

got into college to learn this car ****

my grades are **** compared to where they should be and its only been a month and 23 days. strugglin in math the damn teacher goes too fast
dont have that much time to study because i gota catch the bus that eats up two hours of time and if i stay up late i might **** around and be late for school (i miss a class more than 3 times they kick your *** out -_- missed one already

freinds flaking or they never hit up is getting annoying foreal

hopefully everything falls into place and works out tryin to stay persistent in school and get my **** together outside of it

good luck to all you homies out there fina take my *** to sleep

Hey man, check out and look at some of the math videos. Guarantee you that they'll have material covering some of the topics you may be struggling with in class. Without KhanAcademy I probably wouldn't have made it past can be a great resource if you use it.
yo good look homie Ima have to check that out when I get to my computer repped
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Damn NT, I need to vent.

Last night was a Paper Diamond show at a local venue. A lot of my really good friend were going, and even though I'm not really into that style of music, I decided to give it a try and have a night out and have a good time. Last minute my girlfriend decided she wanted to go, which was fine, I wanted her to come with and enjoy herself and have a good time. Going to shows is one of my favorite hobbies so of course I want her to go to.

Well she has social anxiety, and sometimes it's worse than others. We were there for about 45 mins to an hour, and we had to leave. She said she was fighting off panic attacks the whole time and just had to get out of there. Granted it was insanely crowded, so I can sort of understand where she's coming from. She was fine when we saw Jay-Z last month, but that wasnt general admission in a tiny venue. It sucked I had to leave before he came on, but I did the right thing, left with her, was very supportive and told her I appreciated her making the effort of trying to come out when she knew she'd be uncomfortable.

I just don't know what to do. I really like her, enjoy spending time with her, but I'm very extroverted and she's extremely introverted. She's dope in a lot of aspects, and she is into sneakers too. But I just am having bad feelings about it now.
I Lost my Tax refund at the Baccarat Table in Maryland Live! Casino.
I might have a serious gambling problem

Get that together man, i mean that in the most supportive way possible. I used to have a serious online gambling problem. I was addicted to sit n go tourney's on full tilt. I won a decent amount of times but then I went on a bad streak, the money I lost :smh:

I rarely gamble anymore besides for home poker games but I know it can be rough, you always think you can win it back but you end up losing more.

Especially for me in hold em, no matter how skilled I think I may be, bad beats will ALWAYS happen :smh: I swear full tilt was rigged. I've had some pretty bad beats at the casino though too.
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How much was your refund?


Get that together man, i mean that in the most supportive way possible. I used to have a serious online gambling problem. I was addicted to sit n go tourney's on full tilt. I won a decent amount of times but then I went on a bad streak, the money I lost :smh:

I rarely gamble anymore besides for home poker games but I know it can be rough, you always think you can win it back but you end up losing more.

Especially for me in hold em, no matter how skilled I think I may be, bad beats will ALWAYS happen :smh: I swear full tilt was rigged. I've had some pretty bad beats at the casino though too.

I'm trying to. The money comes (and goes) so easily though. Gambling is like crack to me. I know I shouldn't but I do anyways
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I constantly push good girls away or out of my life because of looks. I'm too hung up on appearances and how other people would view or judge the attractiveness of a potential girlfriend. Because of this, I'll date chicks that are terrible for me or just plain bad people only because they have a pretty face. It needs to end. 
This chick I was starting to feel dropped a bomb on me. It's gotta end now, but damn she was cool.

I've been procrastinating too long, and realize I'm too talented to stay in my current job, I've been settling because I make good money for my age, but I need a higher ceiling, I want wolf of wall street money. 

I feel a little intimidated by women that make more money than me, and right now, I'm talking to one that makes a lot more.
This chick I was starting to feel dropped a bomb on me. It's gotta end now, but damn she was cool.

I've been procrastinating too long, and realize I'm too talented to stay in my current job, I've been settling because I make good money for my age, but I need a higher ceiling, I want wolf of wall street money. 

I feel a little intimidated by women that make more money than me, and right now, I'm talking to one that makes a lot more.
What was da bomb
She has something, I can deal with a lot of things, but it just aint one of them. Poor girl was a keeper in all other aspects too.
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Ive lost all motivation for school...ive stopped studying for classes...dont even feel like being in class most of the time...

I dont even know if i want to be a finance major anymore

i dont know whats wrong with me
Ive lost all motivation for school...ive stopped studying for classes...dont even feel like being in class most of the time...

I dont even know if i want to be a finance major anymore

i dont know whats wrong with me

Happens to the best of us. Just gotta get that fire back :smile: talking to people who have been through what you're going through and seeing how they have prospered in the end always helps me :smile: and this is coming from someone who's major society has deemed as "useless" :lol:
Ive lost all motivation for school...ive stopped studying for classes...dont even feel like being in class most of the time...

I dont even know if i want to be a finance major anymore

i dont know whats wrong with me
Bruh I don't even know what major I'm doing anymore, should i chase the money or go with my passion 
Ive lost all motivation for school...ive stopped studying for classes...dont even feel like being in class most of the time...

I dont even know if i want to be a finance major anymore

i dont know whats wrong with me

Happens to the best of us. Just gotta get that fire back :smile: talking to people who have been through what you're going through and seeing how they have prospered in the end always helps me :smile: and this is coming from someone who's major society has deemed as "useless" :lol:

Some of my family members told me they are proud of me...first of my fam to even go to college...and i get so frustrated because im not doing what im supposed to do...i know i failed my fiance midterm because i didnt even care to study...i want to do prosper but i just cant seem to get it together
I have trust issues and some more ****.

Just met this ***** 2 weeks ago. Deaded it 3 days in once i found out she had no job. I cannot give a pass for something like that, we're too old for this **** man.
i'm lucky enough to have a paid internship but today was one of those days where I was like "Why the F am I here" and wanted to leave so bad after only 3 hrs on the job. The office/work life is just dull and stale with all the office politics that goes on. I spent much of my time today thinking about what my next opportunity is and it hasn't even been a month.

I also started thinking I might be in the wrong field... maybe I should be studying a different engineering field or go back to considering med school... thoughts killing me b.
On the low I want to try PIIHB w the shorty. Anyone ever done it? That "dookie-luv"?
I've lost all motivation all I wanna do is be lazy and do nothing.

I'm disgusted by my eating habits but I can't stop.

I want to get everything in my life together but everytime I try I feel a heavy amount of pressure/anxiety and I quit
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I don't have much desire to talk to my mom

hey dude seeing all these confessions this was the one that hit me the most. I dont know your situation and im not gonna act like I have been in a similar with my mom but i feel this one.

relationships with other people will never be perfect. they arent 50-50, theyre 100-100. Each side has to put 100% effort into making it work. I personally dont think their is a stronger bond than the one a mother has with a child and the one a child has with their mother. Look across all species of animals, that bond is the strongest.

go see her tomorrow, or call her up or whatever you have to do but man please put 100% effort into that relationship, its the best one youll ever have
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