
Also, the chick I've had the strongest feelings for EVER is with some lame *** dude. He might be super cool and ten times better than me, but he's lame imo of course. We've known each other since we were like 10 and we used to have mad crushes on each other from like 11 to now. I never tried to get at her because I was shy and didn't want it just to be little kid stuff. Fast forward to now, she's with a dude younger than her and admitted to me that if it weren't for him we'd be together. She's too good of a girl "religious family etc" to leave him for me, makes me think I'm just not good enough to make her leave. Don't know whether to dead her or at least keep trying.

Hands down the ONLY woman I see having a future with. Don't hate her like I do most other chicks.

Embarrassed to be writing this.

Doggggg i was in this same postion months ago. Swear to god. I basically was the side dude just smashing whenever but didn't bother me until I grew feelings. Then when I told her be with me she kept beating the bush and saying she would feel bad for leaving him. Like ***** I look better than him, live better, everything. I moved on though, I'll just **** on them both. Lowkey one of the greatest feelings is looking back at all the broads that acted funny and see you ******* living it up. Texting you out of nowhere talking bout "i miss you" or "hey stranger" and i just laugh. **** you. I'm petty.

That same chick is now sweating me now that she sees me with another chick. I'm loving the hurt.
Also, the chick I've had the strongest feelings for EVER is with some lame *** dude. He might be super cool and ten times better than me, but he's lame imo of course. We've known each other since we were like 10 and we used to have mad crushes on each other from like 11 to now. I never tried to get at her because I was shy and didn't want it just to be little kid stuff. Fast forward to now, she's with a dude younger than her and admitted to me that if it weren't for him we'd be together. She's too good of a girl "religious family etc" to leave him for me, makes me think I'm just not good enough to make her leave. Don't know whether to dead her or at least keep trying.

Hands down the ONLY woman I see having a future with. Don't hate her like I do most other chicks.

Embarrassed to be writing this.

Doggggg i was in this same postion months ago. Swear to god. I basically was the side dude just smashing whenever but didn't bother me until I grew feelings. Then when I told her be with me she kept beating the bush and saying she would feel bad for leaving him. Like ***** I look better than him, live better, everything. I moved on though, I'll just **** on them both. Lowkey one of the greatest feelings is looking back at all the broads that acted funny and see you ******* living it up. Texting you out of nowhere talking bout "i miss you" or "hey stranger" and i just laugh. **** you. I'm petty.

That same chick is now sweating me now that she sees me with another chick. I'm loving the hurt.

Me and the chick never did anything though. I never even attempted to kiss her b.

I get what you're saying about doing better though. Feels good.
man, I've been wanting to try blow. I don't think it's that bad.

I hate my job and my life, can't decide which one I hate more. I don't look at myself in the mirror when I'm at work because I hate seeing myself in a suit and tie. Growing up if you asked me what I wanted to be, I would have told you everything, except for somebody in a suit and tie.

Growing up, I learned a lot from older family members, to this day I do the same. I learned very early on, most of the time you don't stay friends with the same people from high school. Throughout high school I felt like I followed my friends and put in a lot more than they did. I was too afraid to make other friends til about senior year, by then it was too late.
Fast forward to Novemberish, I stopped calling or texting my "friends" even the ones I've known since middle school. Only the ones who I realized never hit me up. To this day, if I look at my phone log I've had NOT ONE call from most of them.
****** friends. Sometimes I would hit them up and they would make what seemed like excuses to not hang out. Realized I don't need them, and I'm fine with it. Does get lonely from time to time though. Especially on a Friday and Saturday night.

Afraid of hating life ten years from now or not being able to be a role model to my kids if I ever have kids.

I just want to work on custom motorcycles and cars.
Also, the chick I've had the strongest feelings for EVER is with some lame *** dude. He might be super cool and ten times better than me, but he's lame imo of course. We've known each other since we were like 10 and we used to have mad crushes on each other from like 11 to now. I never tried to get at her because I was shy and didn't want it just to be little kid stuff. Fast forward to now, she's with a dude younger than her and admitted to me that if it weren't for him we'd be together. She's too good of a girl "religious family etc" to leave him for me, makes me think I'm just not good enough to make her leave. Don't know whether to dead her or at least keep trying.

Hands down the ONLY woman I see having a future with. Don't hate her like I do most other chicks.

Embarrassed to be writing this.
I know all these feels bro, whack friends, the girl that got 'away' not yet but you know what I mean.

get on your grind and work on your dreams of working on bikes and cars.

I'm on the same boat but can't land a job to start making those dreams come true, don't slow down while you're ahead.
nah b. This one ain't getting away.

prolly will, but I'll try to make sure she doesn't.

also, I'm heavily considering joining the HA in a few years and I hate the fact that it'll disappoint my father.
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I went to work yesterday as normal but as I arrived at the gate I noticed that I didn't have my badge.. I had to inform security that I left my wallet at home and who my manager was so I can be let through the gate, this is normal procedure if you forget your badge by the way..
It took about 20 minutes to get a response from my manager and he tells security to tell me, Go home because you can't clock in without your badge..
That statement from him relayed to security is false information because I clock in multiple times a month without my badge by keying in my employee number. All emplyoees know of this and do this from time to time, itz a pretty normal thing..
On my drive home I became pissed because I stay a good 20 miles from my job and I wasn't about to make a 80 mile round trip because the manager was being a a'hole.. So I called in..

Im kinda in a weird space now, momz is talkin bout thatz grounds for termination.. But im like, people were let in without badges in Jan. but when I do it in Feb itz a problem?
I work Saturdays and Sundays for these people, 12 hour days sometimes and they can't buzz me in because I forgot my badge. They're picking and choosing when to follow rules and for only certain people..That ish isn't cool at all...

Any managers here on NT?
I went to work yesterday as normal but as I arrived at the gate I noticed that I didn't have my badge.. I had to inform security that I left my wallet at home and who my manager was so I can be let through the gate, this is normal procedure if you forget your badge by the way..
It took about 20 minutes to get a response from my manager and he tells security to tell me, Go home because you can't clock in without your badge..
That statement from him relayed to security is false information because I clock in multiple times a month without my badge by keying in my employee number. All emplyoees know of this and do this from time to time, itz a pretty normal thing..
On my drive home I became pissed because I stay a good 20 miles from my job and I wasn't about to make a 80 mile round trip because the manager was being a a'hole.. So I called in..

Im kinda in a weird space now, momz is talkin bout thatz grounds for termination.. But im like, people were let in without badges in Jan. but when I do it in Feb itz a problem?
I work Saturdays and Sundays for these people, 12 hour days sometimes and they can't buzz me in because I forgot my badge. They're picking and choosing when to follow rules and for only certain people..That ish isn't cool at all...

Any managers here on NT?

Come on you gotta be more responsible than that. You say you forget your badge multiple times? Do you forget your phone? Do you forget your car keys? Did you go to work today?
Come on you gotta be more responsible than that. You say you forget your badge multiple times? Do you forget your phone? Do you forget your car keys? Did you go to work today?

Nah.. I didn't forget my badge multiple times, I just forgot it yesterday.
I clock in pretty much everyday by keying in my id number instead of using my badge, I rarely take it out of my wallet.

Im pretty sure I've forgotten my keys or cell phone before just like anyone else, but itz not a repetitive thing.

Yeah Im going to work today..
Now that I look back at it, I never had genuine feelings for all the girls that I've had sex with.

I'm scared of what the future has in store for me because I don't wanna disappoint my parents. I honestly don't wanna go to school, all I wanna do is play soccer, it's really the only thing I love.

Just relapsed on cocaine last week, I was 2 years clean . . feels badman :frown:

why papi? no wonder you've been missing on here and PSN :frown:
Last week I officially cut my father out of my life for good.  It has been a long time coming though. 

-Dude was cheating on my mom before they got divorced... all while accusing her of doing dirt

-Dude thinks its more important to spend time with his girlfriend rather than ask his own son how he is doing

-Dude is a ha-B****-ual liar

and the moment that it all boiled over...

-Dude thinks he can disrespect my pregnant wife and raise his voice to her.

As much as I just wish I could knock the daylights out of this man... I am taking the high road and just cutting all communications with him and trying to go on with my life as though he never existed.  (Its hard leaving the THUG LIFE behind)

My goal is to make sure to not follow his ways and be a way better father than he ever was.
Last week I officially cut my father out of my life for good.  It has been a long time coming though. 

-Dude was cheating on my mom before they got divorced... all while accusing her of doing dirt
-Dude thinks its more important to spend time with his girlfriend rather than ask his own son how he is doing
-Dude is a ha-B****-ual liar

and the moment that it all boiled over...

-Dude thinks he can disrespect my pregnant wife and raise his voice to her.

As much as I just wish I could knock the daylights out of this man... I am taking the high road and just cutting all communications with him and trying to go on with my life as though he never existed.  (Its hard leaving the THUG LIFE behind):lol:

My goal is to make sure to not follow his ways and be a way better father than he ever was.

Funny you posted this

Same boat as you somewhat. But me and him are actually kicking it more now and stuff

Texting or calling and having small talk here and there. Thought I'd never see the day

I actually told him off once before
I'm convinced I can read minds/emotions, I predict so many things that will happen in peoples lives, emotionally mostly, and they ALWAYS do's a burden because I live with the anxiety of knowing what someone is about to experience, when I try to warn them, it gets overlooked, and I sit back and watch the destruction occur.
I got a promotion at work.
I'm getting paid well with my side hustle.
That tax return is gonna kick in soon.
Life is blasting off :-D
But I'm just getting over a serious relationship and it SUCKS :'(
Facetiming with my gf right now. I feel like throwing my ipad mini against the wall because she's so frustrated with everything and its making her so upset. Then it gets me frustrated about my whole situation/life.

I don't know what to do. I don't think I'm in a rut, but I think I'm in a rut.


I'm working overseas and when I return home this summer I won't have a full time job in the career I want.
I need to find a full time steady job with good pay before we can move on together to the next part of our relationship (marriage). She's just waiting. Everything comes down to me.
She feels pressured, everyone's asking questions when we are gonna get married, all our friends around us are getting engaged, then I feel pressured because I need to find a steady job before we can mvoe on. I mean I don't have to find a job in the career I want but something that makes decent money so that we could move on in our relationship. Feeling lots of pressure. Even living overseas I can't fishfin escape life back home that is waiting for me. sighhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhh. its almost 1 am and I'm waiting for Drake tickets to go on sale.
Overall life is pretty good right now I'd say, about to purchase my bonnaroo ticket and I'm super happy to be going for the 3rd time in a 3 year span.

But the girl I'm dating is bipolar, not sure how I feel about it still. She's dope, she really is. But when her depression hit :rolleyes
Thursday really has me thinking, NT fam. A few months ago I gave up driving and started cycling. Less money, healthier, and it's cleaner so why not? Anyway, I was at the store picking up some things I needed. As I merged out of the parking lot onto Rt.3 (the main road here in Fredericksburg) the pull tab of my shoe got caught on the end of my pedal, which caused my leg to get caught up in the chain. I fell on the road and my face and body slid across the pavement, my leg was still caught up in the bike and it tossed me up into the air and I landed on my head. If I hadn't been wearing a helmet that would have been it, I'll post pics of it in a minute. There's a dent in the back from where I hit the second time and a huge scratch from where I slid across the pavement.

Before I could get a grip of what was going on a few cars flew past my body. I scrambled towards the curb, my bike was holding me back because it was stuck on my leg still. When I got to the curb, I just laid there and two cars made a barrier around me to protect me from traffic. They got out of their cars and freed my leg. They offered to call an ambulance but I insisted that I was alright. I got up and looked around, traffic was piling up and a fire marshal was parked behind the two cars. (There's a fire rescue/EMT building right across the street from where I crashed) I waved at him and insisted I was okay and walked over to my bike. I reached for the handlebars and passed out right there. I woke up a few seconds later on the ground with the fire marshal over me asking me what had happened. I couldn't really formulate any words, but the pain started to kick in on my shoulder, leg, hip and head. I went back and forth between consciousness, and each time I got up there would be a few more people of the fire rescue squad standing over me.

They told me a car had pulled up and said they knew me. It turns out my friends had been eating near where I was laid out at and drove past, they pulled over when they noticed it was me. As the EMTs put me on the stretcher, they came over and said they would get my bike and tell my family I was alright. I ended up with cuts all down my right side, a fractured collarbone, and a sprained shoulder. Which I'm happy for since it could have been a lot worse. But it has me looking at life from a different perspective. Some things in life just aren't as important as we make them seem, and some things are more important than we give them credit for. Don't stress about the little things, fam, because the next thing you know you aren't going to be there to enjoy what life has to offer you.
I won't be drinking till April 1st 2014.
I been making too many bad choices because of the liquor lately. It's time to make some changes
Glad u didnt get ran over by a car breh :smokin

I dint bike on major streets too dangerous if i fall

I stick to biking on residential small streets and empty not busy streets

I dont wanna commute on a bike because i rather spend money and b safe in a car too many ppl get hut by dum driviers

got into college to learn this car ****

my grades are **** compared to where they should be and its only been a month and 23 days. strugglin in math the damn teacher goes too fast

dont have that much time to study because i gota catch the bus that eats up two hours of time and if i stay up late i might **** around and be late for school (i miss a class more than 3 times they kick your *** out -_- missed one already

freinds flaking or they never hit up is getting annoying foreal

hopefully everything falls into place and works out tryin to stay persistent in school and get my **** together outside of it

good luck to all you homies out there fina take my *** to sleep
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got into college to learn this car ****

my grades are **** compared to where they should be and its only been a month and 23 days. strugglin in math the damn teacher goes too fast
dont have that much time to study because i gota catch the bus that eats up two hours of time and if i stay up late i might **** around and be late for school (i miss a class more than 3 times they kick your *** out -_- missed one already

freinds flaking or they never hit up is getting annoying foreal

hopefully everything falls into place and works out tryin to stay persistent in school and get my **** together outside of it

good luck to all you homies out there fina take my *** to sleep

Hey man, check out and look at some of the math videos. Guarantee you that they'll have material covering some of the topics you may be struggling with in class. Without KhanAcademy I probably wouldn't have made it past can be a great resource if you use it.
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