
i think she flipped it on u homie, and she already did her dirt.  she prolly met someone at work n now she gonna make u fall back out of your own action :smh:
even though that would make sense, but she isn't the type to cheat. I've known for a long time prior to us getting together. I've already questioned her and she really hasn't given me much reason to suspect otherwise.

Everyone is different but I don't think she would outright break up with you if her insecurity was the only issue. She'd ask for reassurance from you and want your attention but if she was that insecure I'm not sure she'd want to be alone. Just IMO.

Sounds like you're avoiding having this convo with her because you're scared of what it'll lead to - but both of you are still feeling some type of way. That won't change until you talk it out. Just saying.
You're right I'm just giving things time to change and see what happens, if not I'll have a talk to her about it. I know she's been dead tired from work so I just questioned why she's been tripping lately she said it's cause work has her so fatigued which I do believe cause my homegirl told me it happens to her as well.

@Champion it can certainly be that. Insecurity can grow from her not being available to you while other women very well may be. But it's still not an excuse. Have you given her any reason to distrust you? If not, dismiss it as such. I get where she's coming from though, but she should be able to talk to you about her concerns.
so yeah, just chill out and give each other a little time to internalize what you feel so you can express it with clarity
She read a text of me complementing this girls mass after class with my boy. He told me to holla I said nah she's too far I'll do it later ( just guy talk didn't really mean much by it). She got my phone to text my homeboy back when we were together which lead to her reading that. I told her on the spot it's was disrespectful on my half and i apologized. she seemed bothered but I figured she'd let it go.
I know something so small like this can be catastrophic to someone with insecurities tho.
Gf broke up with me on Friday we got back on Monday. But. I feel something is off the way she talks to me isn't the same as before.
In b4 tyrone she didn't cheat on me. We broke up because she thought I would cheat on her since she's always working and whatnot.
I'm not sure what to do. I love her but if she feels like our relationship is a chore then I don't want to force it on her might as well stay separate.
yo let's go to Casola's
Gf broke up with me on Friday we got back on Monday. But. I feel something is off the way she talks to me isn't the same as before.
In b4 tyrone she didn't cheat on me. We broke up because she thought I would cheat on her since she's always working and whatnot.
I'm not sure what to do. I love her but if she feels like our relationship is a chore then I don't want to force it on her might as well stay separate.
yo let's go to Casola's
Man I haven't been there in ages I usually just hit up Steves pizza since it's closer lmk :pimp:
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Gf broke up with me on Friday we got back on Monday. But. I feel something is off the way she talks to me isn't the same as before.
In b4 tyrone she didn't cheat on me. We broke up because she thought I would cheat on her since she's always working and whatnot.
I'm not sure what to do. I love her but if she feels like our relationship is a chore then I don't want to force it on her might as well stay separate.
yo let's go to Casola's
Man I haven't been there in ages I usually just hit up Steves pizza since it's closer lmk :pimp:

Off topic but I don't see what's so good about Steve pizza...its alright but not fantastic...
I just started a job not too long ago. I got the job in December so it's been about 3.5 months now working at this company. I was determined to be a different person than who I was at my previous job. I was shy, timid, socially awkward at my last job. I was going to be working in Boston with very smart individuals and cool people. This company was a place I really wanted to be. Everything about it was cool and they won an award from a Boston magazine as one of the "coolest places to work". And it was cool.

When I got there, I promised myself I would open up to people and build relationships with everyone. I definitely did that and wanted people to like me. Then one day, my manager and supervisor brought me into an empty office to "talk".

At first, I thought it was going to be an update on how I'm doing or telling me to do some kind of special project. No, that was not the case. It was a verbal warning for sexual harassment. :smh:

My boss told me that someone did not like how I was talking to them and it was making them feel uncomfortable. I was floored! I didn't touch anybody, I didn't make obscene gestures or jokes. What did I do? I absolutely did nothing wrong! I just wanted people to like me.

As I went back to my desk, I couldn't think. So I decided to take a walk to clear my head and figure out who would do such a thing.

I went back to the previous days and weeks that I have been talking to my colleagues. After some thinking, I finally figured out who it was!

It is this little prissy girl fresh from college and this is her first job. We usually have lunch around the same time and one day, she came into the office with purple hair. I complimented on her hair but I never said anything sexual more like "your purple hair looks lovely".

Another day, we were having lunch and we were talking about something and I don't remember what I said but I remember saying "if it helps, I love you" as a joke. That very next day, I get called into the room and get a verbal warning for sexual harassment.

Ever since that day, it has been a complete turnaround for me. I'm afraid of saying something wrong that will affect someone that I work with. I keep my head down and just shut up and do my work. I don't socialize with anyone because I am just so afraid. I really feel that my supervisor and manager look at me differently now. I am living in fear at my job now.

This little stuck-up little snob absolutely ruined everything for me at this place! She doesn't understand that I was just complimenting her and she was just so quick to say sexual harassment. These "new generation" workers are so entitled and annoying.

I have now been searching for a new job already. I can't be myself here and I have to leave this place. I really like this place but this is not a safe work environment for me.
dont worry about it bro... i wouldnt let that 1 girl stop you from having a good experience at your job... you probably spend more time at your job then at home so its best to make yourself comfortable there... continue to talk to people but just ignore that 1 girl...and if you do continue to stay quiet sometimes its good because you stay under the radar and get away with slacking off :lol:
dont worry about it bro... i wouldnt let that 1 girl stop you from having a good experience at your job... you probably spend more time at your job then at home so its best to make yourself comfortable there... continue to talk to people but just ignore that 1 girl...and if you do continue to stay quiet sometimes its good because you stay under the radar and get away with slacking off :lol:

Thanks brother. Yeah, I don't talk to her at all. I just say hi and bye to her and I have nothing else to say to her. I get the feeling that she knows but I seriously want to beat the bag out of her because of what she did. She was so quick to call sexual harassment but it seems like everything is sexual harassment nowadays.

Yes, I'm slacking off now. I'm just chilling on Niketalk .:smokin
Thanks brother. Yeah, I don't talk to her at all. I just say hi and bye to her and I have nothing else to say to her. I get the feeling that she knows but I seriously want to beat the bag out of her because of what she did. She was so quick to call sexual harassment but it seems like everything is sexual harassment nowadays.

Yes, I'm slacking off now. I'm just chilling on Niketalk .:smokin

personally i think by stopping your interactions and relationship-building with others you are hurting yourself more than by getting another job. Granted, I think you should stay with this job, i can see that you really enjoy it and want to be here for a while.

You always want to build relationships with others as it opens doors to opportunities whether it be a job promotion or hanging out outside of work (where who knows you may meet one of their friends and end up marrying one of them )
I just started a job not too long ago. I got the job in December so it's been about 3.5 months now working at this company. I was determined to be a different person than who I was at my previous job. I was shy, timid, socially awkward at my last job. I was going to be working in Boston with very smart individuals and cool people. This company was a place I really wanted to be. Everything about it was cool and they won an award from a Boston magazine as one of the "coolest places to work". And it was cool.

When I got there, I promised myself I would open up to people and build relationships with everyone. I definitely did that and wanted people to like me. Then one day, my manager and supervisor brought me into an empty office to "talk".

At first, I thought it was going to be an update on how I'm doing or telling me to do some kind of special project. No, that was not the case. It was a verbal warning for sexual harassment. :smh:

My boss told me that someone did not like how I was talking to them and it was making them feel uncomfortable. I was floored! I didn't touch anybody, I didn't make obscene gestures or jokes. What did I do? I absolutely did nothing wrong! I just wanted people to like me.

As I went back to my desk, I couldn't think. So I decided to take a walk to clear my head and figure out who would do such a thing.

I went back to the previous days and weeks that I have been talking to my colleagues. After some thinking, I finally figured out who it was!

It is this little prissy girl fresh from college and this is her first job. We usually have lunch around the same time and one day, she came into the office with purple hair. I complimented on her hair but I never said anything sexual more like "your purple hair looks lovely".

Another day, we were having lunch and we were talking about something and I don't remember what I said but I remember saying "if it helps, I love you" as a joke. That very next day, I get called into the room and get a verbal warning for sexual harassment.

Ever since that day, it has been a complete turnaround for me. I'm afraid of saying something wrong that will affect someone that I work with. I keep my head down and just shut up and do my work. I don't socialize with anyone because I am just so afraid. I really feel that my supervisor and manager look at me differently now. I am living in fear at my job now.

This little stuck-up little snob absolutely ruined everything for me at this place! She doesn't understand that I was just complimenting her and she was just so quick to say sexual harassment. These "new generation" workers are so entitled and annoying.

I have now been searching for a new job already. I can't be myself here and I have to leave this place. I really like this place but this is not a safe work environment for me.

I don't know why that guy is backing you up but you need to toughen up. I say that very honestly.

1. You probably shouldn't tell co-workers that you love them even as a joke. If it made her uncomfortable enough to go and report you, bro you were probably in the wrong. First thing you neeed to do is admit that to yourself. Maybe you were trying to be charismatic and ended up coming off too flirty. Take it as a lesson learned - there's a line that you shouldn't cross with female co-workers - everyone knows that.

2. Instead of bragging about slacking, how about overcoming adversity? You're crumpling up and quitting because a couple people gave you a warning. This is your chance to truly grow. Stop feeling sorry for yourself. That's what you're doing. If you do that anytime you face an obstacle, you're going have a tough time getting better at this.
Gf broke up with me on Friday we got back on Monday. But. I feel something is off the way she talks to me isn't the same as before.
In b4 tyrone she didn't cheat on me. We broke up because she thought I would cheat on her since she's always working and whatnot.
I'm not sure what to do. I love her but if she feels like our relationship is a chore then I don't want to force it on her might as well stay separate.

same thing happened to me. Me and my girl broke it off and got back a couple days later but things arent the same at all. She has barely been trying to communicate with me. I went to her crib and told her how i felt and how the spark was gone and what is going on. I had full intentions of ending it but i didnt go through with it because i genuinely care about her and want to work things out. But currently i feel like im the only one trying . Imma give it another week or so. If things stay as they currently are then im calling it quits for good this time.
Gf broke up with me on Friday we got back on Monday. But. I feel something is off the way she talks to me isn't the same as before.
In b4 tyrone she didn't cheat on me. We broke up because she thought I would cheat on her since she's always working and whatnot.
I'm not sure what to do. I love her but if she feels like our relationship is a chore then I don't want to force it on her might as well stay separate.

same thing happened to me. Me and my girl broke it off and got back a couple days later but things arent the same at all. She has barely been trying to communicate with me. I went to her crib and told her how i felt and how the spark was gone and what is going on. I had full intentions of ending it but i didnt go through with it because i genuinely care about her and want to work things out. But currently i feel like im the only one trying . Imma give it another week or so. If things stay as they currently are then im calling it quits for good this time.
Just fight through it. Give it time. We went out today and everything was good , when we text ? Completely different but i see now there's. A bit more communication and she's a bit cheered up.
My Advice to you is go out and see what happens . Give it a week or so before you do something you're going to regret. Things Arent To Continue Where They Left Off You Have To Ease back Into it.
Had a break up some time last year. Miss her a bunch no lie. I made one final attempt 2 weeks ago

Texted her saying we should go out and hit the club in the city. Said she cant do it. I said cool

2 days later she asks if im talking to anyone :nerd: I said no and she told me she does wanna go out. Cool

We been talking ever since then until yesterday. I asked if this Saturday is good for her. She hits me with the no. I dont think its a good idea

I think its messed up how i kept getting mixed signals all the time and im not fond of it honestly

A while back she said she wants to be friends but we cant talk everyday. But we been doing that for the past 2 weeks

Saying we cant chill but then telling me she wants to

Even yesterday she sent me a pic of her wearing the necklace i got her for xmas

All the problems we had can most def be fixed but its just on her at this point

Idk what the problem is. She wants to move on yet her actions dont dictate that most of the time
Had a break up some time last year. Miss her a bunch no lie. I made one final attempt 2 weeks ago

Texted her saying we should go out and hit the club in the city. Said she cant do it. I said cool

2 days later she asks if im talking to anyone :nerd: I said no and she told me she does wanna go out. Cool

We been talking ever since then until yesterday. I asked if this Saturday is good for her. She hits me with the no. I dont think its a good idea

I think its messed up how i kept getting mixed signals all the time and im not fond of it honestly

A while back she said she wants to be friends but we cant talk everyday. But we been doing that for the past 2 weeks

Saying we cant chill but then telling me she wants to

Even yesterday she sent me a pic of her wearing the necklace i got her for xmas

All the problems we had can most def be fixed but its just on her at this point

Idk what the problem is. She wants to move on yet her actions dont dictate that most of the time

Do you really want her?
Why did you guys break up initially?

If you really want her, she might just be looking for you to put up more fight for her attention. I know nt is the place of alpha males who disregard everything, but if it's worth it, woo her back
Do you really want her?
Why did you guys break up initially?

If you really want her, she might just be looking for you to put up more fight for her attention. I know nt is the place of alpha males who disregard everything, but if it's worth it, woo her back

I wasnt doing what i used to. Stressed about my old job and it ended up making me not really be a boyfriend

It was basically 80/20

I really not sure how to woo her back since she doesnt wanna do anything with me. I mean i really wanna be with her but what can i really do?

Ive f'd up before and had to get her back
She read a text of me complementing this girls mass after class with my boy. He told me to holla I said nah she's too far I'll do it later ( just guy talk didn't really mean much by it). She got my phone to text my homeboy back when we were together which lead to her reading that. I told her on the spot it's was disrespectful on my half and i apologized. she seemed bothered but I figured she'd let it go.
I know something so small like this can be catastrophic to someone with insecurities tho.

Okay, wait...did you text the girl DIRECTLY or was it just bro talk? If it's just bro talk, then it's bro talk. But what probably agitated her the MOST was that you said you'd follow up. (Your GF doesn't know what you meant or intended to convey) To her, you're plotting on the next. The seed is already planted, you're just waiting on an opportunity...and to be honest, are you? And what's worse? You go to class with this girl; you have access to her on a regular basis. I'd be a little worried, too.

And no, she won't let it go until she can trust you. Seems like you caught her off guard and through all of the reassurances you gave her..and you kinda proved her right.
So, whatchu gon' do now papi?
Utter and complete transparency is the key. You guys can get past this.
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In a relationship with a girl and we live together..

I'm meeting up with an old friend for lunch again. We did it last Friday too. We used to like each other a lot, but now we're both in relationships. The only problem is that both of our "others" would be pissed if they found out we were talking or seeing each other even though we were never together / never did anything. It's an innocent lunch, despite what we talk about during the text convos we have all day. Literally. We talk about everything.

My girl has a personal problem with her ( they have a friendship history) and for the last year I had offed my friend from my life in order to keep peace in my relationship. It wasn't until a couple months ago that I finally hit her up to be friends again.. She said fine. We cleared some stuff up, admitted how we both almost fell for each other when we used to talk all the time.

I'm not sure why, but I can't get this chick off my mind. I'm also not sure if I should feel like I'm cheating on my girl by going to lunch / texting her even though she's just a friend ATM. I feel like I'm cheating, I feel like my girl and her guy would kill both of us if they found out.. But there's nothing OFFICIALLY there right now. We haven't said anything like "I like you again." To eachother.

The whole way I see things hence it comes to stuff like that is:

Obviously your girl doesn't like it.

You have to hide and sneak around behind your girls back.

How would you feel if the roles were reversed, your chick was talking to some dude and it made you uncomfortable and you would be upset if she did.

Yeah, that's a good point.

She found out we were talking and stuff but she doesn't know were hittin lunch. It just sucks because we have always been friends until it became one of those "You can be friends with her. I won't stop you." But every time her name is brought up, she turns into someone else. Like she's pissed off at the world or some ****.

If I found out she was going to lunch with a friend behind my back, but I knew they were talking, I'd ask her what's up but I wouldn't automatically assume she's cheating. We live together.

In reality, I would break up with her before I cheat on her and I think she knows that.
In a relationship with a girl and we live together..

I'm meeting up with an old friend for lunch again. We did it last Friday too. We used to like each other a lot, but now we're both in relationships. The only problem is that both of our "others" would be pissed if they found out we were talking or seeing each other even though we were never together / never did anything. It's an innocent lunch, despite what we talk about during the text convos we have all day. Literally. We talk about everything.

My girl has a personal problem with her ( they have a friendship history) and for the last year I had offed my friend from my life in order to keep peace in my relationship. It wasn't until a couple months ago that I finally hit her up to be friends again.. She said fine. We cleared some stuff up, admitted how we both almost fell for each other when we used to talk all the time.

I'm not sure why, but I can't get this chick off my mind. I'm also not sure if I should feel like I'm cheating on my girl by going to lunch / texting her even though she's just a friend ATM. I feel like I'm cheating, I feel like my girl and her guy would kill both of us if they found out.. But there's nothing OFFICIALLY there right now. We haven't said anything like "I like you again." To eachother.


You are cheating on her. If you feel like you need to hide it from her..your cheating, my guy. Erase her from your life man. Everything seems great when it's fresh. Y'all going to lunch, laughing it up and you think you feeling her? Come on. You and your girl are pretty much married. When you decided to be in a relationship with her, was the same moment when you chose to cut the other **** off.

Trust me, the grass ain't greener on the other side. It's all a mirage. It may seem green when you first step on it, but once you get deeper in the field, all you see is dry *** soil, tumble weed, some hay and the once green plot of land is a barren dirt road with wild cactus and ****.

Cut off all communications with the "friend" and go home to your girl and **** her brains out. You'll get over it. Don't go in too deep in the situation when you know you can't swim. You'll be in the middle of the ocean with no swimming gear, no oxygen, no tire to keep you afloat. You gon drown with the sharks, my guy. Don't put yourself through that, it's not worth it
You need to figure out if you like your girl or your old friend.

The hard part is that were both in relationships, so I'm not gonna ruin what I have for something that MIGHT BE, and neither is she. I don't even know if she has feelings for me right now, and I'm not gonna fall for a girl that I'm uncertain about. Especially when I have a home to take care of.

No kids tho. Lol
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