
Just went through an I'm horney and trying to smash but too tired to finish session.

Felt guilty but I'm about to pass out so goodnight
Don't try to hold onto things that aren't meant to be. It sounds corny but me and my ex did exactly what you're doing. Smashing still even though we were both in relationships and lived hours away. Then feelings got caught and to this day there's so much anger between us.

Let it go before whatever you had turns hella ugly. If it wasn't that serious than even better. Because getting texts like this
On Sunday, my ex who I haven't spoken to since December randomly texted me asking me to send her a picture of my cat. (She went with me when I got the cat) So she always used to claim the cat was part hers too.

I should have ignored the text, but I obliged and was super friendly. I end up asking her if she wants to go see Godzilla with me this week, and she said she did and said she was really excited to go. So i tell her if she's serious, I'll cop tickets for the Imax for today. She tells me to go ahead and do it.

Yesterday, this guy I used to work with texts me and tells me him and his wife can't go to the Lana Del Rey show they were gonna go to and is offering me his tickets for free, so I figured I'd ask her if she wanted to go to that instead.

She tells me that's her favorite artist and she wants to go. Well this morning I wake up to a text from her telling me that now she has to work today, and she can't go. So I ask if she still wants to go to the movie, since she could still make it to that, no response ever.

It's whatever, but damn, what is wrong with this females, just love playing games. :smh:

You played yourself. You should've ignored her from jump. She just wanted to know she could still have you. And look what you did bought IMAX tix and concert tix coming off as needy.

Next time ignore her and make her wonder what you're doing and who you're screwing.
On Sunday, my ex who I haven't spoken to since December randomly texted me asking me to send her a picture of my cat. (She went with me when I got the cat) So she always used to claim the cat was part hers too.

I should have ignored the text, but I obliged and was super friendly. I end up asking her if she wants to go see Godzilla with me this week, and she said she did and said she was really excited to go. So i tell her if she's serious, I'll cop tickets for the Imax for today. She tells me to go ahead and do it.

Yesterday, this guy I used to work with texts me and tells me him and his wife can't go to the Lana Del Rey show they were gonna go to and is offering me his tickets for free, so I figured I'd ask her if she wanted to go to that instead.

She tells me that's her favorite artist and she wants to go. Well this morning I wake up to a text from her telling me that now she has to work today, and she can't go. So I ask if she still wants to go to the movie, since she could still make it to that, no response ever.

It's whatever, but damn, what is wrong with this females, just love playing games. :smh:

You played yourself. You should've ignored her from jump. She just wanted to know she could still have you. And look what you did bought IMAX tix and concert tix coming off as needy.

Next time ignore her and make her wonder what you're doing and who you're screwing.

Eh. Easy for you to say but its tough sometimes. Me and my ex are both hella stubborn so it'll never happen anyways lol
Well gf or w.e the **** she is now is just in a world of her own. Not even worth it to try and salvage the relationship anymore. Just going to focus on me and buying this whip, school, hanging with friends and drinking more beer.

happened to me man. Me and my ex had a small fallout and i thought we were gonna get back together, didnt happen and i finally got closure and left her alone. Before we had a talk we were supposed to hang out last weekend. I cancelled it because i didnt see the point anymore seeing how the only reason i asked her out was to salvage the relationship. Ended up meeting a new chick the same weekend :smokin

The crazy thing is that this chick is everything I wanted my ex to be, its scary. Even though i only see this as a fling and nothing serious(something the chick also agrees with) the chemistry between us is insane.
I haven't seen my brother's daughter for almost a year. I miss that lil baby and hope wherever she's at they are taking good care of her. We had a falling out with my brother's wife and haven't seen them both since then. I texted him on his birthday, didn't get a response. I LOVE my nephews and nieces and want to be a good uncle, and it breaks my heart that she's not really in our lives. She's the first daughter of any of my siblings.

We moved my lil brother out to another state to live with my sis because it was too hectic for him here. I couldn't stand him anymore, I wouldn't even try to talk or look at him some times. He had drug/gambling problems and other stuff I didn't know about, that I'd hear from other people. I feel a heavy burden lifted from me since he moved out and if he ever comes back home, I pray that it all doesn't come back again. The sad thing is my life feels so much better with him out the picture at the moment. I miss how things used to be but I'll accept it and just hope for the best.

For those still dealing with ex's, I feel you. Been over half a year and I still don't know what to do. The sea is out there and I haven't been swimming at all.
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my cousin and I had a talk last night. Basically let me know just how much our families are worth. I can now confirm that once my grandmother and/or grandpa pass away my entire family will fall apart completely. :smh:

Also growing up I learned a lot from my uncle. He has his good's and his bad's like everyone else. I try to take the goods and learn from it. It just hurts to find out he's not everything he could be.
happened to me man. Me and my ex had a small fallout and i thought we were gonna get back together, didnt happen and i finally got closure and left her alone. Before we had a talk we were supposed to hang out last weekend. I cancelled it because i didnt see the point anymore seeing how the only reason i asked her out was to salvage the relationship. Ended up meeting a new chick the same weekend :smokin

The crazy thing is that this chick is everything I wanted my ex to be, its scary. Even though i only see this as a fling and nothing serious(something the chick also agrees with) the chemistry between us is insane.

This gives me hope
Ok guys maybe I can get some insight on my situation, I'm gonna tell it all:

So basically last year my roommate use to fool around with this girl and basically treat her really bad and I always thought she deserved better. ok face, great body and she loves sports. Only thing about her was that she craves attention! So last year me and my roommate got into an altercation in May and I punched him in the face and he moved to Florida (we went to school in Tennessee). Over last summer I interned in DC and this same girl would call me all the time.

I came back to school in the fall (August) and we had sex like the second day I got back and within a week I asked her why dont we just be a couple and she was like "nah it wont change anything." Cool, whatever. We continued to have copious amounts of GREAT sex (and we started going raw after a month) for months on end. By October she starts REALLY feeling me and Ive cooled down on liking her as much because as I previously stated she can be quite annoying with the attention seeking.

By November I've come to terms that she's my main and yes I liked her too but just not enough to cuff. Over winter break I went back home to Michigan and started missing her,etc. I come back to school in the spring and we're back at it, can't keep our hands off of each other but we're in too deep at this point; the LOVE word starts getting dropped and emotions got involved. She told me Im the first person she's ever loved and I really do believe that. Ever since February I've just had cold feet about cuffing her and that has caused us to have a lot of fights and incidents but we always end up back together.

This girl does a lot for me...cooks,cleans,buys me things BUT I got into grad school back home in Michigan starting this fall and I move in 3 weeks. She still has 1.5 yrs left in undergad in TN. We have had multiple conversations on what are we gonna do and my defense mechanism for ME trying not to get hurt is pushing her away. I've been making her cry a lot lately and her granddad also passed recently. I ignored her for like 10 days and was finally over her until she showed up to my apartment one day while I was home and I let her in. I felt so bad, I put her through so much over the last nine months and I know she would run through a brick wall for me. We got back together for like a week. This past monday I told her (in a really mean way) that I just wanted to end it all and at the time I meant it, but yesterday I gave in and texted her because all week she was on my mind. I finally had her out of my system two weeks ago but now I feel like I need her in my life! what the hell!!!!

She's currently in Chicago saying she needs time before she talks to me because I've messed with her emotions so bad. She is willing to stay with me, I know she is. I just dont know how to handle the situation. Im not absolutely in love with her but I feel like I am a fool to leave a good person in the wind like this. I could be missing out. And I dont want no other fool to get what I have; selfish, I know. Here are the remaining problems:

1.She's white and I'm black, I dont know how I feel about that sometimes. I can probably do a little better in the looks department as well
2.My grad program is very prestigious and I am going to be very successful..why take myself off the market though?
3.I tell her I dont trust her when I really do. When she gets caught slippin she tells almost all of it. I have done some terrible things behind her back that she will NEVER know about

I feel like I owe it to this girl to treat her right and show her that she is a great girl. But things are still holding me back. My heart is everywhere guys. I've always been the player type and this is the most trying "relationship" I've ever had. I care about her, I just dont know what to do at this point #feelsbadman :frown: :frown:
Ok guys maybe I can get some insight on my situation, I'm gonna tell it all:

So basically last year my roommate use to fool around with this girl and basically treat her really bad and I always thought she deserved better. ok face, great body and she loves sports. Only thing about her was that she craves attention! So last year me and my roommate got into an altercation in May and I punched him in the face and he moved to Florida (we went to school in Tennessee). Over last summer I interned in DC and this same girl would call me all the time.

I came back to school in the fall (August) and we had sex like the second day I got back and within a week I asked her why dont we just be a couple and she was like "nah it wont change anything." Cool, whatever. We continued to have copious amounts of GREAT sex (and we started going raw after a month) for months on end. By October she starts REALLY feeling me and Ive cooled down on liking her as much because as I previously stated she can be quite annoying with the attention seeking.

By November I've come to terms that she's my main and yes I liked her too but just not enough to cuff. Over winter break I went back home to Michigan and started missing her,etc. I come back to school in the spring and we're back at it, can't keep our hands off of each other but we're in too deep at this point; the LOVE word starts getting dropped and emotions got involved. She told me Im the first person she's ever loved and I really do believe that. Ever since February I've just had cold feet about cuffing her and that has caused us to have a lot of fights and incidents but we always end up back together.

This girl does a lot for me...cooks,cleans,buys me things BUT I got into grad school back home in Michigan starting this fall and I move in 3 weeks. She still has 1.5 yrs left in undergad in TN. We have had multiple conversations on what are we gonna do and my defense mechanism for ME trying not to get hurt is pushing her away. I've been making her cry a lot lately and her granddad also passed recently. I ignored her for like 10 days and was finally over her until she showed up to my apartment one day while I was home and I let her in. I felt so bad, I put her through so much over the last nine months and I know she would run through a brick wall for me. We got back together for like a week. This past monday I told her (in a really mean way) that I just wanted to end it all and at the time I meant it, but yesterday I gave in and texted her because all week she was on my mind. I finally had her out of my system two weeks ago but now I feel like I need her in my life! what the hell!!!!

She's currently in Chicago saying she needs time before she talks to me because I've messed with her emotions so bad. She is willing to stay with me, I know she is. I just dont know how to handle the situation. Im not absolutely in love with her but I feel like I am a fool to leave a good person in the wind like this. I could be missing out. And I dont want no other fool to get what I have; selfish, I know. Here are the remaining problems:

1.She's white and I'm black, I dont know how I feel about that sometimes. I can probably do a little better in the looks department as well
2.My grad program is very prestigious and I am going to be very successful..why take myself off the market though?
3.I tell her I dont trust her when I really do. When she gets caught slippin she tells almost all of it. I have done some terrible things behind her back that she will NEVER know about

I feel like I owe it to this girl to treat her right and show her that she is a great girl. But things are still holding me back. My heart is everywhere guys. I've always been the player type and this is the most trying "relationship" I've ever had. I care about her, I just dont know what to do at this point #feelsbadman :frown: :frown:

Wow bro... I read every bit of your story. Sounds like a situation I was in YEARS ago.

My only advice, trust your heart, if you really love her then keep her.

If you have this mentallity like "I could do better, i'm gonna be successful, I can get anybody!" Then this girl is not for you, you'll end up crushing her heart.
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my cousin and I had a talk last night. Basically let me know just how much our families are worth. I can now confirm that once my grandmother and/or grandpa pass away my entire family will fall apart completely. :smh:
Also growing up I learned a lot from my uncle. He has his good's and his bad's like everyone else. I try to take the goods and learn from it. It just hurts to find out he's not everything he could be.

This happenend to my family. :smh: Just like the movie Soul Food.

Used to have parties every weekend, holidays were a blast, get togethers at the park, huge picnics... ect.

Once my Grandma passed away (RIP) everyone seperated. I always tried to get everyone back together and host a party/graduationi/celebration.

But the chemistry, the "love" in the atmosphere is not there anymore.

It will probably never be the same. I wish I can go back in time just to experience it again...

I find myself staring at old photos and 30 second videos of the past and end up crying. :frown:
Happend to me back in 02 when my grandpops passed it was a period of time I hadn't seen my cousins in 7 years smh

I just hope when my generation of family gets older we start seeing each other more often
I'm hesitant to reconcile with probably the only guy that truly had my back. We're grown now so I'm hoping he can look past my wrong doings and kick it with me again. I considered him my brother. Haven't talked in 5 years
Nice guys finish last >
Realest thing posted in here

I'm hesitant to reconcile with probably the only guy that truly had my back. We're grown now so I'm hoping he can look past my wrong doings and kick it with me again. I considered him my brother. Haven't talked in 5 years

Dog. I'm in the same situation.. But I'm on the other end.

Had 3 friends that I considered brothers.. Haven't spoken to em in like 6 years.. Just seen one the other day at the mall.. Kinda wierd just walkin past em like we're strangers when we use to be boys..

My advice is go and try to patch things up.. He probly feels the same way.
I'm hesitant to reconcile with probably the only guy that truly had my back. We're grown now so I'm hoping he can look past my wrong doings and kick it with me again. I considered him my brother. Haven't talked in 5 years
Good luck
most family waits for the grandparent to die so they can get the money.....and if one kid swayed them to give them way more than the other then its going to cause division 9 times outta 10 :lol:
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