RIGHT before dropping chicken nuggets
-pissed in the freezer on top of the stock
-downstairs where they kept the frozen cookies, i used to lick em.
-when on register the change customers would receive was fake money (i was cool wit the manager)
-i used to mop the floor with dirty %#+ water then whipe the buns on the floor while it was still wet

can't think of anything else
the *#+$ is wrong with you man ?
used to work at a private country club (golf course)

- tip your bag boys if you leave your clubs there! you dont tip = we throw your bags around the back room, take your drivers out to the range, even play roundsin your clubs
- dont ever pay for range balls, just ask the youngest worker around for a bucket... 99% of them will be cool about it
- talk sports with them, we will remember you, wash your clubs free, take care of them, even sneak some beers in your cart when you are about to ride out

- all rumors are true. be nice to your servers. we can be your best friend or your worst enemy.
- if you go somewhere often, tip good. for the amount of free stuff we will slide you it will end up paying for itself... trust

now that im a teacher i gotta give respect to that dude who posted that list earlier... had me rolling!
worked at summer camp

-we would come hungover
-we had favorites to the good kids
-your child is bad, they are bad
-The parents would want to smash some of us

worked at Footlocker
-all the jordans were held/hidden in my size before they came out
-if you were an irate customer, we would just go back and chat before saying we dont have it

worked at a bank
-if you was an irate customer, we would hold your check an extra day
-if you were nice, we would refund our NSF fees
-i dont care what customer service says, im not giving you riduclous ways of cash back (5 20s, 4 10s 6 1s 3 quarters)

worked at McDonalds at 16
-Special orders were just that, Special

-You want fresh fries?? You get fresh hot SALTY fries
-Big Mac sauce had more than just that

-Drop a burger on the floor, 5 second rule was in effect
some of yall are foul
...i mean, even if the customer is a jerk it'sstill your job to treat them right, you're getting paid for it. well, i never worked in retail so maybe i don't completely understand.

kumon learning center tutor
-we had to grade papers all day long and it got stupid repetitive, if it was a smart person's work i was grading sometimes i'd get lazy and just saythey were all correct and not really check over it.
-i really don't like those parents that are there to push their kids and watch over them all the time and "psuedo-discipline" them. i mean, letthe kids breathe. there was this one lady that was always telling her son to get working and stuff like that but i felt bad for him cuz i could sorta relate asmy parents were sorta like that too, so i was extra-nice and tried to help him with a little more effort on my part.
-also it only happened like 1-2 times, but near the end of my shift, if there was a kid there that couldn't correct his corrections no matter how hard itried teaching him, i'd just tell them some of them were right anyway.
man i'm horrible
tech support - People always say "you're so patient", and you get the typical "not a problem, it's our job", but in actuallitywe're bangin our heads against the wall and cussing up a storm when you hear silence.
Originally Posted by lilstone25

First Virginia Bank if the person complained was in the drive thru and wanted a lolipop for their kids, I broke it in half
[Kanye] How could you be so heartless... [Kanye]

Al ot of people came into this thread with "jobs", few came in with "professions".

I'm waiting for the older NTers to review corporate details and I might play along with what I've seen and heard through the grapevine.
I know I don't want to say to much cause I work for a school district but it gets pretty crazy there.
Originally Posted by failedtakeover

keep this is going pure entertainment

& ban yourself
yea its pretty much because of who you are and that you "attempted to do"
I used to work as a currency broker. I would only deal with corporate accounts and this a step-by-step of how the game worked...

- I would cold call you and urge you to compare the rate you're currently getting versus mine. I would suggest doing it AFTER you booked with your currentprovider
- When you called me, I would quote WAY under the market to make my rate look good
- I would give you the EXACT market rate for the first couple of deals
- After 4 or 5 deals, when I assume you STOPPED checking my rate against your provider, I would absolutely hammer the crap out of you

Basically how we got paid was if the rate to buy USD was 1.20 CAD, I would try and sell it to you as high as possible and I would get 20% of the gross profit.Keep in mind these were corporate accounts, often trading upwards of $1-5mm a transaction. There were people in my office making well over 6 figures.

Eventually I quit. I hate ripping people off, especially people that trust me, not to mention I care about my reputation too much.

Shiesty business.
People do this @**@ and act like food poisoning dont exist. some of you must just be bored. And *%%! you im being an #!!+%%+ you better make my foodcorrect.. *%%! that "be nice" @**@. Your being paid to $%!%*%* serve me, do your damn job right. How can you tamper with peoples food like that. imean hiding jordans is one thing, but spitting on/dropping food is sick. YES im mad cause these threads come up everytime and i say the samething. Im onlytight because im prone to food poisioning, and sitting up in a hospital with a jacked up colon and bloody stool is no fun.
Originally Posted by socaking

People do this @**@ and act like food poisoning dont exist. some of you must just be bored. And *%%! you im being an #!!+%%+ you better make my food correct.. *%%! that "be nice" @**@. Your being paid to $%!%*%* serve me, do your damn job right. How can you tamper with peoples food like that. i mean hiding jordans is one thing, but spitting on/dropping food is sick. YES im mad cause these threads come up everytime and i say the samething. Im only tight because im prone to food poisioning, and sitting up in a hospital with a jacked up colon and bloody stool is no fun.

Originally Posted by JayHood23

Sometimes I wouldnt even look, I'd just stand back there long enough for them to think I looked for their sneakers
Do the same thing at the clothing store I work at...customers with no respect don't get any ofmine...
Telemarketing- make everything sound so good. leave out all the important details and in the confirmation read fast and mumble words. we used to swindle olderpeople to hit quota and sell internet to people with no computer saying we would give them 90 days to go find one and we'll send $200 to help when theyneed their internet activated to get the money and they start getting billed a week later :shakeheadno i felt bad for everyone i sold to :tongue:imp
Moral is always treat the workers with courtesy and be nice. Or we can mess things up for you.

State Farm

Customers that came in complaining and yelling at us for their bills, would see higher premiums and would be put on hold. We would "call" ourUnderwriting Dept. and stay on the phone chatting for a few.Checked your addresses and info on file. We had access to your credit cards and all that. I easilycould have frauded people, but I'm not grimey like that.We would "forget" to add discounts to Irate customers.

Nike Factory

Everybody knows what goes on at sneaker spots. I used to stash kicks on the back, until there were store discounts and then got them for dirt cheap. Some weretaken for free. If you are an angry customer I will "check" in the back and go to the breakroom and chill for a minute then tell you no more in yoursize. Some employees are in the know so they change the prices of items. Bad customers would get smashed,ripped boxes with creased shoes. I hooked up madpeople. If you were cool with me, I took care of you. I would change the price. Cute girls were always after the discount, but I had to get something in return
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