
man. I'm so tired of being broke but no matter how hard I try I feel like I can't get 'ahead'. I got an out if State ticket a few years ago, hired a lawyer he missed my court date, no I gotta write the judge. I have around 4k in non-school related debt, which makes me not even eligible for more than the min. Student loans. All my problems stem from not having money to take care of them. I'm applying for new jobs, but since I'm in school no one is biting. I look at everyone else around me, they have help, my help is nominal at most. 25, living on my own. Only making $12-1400 a month, but my bills are at least 1K a month. I need to be more disciplined, but man Ira hard when everyday you wake up to a new problem. Life's hard right now, I hope it'll pass but man...i got dreams but I can't live them until I take care of my past. What's worse, all this damn stress is starting to affect my relationships with people and my overall mood.

I'm trying...but I'm tired, ironically, I can't sleep.

Keep on grinding man. Your time will come. Keep up the hard work.

I know its alot easier said than done.

Not saying to go become a boxer, but hopefully you can keep your motivation going.

NT believes in you.
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I feel like I will always be alone because the woman who'm I've loved since I was 16 stopped loving me. I take care of myself, I work hard, and I try to channel alot of my negatives into fuel for my career and my health.

But every morning I get up - everytime I sit for a second without something to distract me with - whether its work or something - I ask myself every day. every minute. ever second. Would my life be better if I did not break up with her? Would she still love me if I was stronger back then? Instead of being so weak that I needed some space?

Would I be a father now? A husband? Would I have a wife to come home to and kids and have that lifestyle that every normal guy would have?

Instead of being alone and just focused on work...and thats all?

It is what it is. Sometimes you find that person and it doesn't always end up the way it should
I've owned my G-Pen micro for less than two weeks and the battery is already completely shot :frown:

That's my confession for today... lol.
Yup I've been doing stuff I used to do before I was a drunk. Picked up the snowboard again and ride a lot, I'm finishing a half finished sleeve on my arm. Got at that girl I had been meaning to smash :lol: it's not all bad but sometimes I gotta check my attitude.
man. I'm so tired of being broke but no matter how hard I try I feel like I can't get 'ahead'. I got an out if State ticket a few years ago, hired a lawyer he missed my court date, no I gotta write the judge. I have around 4k in non-school related debt, which makes me not even eligible for more than the min. Student loans. All my problems stem from not having money to take care of them. I'm applying for new jobs, but since I'm in school no one is biting. I look at everyone else around me, they have help, my help is nominal at most. 25, living on my own. Only making $12-1400 a month, but my bills are at least 1K a month. I need to be more disciplined, but man Ira hard when everyday you wake up to a new problem. Life's hard right now, I hope it'll pass but man...i got dreams but I can't live them until I take care of my past. What's worse, all this damn stress is starting to affect my relationships with people and my overall mood.

I'm trying...but I'm tired, ironically, I can't sleep.

If you have an option to relocate or move-in or move BACK in with relatives to save money...I say do it. That way you'll keep much more of your finances and will be able to distribute it accordingly. If not, get a part time job. If you have a lifestyle that constantly requires money to make it happen, take a break for a while and stack up. Pay off your debt and all else shall follow. The problem may be that you're on your own when you don't HAVE to be. And if you choose to be, make concessions.
I feel like I will always be alone because the woman who'm I've loved since I was 16 stopped loving me. I take care of myself, I work hard, and I try to channel alot of my negatives into fuel for my career and my health.

But every morning I get up - everytime I sit for a second without something to distract me with - whether its work or something - I ask myself every day. every minute. ever second. Would my life be better if I did not break up with her? Would she still love me if I was stronger back then? Instead of being so weak that I needed some space?

Would I be a father now? A husband? Would I have a wife to come home to and kids and have that lifestyle that every normal guy would have?

Instead of being alone and just focused on work...and thats all?

It is what it is. Sometimes you find that person and it doesn't always end up the way it should
Damm sorry to hear man. I'm not in the exact situation but I can def relate. Been in love with my gf since I was 16, **** I was probably in love from the first day I saw her. Anyways can this woman somehow come back in the picture or is it over for you?
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Man. Thread is helpful. Motivation is always needed.
Dude you motivated me to run that Toy R US game hustle (I think it was you) . Until it went wrong 
Gf broke up with me on Friday we got back on Monday. But. I feel something is off the way she talks to me isn't the same as before.
In b4 tyrone she didn't cheat on me. We broke up because she thought I would cheat on her since she's always working and whatnot.
I'm not sure what to do. I love her but if she feels like our relationship is a chore then I don't want to force it on her might as well stay separate.
Gf broke up with me on Friday we got back on Monday. But. I feel something is off the way she talks to me isn't the same as before.
In b4 tyrone she didn't cheat on me. We broke up because she thought I would cheat on her since she's always working and whatnot.
I'm not sure what to do. I love her but if she feels like our relationship is a chore then I don't want to force it on her might as well stay separate.

you ought to tell her how you really feel and identify what the REAL problem is.
Gf broke up with me on Friday we got back on Monday. But. I feel something is off the way she talks to me isn't the same as before.
In b4 tyrone she didn't cheat on me. We broke up because she thought I would cheat on her since she's always working and whatnot.
I'm not sure what to do. I love her but if she feels like our relationship is a chore then I don't want to force it on her might as well stay separate.

It's a pretty big red flag if she broke up with you because of that. Either she's thinking of cheating (or has cheated n feels guilty) or she doesn't trust you. Not good either way bro.
Gf broke up with me on Friday we got back on Monday. But. I feel something is off the way she talks to me isn't the same as before.
In b4 tyrone she didn't cheat on me. We broke up because she thought I would cheat on her since she's always working and whatnot.
I'm not sure what to do. I love her but if she feels like our relationship is a chore then I don't want to force it on her might as well stay separate.

It's a pretty big red flag if she broke up with you because of that. Either she's thinking of cheating (or has cheated n feels guilty) or she doesn't trust you. Not good either way bro.
I concluded is was that because shes,very insecure. She told me that she's working 2 jobs and she's always tired this and that . That it's not fair to me. I'm like I'm cool I don't mind etc. Then she's like I need some time to think . I gave her, her space and time and she hit me up. My guess I jumped the gun thinking were back together when in reality were working things out. That's just my conclusion right now.

pepper pepper I rather stay quiet for the time being because it will open a,can of worms.
@Champion it can certainly be that. Insecurity can grow from her not being available to you while other women very well may be. But it's still not an excuse. Have you given her any reason to distrust you? If not, dismiss it as such. I get where she's coming from though, but she should be able to talk to you about her concerns.
so yeah, just chill out and give each other a little time to internalize what you feel so you can express it with clarity
Everyone is different but I don't think she would outright break up with you if her insecurity was the only issue. She'd ask for reassurance from you and want your attention but if she was that insecure I'm not sure she'd want to be alone. Just IMO.

Sounds like you're avoiding having this convo with her because you're scared of what it'll lead to - but both of you are still feeling some type of way. That won't change until you talk it out. Just saying.
i think she flipped it on u homie, and she already did her dirt.  she prolly met someone at work n now she gonna make u fall back out of your own action 
Wondered why this thread jumped a few posts.

Crag, peppers right famb. Not saying youre butthurt , but there's still something.

The only thing I'm butthurt about is thatt the battery on my G-Pen is completely shot.... :smh: :rofl:
It's straight, got a replacement one to hold me over til I can make it to the store. Only thing is once this one's dead it's dead.

Gonna just pick up the Atmos pen tomorrow, has the best reviews.
Sometimes the idea is better than the reality.

Moved to Arizona about 7 months ago from Virginia. I had been wanting to move out here for years (not sure why in hindsight, I guess the idea was just something to chase or look forward to) and I was growing tried of the DC area commute.

I quit my job, which was work I became good at and worked with some good people (besides the boss who was always haggling me). Turned in a two weeks notice which eventually lead to them having me stay and then quitting in a blaze of glory.

Ditto that for a couple of relationships with different women as well.

I had a lot of job offers and options back in the DC area, same with the women too.

Find myself getting paid a little more out here but having a terrible *** commute still (60 miles away each way and traffic is horrible). The job/work itself is mind numbing and unrewarding. It's just a different pace out here and there is an extreme lack of diversity. Chicks I've met out here so far are pretty bland so far.

Not sure if it's just nostalgia or hindsight, but I'm not sure of this was the best decision.
Those things suck man. My boy is on his 3rd and it just taste burnt. Not sold on them.

Yeah, I pretty much just got it because my friend bought a 2 pack and got a good deal on it and split it with me. I'm pretty sure I'm gonna try out the atmos tomorrow, heard real good things about it.
The pax is the best you can get. Atmos you still gotta tinker with. Why not just cop a dugout and save the headache?
The pax is the best you can get. Atmos you still gotta tinker with. Why not just cop a dugout and save the headache?

You talking about a one hitter? My dude who works at a headshop can get me the Atmos for 55 and has been getting me a good hook up on wax. The pax is too pricey.
Yup that's what I use on the go. Well if you're on wax I guess you need a pen then. The cocaine of tree :lol:
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