
****. Well stay strong man. Block her off completely. It's gonna hurt, but it will pay off.

I'll try man. Lots of our arguments came from me not spending "more" time with her. I work 2 jobs, try to balance school, going to the gym, girlfriend, family & friends.
I tried spending time with everybody, but there isn't enough time in the day for everything. 
You made the right choice, bro.

You might have felt that what you two shared was love but in reality it was neediness & attachment on your part.

Don't be scared of being alone either, dude.

Solitude is a BEAUTIFUL thing & you will learn the most about yourself during this time.

Cry, scream, grieve, do whatever you got to do to get over this break up. However, once you've purged all this weakness out of your system... make sure that there is no turning back.

No attachments.
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Been on the same boat my dude, I'm 21, & lasted with my hs girl 4 years, its been about 3 years that we broke up and I was miserable, depressed you name it, didn't think I'd ever get out of this funk, just last year I talked to her and she told me she was pregnant and she sounded really happy, and that's when I truly moved on. Five years is tough to let go and move on from, but like everyone else said, its for your own good man. Do you bro.
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Party like you're Future. After Party like you're The Weeknd. End of story. kthxbye
Let it go now or it will happen a year from now and you could have used that year to move on.
It's done 
Let me throw in my two cents.

@ShoeGamer19 -- you are a sexy dude who doesn't base your well-being and value on another person. I was in your spot before, but I wholeheartedly believe that a guy has to go through heartbreak to become a man. You are lucky that she essentially gave you a reason: she cheated on you with 2 other dudes. Most people don't get that chance of being enlightened with the truth.

You will feel depressed and broken for some time, but the best part is coming soon. The new chapter in your life is starting now and the focus is all on YOU. Those hobbies that you forgot about when you were with your girl? Start them up again and go the extra mile and try new things. The best thing about heartbreak is becoming better and constantly improving. Hit the gym, try out that new restaurant, go to that concert, chill with the homies, meet some new birds, and chase $.
This (former) friend of mine... I helped this person out so many times expecting nothing in return, was just trying to be a good friend cause they were always so supportive. But that abruptly stopped, because she would start constantly making up lies about me behind my back, and villainized me every time I even blinked...even tried to turn my friends against me, including my best friend by using him & sleeping with him. Like I 100% genuinely never did anything to provoke any such behavior so it was just plain baffling.

Eventually just straight asked em are we cool or not. Got real negative & condescending, acting like it's a privilege to know her... just the whole shtick. Funny part is, that I didn't really get mad. Just cut her off and that was that.

I'm starting to put my guard up more cause of that. Seem like one day somebody will be cool with you real close with you then decide to turn on you, simply cause they can.

That's why I like NT so much. I can just relax and shoot the **** with people
Just to kinda extend on the bolded part of this post, I'm starting to lose my best friend because of this same person.

Other day made plans to just go out with him and some other friends and you know have a good time. We're waiting on him and he still hasn't shown up. I hit him up to see if he's still coming and he says yea. ...More time passes and I hit him up answer. Text him, no response. Hit him up on FB, reads the message..doesn't answer. All while BSing around on FB and still all on this chick's jock. We just said **** it and went without him

But yea he blatantly just blew everyone off and straight up ignored us with that broad being a big part of it. Like I really wouldn't even be complaining about it if it wasn't for the fact that this isn't the first time it's happened recently.

Call it whiny or w/e but it's a lil frustrating. Not even gonna bother hitting him up anymore till he breaks out this spell this broad has him under.
Your "best friend" is a sucker who's chosen temporary yambs over life-long brotherhood.

Everything in your life should be high-yield and add to your life, not take from it. These 2 plebes are wasting your time and making trouble for you. So you cut them off and let them take the L.
Your "best friend" is a sucker who's chosen temporary yambs over life-long brotherhood.

Everything in your life should be high-yield and add to your life, not take from it. These 2 plebes are wasting your time and making trouble for you. So you cut them off and let them take the L.

slighted slighted repped fam. Just saw this

My actual friend I don't know if I can 100% cut him off yet..20+ year friendship and all that. But I'm def not hitting dude up for anything until he snaps out of it. If he ever does.

The girl I don't really care about. I can tell she resents the fact that I've been happy and having fun without her around. Chick is a drama queen & thirsty for attention. One of those insecure types that get salty & jealous when you're talking to/checking out a female that's not her even though yall aren't dating. Dudes simp for her waaaaay to hard and it's baffling.

Getting too old for this **** man :lol: This winter weather got folks buggin
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Your "best friend" is a sucker who's chosen temporary yambs over life-long brotherhood.

Everything in your life should be high-yield and add to your life, not take from it. These 2 plebes are wasting your time and making trouble for you. So you cut them off and let them take the L.
@Slighted repped fam. Just saw this

My actual friend I don't know if I can 100% cut him off yet..20+ year friendship and all that. But I'm def not hitting dude up for anything until he snaps out of it. If he ever does.

The girl I don't really care about. I can tell she resents the fact that I've been happy and having fun without her around. Chick is a drama queen & thirsty for attention. One of those insecure types that get salty & jealous when you're talking to/checking out a female that's not her even though yall aren't dating. Dudes simp for her waaaaay to hard and it's baffling.

Getting too old for this **** man
This winter weather got folks buggin
Birds always try to find ways to ruin man fun. It's really strange and hilarious at the same time, almost an innate reaction in them. Even more, it kills them inside because we can be happy on our own without them. Word to Patrice O'Neal (RIP).

I'm gonna safely assume that she low-key wants the @Mr DragonFly Jones D and she hates that a) she doesn't phase you at all and b) you don't pander to her like all these other suckers do. It's only a matter of time before your homie gets played.
slighted slighted repped fam. Just saw this

My actual friend I don't know if I can 100% cut him off yet..20+ year friendship and all that. But I'm def not hitting dude up for anything until he snaps out of it. If he ever does.

The girl I don't really care about. I can tell she resents the fact that I've been happy and having fun without her around. Chick is a drama queen & thirsty for attention. One of those insecure types that get salty & jealous when you're talking to/checking out a female that's not her even though yall aren't dating. Dudes simp for her waaaaay to hard and it's baffling.

Getting too old for this **** man :lol: This winter weather got folks buggin

:frown: Sasha not that bad b...
Birds always try to find ways to ruin man fun. It's really strange and hilarious at the same time, almost an innate reaction in them. Even more, it kills them inside because we can be happy on our own without them. Word to Patrice O'Neal (RIP).

I'm gonna safely assume that she low-key wants the @Mr DragonFly Jones
D and she hates that a) she doesn't phase you at all and b) you don't pander to her like all these other suckers do. It's only a matter of time before your homie gets played.

Wouldn't surprise me :lol: But I'm good on that. And yeah it is a matter of time

:frown: Sasha not that bad b...

The only time when I'm petty is
When a pro black person tries to tell me that Jordan invest in the prison system. I usually ask where did they get this info from purposely because I know they don't have anything to even back this claim. They get hot as hell [emoji]128514[/emoji][emoji]128514[/emoji][emoji]128514[/emoji][emoji]128514[/emoji][emoji]128514[/emoji][emoji]128514[/emoji][emoji]128514[/emoji]
I hate when people try to share knowledgeable info that they are not even sure is even accurate to begin with
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idk if this the right place but gotta vent for a sec

Its been 7 years today & I'm still not over/moving forward after the loss of my lil brother from suicide . To be honest it doesnt even seem like 7 years already. It took me the longest to realize that the world kept spinning after that. I've continued living life I guess (dated, had jobs, etc) but still it seems that I cant let go the circumstance & him not being here as my road dawg. I also realized that I have became distant & let alotta friends go. Haven't even visited his daughter as much as I need to. I guess my biggest fear is watching the memories fade as more time goes by.

I actually was cool today until I started seeing all these posts from my cousins about him , and then my mom called me around noon depressed. She has took it the hardest, from numerous health issues & two OD attempts herself. But I promised him I will take care of her. So I took her out for lunch, just the two of us ,but since then I been thinking about those words I heard that day. Honestly I don't even know how to exactly explain whats going on rn but its whatever.

Anyway Im good, but if anyone has friends/family that seem depressed please talk to them & try to encourage them to get help asap. I've seen a few threads here over the past year about depression/suicide & I know its no joke
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^ This is highly coincidental as I've been depressed for a while now.

I've started pulling money from the bank (to leave behind for my brother/parents), finishing up writing letters to my family/homies, and cleaning up as much as possible (e.g. paying off CCs) for a smooth transition.
None of that is gonna make that transition smooth man.

Imagine in your head your mother sitting down thinking about what went wrong the day after.

I used to think people committed suicide because the idea of heaven/hell or nothing at all was better than their current situation.

But i mean you have a family and they love you.

Thats a whole lot right there.
Alot to live for.
None of that is gonna make that transition smooth man.

Imagine in your head your mother sitting down thinking about what went wrong the day after.

I used to think people committed suicide because the idea of heaven/hell or nothing at all was better than their current situation.

But i mean you have a family and they love you.

Thats a whole lot right there.
Alot to live for.

slighted slighted Have you spoken with someone,anyone about this?
I dont wanna say a million cliches but really you probably have a long life to live

Imo its nothing that bad that can make you just wanna give up, besides no matter what we believe in, we dont know whats on the other side.
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