
I've lost all motivation all I wanna do is be lazy and do nothing.

I'm disgusted by my eating habits but I can't stop.

I want to get everything in my life together but everytime I try I feel a heavy amount of pressure/anxiety and I quit
Damn NT, I need to vent.

Last night was a Paper Diamond show at a local venue. A lot of my really good friend were going, and even though I'm not really into that style of music, I decided to give it a try and have a night out and have a good time. Last minute my girlfriend decided she wanted to go, which was fine, I wanted her to come with and enjoy herself and have a good time. Going to shows is one of my favorite hobbies so of course I want her to go to.

Well she has social anxiety, and sometimes it's worse than others. We were there for about 45 mins to an hour, and we had to leave. She said she was fighting off panic attacks the whole time and just had to get out of there. Granted it was insanely crowded, so I can sort of understand where she's coming from. She was fine when we saw Jay-Z last month, but that wasnt general admission in a tiny venue. It sucked I had to leave before he came on, but I did the right thing, left with her, was very supportive and told her I appreciated her making the effort of trying to come out when she knew she'd be uncomfortable.

I just don't know what to do. I really like her, enjoy spending time with her, but I'm very extroverted and she's extremely introverted. She's dope in a lot of aspects, and she is into sneakers too. But I just am having bad feelings about it now.

How long you been with her? The lady of my life/mother of my kids has anxiety issues as well. I'm always there to coach her up and tell her that things will be alright. It works both ways though. I'm a hot head and she's always there to help keep my cool.
If you genuinely feel good about supporting her issues then ride with her. If not, relieve yourself from future headaches..
thats pretty messed up
keep your head up maybe getting away is the best thing for you
i could have helped my mother out financially but i sent the money to pay extra on a bill. she needs/needed some jaw operation that came out to about a G.

i asked my dad if she would take the money, and he said if it came from me, definetly not. on more than a few occasions, ive called her out on the stupid/reckless things she has done, especially with money. unfortunately, she considers that a personal attack, and because ive done this, my relationship hasnt been the best with her for years. her mentality is if you don't support her everything she does, you are against her.

i do feel a bit bad because she could have used it. ive offered her extra cash in the past but she has more or less told me to "shove it" because of past interactions. i figured id get the same response and just used the cash to pay extra on my student loan.
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I got with my lady after originally sleeping with her sister. Years ago a group of us went away for spring break and the sister invited her younger sibling. I was simpin hard and she wasn't giving no attention. Drunk night I was mad at her and ended up with the younger sibling, years later we're engaged with a kid :lol:. My woman just thinks I had a crush on her sister, at family events I get flashbacks and sometimes wonder what if :smh:
I got with my lady after originally sleeping with her sister. Years ago a group of us went away for spring break and the sister invited her younger sibling. I was simpin hard and she wasn't giving no attention. Drunk night I was mad at her and ended up with the younger sibling, years later we're engaged with a kid :lol:. My woman just thinks I had a crush on her sister, at family events I get flashbacks and sometimes wonder what if :smh:

Be honest, whos hotter?
I don't have much desire to talk to my mom

hey dude seeing all these confessions this was the one that hit me the most. I dont know your situation and im not gonna act like I have been in a similar with my mom but i feel this one.

relationships with other people will never be perfect. they arent 50-50, theyre 100-100. Each side has to put 100% effort into making it work. I personally dont think their is a stronger bond than the one a mother has with a child and the one a child has with their mother. Look across all species of animals, that bond is the strongest.

go see her tomorrow, or call her up or whatever you have to do but man please put 100% effort into that relationship, its the best one youll ever have

I use to think the same thing fam but it's not always true. The older I get the more certain things are being revealed to me, not to mention everything that I've ever noticed between her and my older brother. To be honest, the best relationship I've ever had was/is with my brother (he's 12 years older).
I'm convinced I can read minds/emotions, I predict so many things that will happen in peoples lives, emotionally mostly, and they ALWAYS do's a burden because I live with the anxiety of knowing what someone is about to experience, when I try to warn them, it gets overlooked, and I sit back and watch the destruction occur.
This is literally like a recap of every single day of my life.  It's a gift and a curse to be so finely in-tune with human emotions.  

Eventually, that burden will ease once you come to the conclusion that everyone can't be saved/helped.  Sometimes you have to just sit back and let people experience what they need to experience...
Bruh I don't even know what major I'm doing anymore, should i chase the money or go with my passion :frown: |I

Here, this might help you.

In short, it is telling you that you won't be happy in life if you don't do what you're passionate about. Even if that means you've only got $3 in your bank account by the end of the month. If you can wake up and do your job for free, then you're doing it right in my opinion. A guy a know gave up the opportunity to make a lot of money to become a teacher because that's what his passion is. He's one of the happiest people I know. He's not very wealthy, but he's happy.

If getting money is your idea of happiness, chase it. If your passion is delivering news papers. Do it.

Life is short, man. Might as well enjoy it :smokin
Bruh I don't even know what major I'm doing anymore, should i chase the money or go with my passion :frown: |I

Here, this might help you.

In short, it is telling you that you won't be happy in life if you don't do what you're passionate about. Even if that means you've only got $3 in your bank account by the end of the month. If you can wake up and do your job for free, then you're doing it right in my opinion. A guy a know gave up the opportunity to make a lot of money to become a teacher because that's what his passion is. He's one of the happiest people I know. He's not very wealthy, but he's happy.

If getting money is your idea of happiness, chase it. If your passion is delivering news papers. Do it.

Life is short, man. Might as well enjoy it :smokin

Sorry brother... but that has NOTHING to do with what was said in the video. :lol:
I've lost all motivation all I wanna do is be lazy and do nothing.

I'm disgusted by my eating habits but I can't stop.

I want to get everything in my life together but everytime I try I feel a heavy amount of pressure/anxiety and I quit
man I really don't feel happy at all with anything I do. I feel like I have enough perspective to say that it really won't change regardless of where I go. I feel like I deceive myself in order to do things. I don't know where to get help from anyone I know because everyone already has their own problems.
I've come to the realization that's not about the beauty of the woman, it's the duty of the woman...If a woman will grind and hold you down, but also has her own head on her shoulders, she is worth her weight in gold, which is way more than any dime who just leeches.
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I got so damn high last night I couldn't move.
Man, last Saturday I was so high I was vibrating G.

Out of 10 levels I would say I was about a 12. Was taking my last homie back to his dorm and pulled over cause he had to pee... Dude real life walked around to the back of some random peoples house and pissed on the side of it, got back in the car drooling on himself and passed out.

Had to literally carry my white homie up three flights of step and toss his *** on his couch. Exactly why I've been coo on alcohol for quite awhile.
Anybody else believe in fortune cookies?

It may have been a coincidence, but you know how they have lucky numbers in the back.

Well I chose those number in Roulette earlier and won!
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