
I'm in a situation where I feel like I should just give up my dream of going to a professional (pharmacy) school. Getting rejected from multiple schools while seeing my coworker/friend get an interview at my top choice schools honestly pisses me off, especially when I was the one that told him about them. Spent a good 500-700 bucks on just applications this year and not wanting to do it again next year.  Regret not trying my first semester of college, skipping class to hoop. Man, I was an idiot lol.
Your coworker's got nothing to do with you. Focus on what you need to be doing to achieve what you want to. Ask yourself what you can do better or start/stop doing that's going to help you get there. Don't fight old wars; regrets only sap your energy and kill your resolve. Keep it pushing and whenever you feel like you've been knocked down remember there's other people who have and still are getting up from worse.

You'll be alright.
I'm in a situation where I feel like I should just give up my dream of going to a professional (pharmacy) school. Getting rejected from multiple schools while seeing my coworker/friend get an interview at my top choice schools honestly pisses me off, especially when I was the one that told him about them. Spent a good 500-700 bucks on just applications this year and not wanting to do it again next year.  Regret not trying my first semester of college, skipping class to hoop. Man, I was an idiot lol.

Don't ever share your opportunity with someone else. Hard lesson to learn. That said, don't give up.
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I'm in a situation where I feel like I should just give up my dream of going to a professional (pharmacy) school. Getting rejected from multiple schools while seeing my coworker/friend get an interview at my top choice schools honestly pisses me off, especially when I was the one that told him about them. Spent a good 500-700 bucks on just applications this year and not wanting to do it again next year.  Regret not trying my first semester of college, skipping class to hoop. Man, I was an idiot lol.
It's gonna sound messed up, but you need to take care of yourself and your interests first.

When that's taken care of, then you can help out everyone else.
On another note, I've been at my new job for almost 2 months now and though I like the team, the work can be a bit slow/dull.

I'm not entirely sure where I'm going career-wise, but I know that this gig isn't what I wanna be doing long term.

I feel stuck in limbo, although I'm giving 110% in my current job.
Don't ever share your opportunity with someone else. Hard lesson to learn. That said, don't give up.
It's gonna sound messed up, but you need to take care of yourself and your interests first.

When that's taken care of, then you can help out everyone else.
To add to this: seize YOUR opportunities when they come, but don't be afraid of putting other people on. Helping others helps them help you down the line. Never know if that friend comes back one day with an opportunity and decides to offer it to you first.
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I always imagined I'd let go of old habits as I got older, but at 27, I'm seriously starting to doubt that I can be the person I always envisioned myself becoming. I'm the furthest thing from perfect, but somehow the women I've been involved with have believed this to be the case. On the surface, I do things that let them continue believing the idea, but I've done things behind their backs. I've seen every male figure in my life step out on their women, drink heavy, and make poor decisions, and I've been following in their footsteps.

I doubt things will work out with my current. I can feel myself getting to the point where I'll do stuff so that she'll hate me and want to leave me so that I won't have to be the one that ends it.
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I always imagined I'd let go of old habits as I got older, but at 27, I'm seriously starting to doubt that I can be the person I always envisioned myself becoming. I'm the furthest thing from perfect, but somehow the women I've been involved with have believed this to be the case. On the surface, I do things that let them continue believing the idea, but I've done things behind their backs. I've seen every male figure in my life step out on their women, drink heavy, and make poor decisions, and I've been following in their footsteps.

I doubt things will work out with my current. I can feel myself getting to the point where I'll do stuff so that she'll hate me and want to leave me so that I won't have to be the one that ends it.

Bruh, we're like the same person :smh: :lol:.
Stress and depression from ptsd is still real. I get maybe 4hrs of sleep a night. Im constantly waking up in cold sweats. Meds arent doing a thing. Seeing my psychiatrist and therapist tomorrow hopefully get some new meds. Stress of this trial coming up is really f in with me.
When I was a teen, I purposely pissed in some cat's 40 oz when I was drunk.

Son drank it.

He never came through the block again.
I always imagined I'd let go of old habits as I got older, but at 27, I'm seriously starting to doubt that I can be the person I always envisioned myself becoming. I'm the furthest thing from perfect, but somehow the women I've been involved with have believed this to be the case. On the surface, I do things that let them continue believing the idea, but I've done things behind their backs. I've seen every male figure in my life step out on their women, drink heavy, and make poor decisions, and I've been following in their footsteps.

I doubt things will work out with my current. I can feel myself getting to the point where I'll do stuff so that she'll hate me and want to leave me so that I won't have to be the one that ends it.

Sounds about right, then I met one around that age that changed my whole perception, made me actually want to be better. Couldn't let go of old habits and perceptions about women, so I eventually pushed her away. Did change for the better though. If you can get it together before meeting that one kudos, but unfortunately I think that's what it takes, especially if you've been doing ok with women and have a lineup that would marry you in an instant if you said yes. Losing one that mattered, learning you can't do whatever and they'll stick around.
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Yo being depressed is no joke. I never understood how someone could be sad when there's so much to be happy about. Now I completely emphasize and almost want to apologize for not understanding because this mess is low key debilitating.

I just have to point out the positives about my life. Yeah I'm depressed but atleast I can be depressed and miserable in my own home. What if I had to worry about bills, shelter, and food on top of being depressed? I couldn't imagine

Mental health is real man .. day by day.
Yo being depressed is no joke. I never understood how someone could be sad when there's so much to be happy about. Now I completely emphasize and almost want to apologize for not understanding because this mess is low key debilitating.

I just have to point out the positives about my life. Yeah I'm depressed but atleast I can be depressed and miserable in my own home. What if I had to worry about bills, shelter, and food on top of being depressed? I couldn't imagine

Mental health is real man .. day by day.

This is what I try to tell folks when they get on Fousey. It is what it is I guess, just have to go through it yourself to understand. Just know that the goal is to come out of it, because when you do it's a far more glorious option than prolonging it or death. It's like Neo in the matrix.
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When you got a little bit of wiggle room to **** someone's life up but you gonna chill. Let karma deal with them.
I hate very few things, but USPS is one of them.

Incompetent employees in the NYC post offices, unable to be reached, etc. Wonder what it would be like if it was privatized.
How does clinical depression effect someone physically?

Like with bodily functions?

Good question and great timing.
The short answer: weight gain, sleep issues, and being disinterested in sex are a few.

I say great timing bc when I quoted sckid's question to respond , I had a draft saved in the "reply" box

" I've been with 24 girls in my life but in the last three years I think I've busted one satisfactory nut in the presence if another person.
Since I graduated from college my anxiety has gotten so much worse. I haven't had satisfactory sex since... ******* 2013? In that time I've been with ppl, and I've been with prostitutes. But I wasn't relaxed enough to either a) get hard, or b) cum. Ever since school ended I've failed to develop my own routine. And being a person with mental disorders , routine is probably the best tool I have. I don't brush my teeth, or bathe properly anymore."

First of all , I almost deleted that **** and moved on but I just got out of therapy so I'm feeling committed to doing things that are good for me.
That post had to had to have been in October, bc I was severely depressed during that time.

Here I am almost 5 months later and what's changed- bc now I'm happy (well, happy-ish. Happy to me will be when I'm living in a loft downtown with my greyhound puppy, nice art on the walls and I'm making good money).
But I'm milesssss ahead of where I was in October.
If I could some it up, I would offer the tactic that Joe DiMaggio used to employ when he was in a slump
... He would bunt.
He would hunt and he would get on base bc he had TO GET ON BASE.
One of the greatest hitters ever and he wasn't too proud to do something different in the meantime
Everything is ephemeral. Everything is fleeting. Nothing lasts forever.
But if you do nothing about it you can be unhappy for the rest of your life.
Essentially - that slump can turn into your career.

What I'm trying to say here is that you can't be too proud to bunt
I was in great shape in 2011 and I was fat as **** in October 2015
So uncomfortable to have other people see my bloated *** I wouldn't go to the gym
Until. I decided I wasn't "better than" a bunt
Or an act it's that I KNEW I WAS BETTER THAN
I knew I was better than overweight, no-girl-getting, broke-as-hell, sad-**** Kevin and I didn't want anyone to see that version of me
Then I started bunting
Man I'd be proud as hell for bathing and brushing my teeth everyday. I would reward myself for any kind of positive social interaction (even if it was a cashier who I shared a moment with) and I would reward myself if I did something as little as waking up before noon.

Baby steps! And knowing that YOU DERSERVE BETTER
You can live the exact life you've always wanted. It's going to take time and you are going to strike out. But whether you're hit by a pitch, you drew a walk, or you lay down a bunt down - be happy that you got on base, and keep getting it by any means necessary

Anybody feeling blue- my inbox is always open and I'd love to have that conversation
And posting in this thread is a safe place

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