
Perfect line the describe my relationship.

"I thought I was the *** hole, I guess it’s rubbing off" 
I'm nervous that might I have some girl out there pregnant..I've been bothered by this thought for a few weeks now...I use protection all the time though except with one girl she has the iud in her arm (implanon)...smh maybe I'm just trippin I hope so..I truly do

With that said and after all the ratchet activities I've partaken in since Wednesday I'm done being ratchet
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^^ I think about this sometimes too. There's been a few girls I been with whose name I don't even know and some who would have no way of contacting me if they did get preggo. I've been pretty safe for the most part but u never know sometimes... if im just chillin....or if its pouring out and there is nothing to do ..and im jus home alone.

I dont really mind diarrhea.
Can't really figure out what school I want to go.. I am going into my sophomore year..
Started off at Oklahoma State, the school that I wanted to go to my entire life(parents met there)
Then my second semester transferred to play football at East Texas Baptist University(School is cool and all, just not even close to Ok State, which was expected) However, I am getting to live out my dream of playing college football..
Then there is my girl who is going off to A&M..( She is the wifey)
Then there is my brother who is going all the way to Minnesota Crookston to play football(We are from Texas) He says he wants me to come with..
I know I want to stay to play this season at ETBU, but after that i feel like I have these three options.
1. Go back to the school of my dreams that I absolutely loved, and try to walk on again.
2. Go be an Aggie with my girl and try to walk on.
3. Go across the country to be with my little bro and a partial scholarship in Minnesota..
Any advise is welcomed.. Thanks in advance..
1. What do you really want out of college?
2. Go to the school that will benefit you academically.
3. Don't ruin your college eligibility by bouncing around.
4. Don't ruin your college experience by bouncing around.
5. Don't go to a school because of your girl or Lil bro, there are plenty of holidays and vacations during college to see each other.
6. Goodluck with that decision.
Just to have fun and play football mostly.. Most importantly get that degree as fast as I can.. [emoji]128591[/emoji]
Appreciate the advice..
Just to have fun and play football mostly.. Most importantly get that degree as fast as I can.. [emoji]128591[/emoji]
Appreciate the advice..

You can do the first two things without paying tuition and incurring student debt :lol:
In all seriousness, it sounds like academics are not at the forefront of your agenda. What's after college?
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-It was my birthday last week and I was hoping for a big surprise, nothing happened. It feels bad
-I got denied admissions to a school I really wanted to go to. It feels bad
-I got hours cut at my job. It feels bad
-At this point I just want to buy a airplane ticket, quit my job, and just get away
-As horrible as things are right now. There is a little piece inside of me that's HAPPY [emoji]9786[/emoji]️ Thank God
-It was my birthday last week and I was hoping for a big surprise, nothing happened. It feels bad
-I got denied admissions to a school I really wanted to go to. It feels bad
-I got hours cut at my job. It feels bad
-At this point I just want to buy a airplane ticket, quit my job, and just get away
-As horrible as things are right now. There is a little piece inside of me that's HAPPY [emoji]9786[/emoji]️ Thank God
Your last statement, trumps the rest so stay up my dude.
You can do the first two things without paying tuition and incurring student debt :lol:
In all seriousness, it sounds like academics are not at the forefront of your agenda. What's after college?

Not the case at all.. Academics are the forefront.. Majoring in Political Science/Finance.. Either go into Finance Management preferably in the Auto Industry or continue to Law School..
Not the case at all.. Academics are the forefront.. Majoring in Political Science/Finance.. Either go into Finance Management preferably in the Auto Industry or continue to Law School..
Mrgogetit, have you taken concepts of calculus yet?, I'm sure you have.
Oh, and to add the confessions thread. Sometimes i feel like I have no personality that people would like come around. I feel like i can be more confident than i am now, but i just don't know how. IT's like i'm confused about myself sometimes like who am I? One part of me is like all hoodish and what not , and the other side of me is like properly pronuonciating  words and using big words that half of my family doesnt even know. At 19, i figure it's just part of growing up but i think it's something more than that. Im just lost, hopefully going to college will open me up to who i am a lil bit more. Does anyone have any advice or if they ever felt like this? anything would be appreciated.

also, alotta people say i have no game, idk if its just with the womenz or just in life general? I"m pretty much a house dude in some retrospect, but i can be outgoing when i want.
I took Pre-Cal in high school.. If that's the concepts.. Quite sure it is..

And I feel your pain on being hoodish and then using proper words.. Around my friends I am not just a totally different person, like if they hear me cuss they will be shocked, but I just talk different.. Never really noticed until my girl said something one day when I was on the phone with a friend.. I just accepted it and went on.. You know who your around and how to act accordingly.. I don't mean changing yourself, but be aware of your surrounding..
College will help you step all the way into that role that you see yourself becoming
But going home, and interacting with all of those people will be even more difficult than it is now.
It's tough bc, if someone hasn't been to college maybe they're more closed-minded.
I;m not talking about intelligence.
But seriously, if you haven't seen the outside of your city limits, how big is your world view? How many types of people did you come across that are completely different from you and how tolerant are you about things outside of your world view??
College gets a lot of hate these days (and for good reasons, debt and unemployment are no ******* joke)
But I promise you you will grow into this man that you are beginning to see
College will be so great for you man, I can feel it.
It will open you up, and you seem to yearn for that- bro you are going to have the time of your life.

also, I have to ask:
"Sometimes i feel like I have no personality that people would like come around."
--what did you mean by this?

You're a smart kid, hUGHEY-- answering a lot of your own questions; it's not just based on interaction w women, it's def life in general
Confidence is confidence is confidence. It's knowing what you are, knowing what you're not, and because of that you carry yourself with power and certainty.
Whether it's tryna bag a rando's digits, public speaking, or talking about yourself in an interview.
It's my belief that in order to be confident, it's imperative that you find something you excel in.
In school, that's easy as hell bc of sports, and all the things that come with that, but once you graduate, you need a foundation thats going to hold you down.
For me it's theatre, random social interactions, and the gym-- bc I sure as hell know my job doesn't make me feel better about myself :lol:
But I noticed that when I was "retired" :smile:lol) from organized sports I lost a lot of the confidencE i was known for in the past
And, I'm talking about outside of the aesthetics of how swaggy i felt about my physique from football/rugby
I was always good at sports, but when those were over... I wasn't doing anything that I was good at... therefore, nothing was reminding me how good I really am... yaknow? yeah. Ha i think I nailed that, I hope it makes sense

There's a lot of subconscious little goodies that are reaffirming and solidifying our confidence when we have these activities-- like if ur a hooper and you're a good player
I kinda lost my train of thought, but talk to me kid, air it out
Can't wait to graduate college
(After I straighten my grades up) so I can get the **** outta saint Louis

Cousin is tryna get to Cali just like I am so that's a lil more motivation

Just looked at all my grades online I ended up failing all my classes . Smh thought I at least passed my English class disappointed myself and my parents

All the money they spent on me was a ******* waste

Don't like this feeling at all man
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^ I been there bro, it happens. Keep ur head up n register for Summer classes, online classes or CC preferably (prolly both a lil easier). Last year I had like a 1. Something gpa, this year I got on my **** n got a 3.5 combined for last fall n this spring. N I'm taking 4 summer classes to make up for the year before. Cut out some distractions bro n u'll b good :smokin

I should prolly add I kinda quit chiefin, I love it but I realized how unproductive it made me when it came to school. Best believe after I graduate Ima b right back at it tho :nthat:
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confession: I walk around my place in my underwear (sometimes naked too) and people on the street can easily see me. they're at fault for spying into a private residence, right?
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Yooo my girl only says I love you when shes about to come.  Any other time I have to say it first, and when I do she'll say it real soft or under her breath
Forreal tho its annoying too I say it every once in awhile to see if she gonna do it again and she do smh

My friends be like "damn u know how to chose em dont u"
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