
Who ever said get a dog... That's me... I really need to get a dog... I've been getting mad lonely living by myself... I need some sorta companionship and I think a dog is the answer... I love dogs...

But the only dog I want is a puppy that I'm the first owner... My best experiences with dogs have been that way... I've got no problem paying a G+ for a certified whatever :lol:... Let it be said, I love people that take shelter dogs, but I've had entirely too many bad experiences in the past with psycho dogs...

But I I'd have a hard time house breaking it... I can work some pretty long shifts and not sure if I have the time to dedicate...

But I also only live a 10 minute walk from work... I just need to save up for a couple weeks and do it...
Need some advice NT brehs...

Now I rarely share anything about my personal life on here & have only done so when I see a member in need of help & I feel that my experience can be of aid to them so opening up is hard for me...

I have a 5 year old son who's on the autism spectrum (not severe).

His mother & I separated last July when I found out she was with some other cat (5 days before my b-day btw :lol: :smh:). I've already expressed on here how heartbroken I was & how I've been getting my life back on track since then...

So tonight, some random number texts me a TL;DR wall of texts... it was ol' boy.

Basically telling me that I don't really know him but he'd like for us to get acquainted because he's going to be a father figure in my son's life regardless because he sees himself getting serious with the BM... Son was also on some low-key controlling & threatening tip though :lol:

One part basically said, "I know she drops him off sometimes or you pick him up & that doesn't bother me" (Uuum why should it bother you breh, it's MY son).

Another part basically said, " If you got any problems with her, you can discuss them with me so we can resolve the issue (Uuum, she's 25 dog & you ain't her dad).

Now I don't know if she was aware of this fool's text messages to me or homeboy snuck into her phone & got my number but I handled it the only way I know how to now... with indifference.

I blocked his number & deleted the messages.

If she was in on it, then she's just trying to see me explode (she knows before we split that I never wanted another man as a father figure in his life). In the past, I would of called him up & told him where we meeting up so he could catch these paws but I'm a changed man since last July... I can't control her or what she does with whomever she chooses to, so what would that solve?

So basically my question is, did I handle this right?

EDIT: Btw, I do not speak to my BM whatsoever verbally (I told her to solely communicate with me via text & only call me if it's an emergency regarding my son). When she drops him off or I pick him up, I don't eem look at her. Total disdain. I don't text her no crazy or disrespectful **** even when she does.

Ex: She tried calling me last time, I ignored & responded in text. Later on I text her saying that the not speaking to me verbally thing goes for on the phone as well as in person. She responded with curse words & I replied verbatim, "Just respect my wishes... Thanks."

Just to give you guys an idea of my current relationship with her.
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Need some advice NT brehs...

Now I rarely share anything about my personal life on here & have only done so when I see a member in need of help & I feel that my experience can be of aid to them so opening up is hard for me...

I have a 5 year old son who's on the autism spectrum (not severe).

His mother & I separated last July when I found out she was with some other cat (5 days before my b-day btw
). I've already expressed how heartbroken I was & how I've been getting my life back on track since then...

So tonight, some random number texts me like a TL;DR wall of texts... it was ol' boy.

Basically telling me that I don't really know him but he'd like for us to get acquainted because he's going to be a father figure in my son's life regardless because he sees himself getting serious with the BM... Son was also on some low-key threatening & controlling tip though

One part basically said, "I know she drops him off sometimes or you pick him up & that doesn't bother me" (Uuum why should it bother you breh, it's MY son).

Another part basically said, " If you got any problems with her, you can discuss with me so we can resolve the issue (Uuum, she's 25 dog & you ain't her dad).

Now I don't know if she was aware of this fool's text messages to me or homeboy snuck into her phone & got my number but I handled it the only way I know how to now... with indifference.

I blocked his number & deleted the messages.

If she was in on it, then she's just trying to see me explode (she knows before I never wanted another man as a father figure in his life). In the past, I would of called him up & told him where we meeting me up so he could catch these paws but I'm a changed man since last July... I can't control her or what she does with whomever she chooses to, so what would that solve?

So basically my question is, did I handle this right?
You did the right thing by ignoring.

1.) You do NOT discuss your son with some random dude, let alone one who low-key tried to muscle you. That's your son, your life, not his.

2.) The only contact regarding your son that you'll be having is with your son's mother. That's it.

3.) Don't even entertain talking to him or acknowledging him. It'd be a waste of your time. Does he pay your bills? Nah? Okay, so you ignore.

4.) What is the situation with custody? Do you have your son most days?

Edit: I loathe these dudes who try to cape extra hard, when in reality, they're suckas through and through. He's trying to establish his dominance over you and is prompting you to react (emotionally). You know what you do to people who try to rile you? You give them nothing, not your time, not your presence, and not your effort.

@RobTooFresco -- You are a sexy, scrumptious dude. Let him hold the L while you continue flourishing and taking care of your kid.
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 You did the right thing by ignoring.

1.) You do NOT discuss your son with some random dude, let alone one who low-key tried to muscle you. That's your son, your life, not his.

2.) The only contact regarding your son that you'll be having is with your son's mother. That's it.

3.) Don't even entertain talking to him or acknowledging him. It'd be a waste of your time. Does he pay your bills? Nah? Okay, so you ignore.

4.) What is the situation with custody? Do you have your son most days?
4.) Custody is not messy whatsoever. She has him most days but I could have him whenever I please. I usually spend time with him 1-2 a week at most because of work, school & other self-improvement activities that take up most of my days. Before the split, I had been in that boy's life EVERY. SINGLE. DAY. SINCE. HIS. BIRTH. That pain I went through that was the catalyst to my rebirth has completely desensitized me, though (well not completely yet, because if I was, I wouldn't be posting about this on NT 
). This path to success I'm on is a lonely one & I am willing to sacrifice anyone & anything to get to the top of that mountain... even the relationship with my son.

 As I mentioned, he is mildly autistic & while I try to be as present-minded as possible, I know his future depends on me. He will probably never be able to care for himself as a "normal" person would & his mother didn't eem graduate HS. While the outside world might view me as a bad & selfish father for the amount of time I currently spend with him, I know this is how things must be. The end justifies the means. 
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Man, my cousin and his homie just tried to rob my crib, it didn't go through since I smelled it a mile away. This is an all time low, dissapointed as hell in him.. I'm keeping my cool but I can't afford to catch a charge, don't know how to react or go about it.
Man, my cousin and his homie just tried to rob my crib, it didn't go through since I smelled it a mile away. This is an all time low, dissapointed as hell in him.. I'm keeping my cool but I can't afford to catch a charge, don't know how to react or go about it.

That ain't your cousin fam.

How does someone decide to rob their cousins house?
I got cousin I ain't seen but once or twice and cousins I kick it with regularly. I had a close cousin cross me and out of respect for the fam I didn't smash his ****, but he can't sit near me at any family function until he makes ammends. If he wasn't a close cousin I prolly wouldn't be discussing it for fear of incriminating myself...
My girls family is well off, surgeons and nurses and such. One of her moms siblings went down the wrong path and started to do some shady stuff. Pawning off things, breaking into his in laws houses, Etc. they even had cats from jail sending letters to the house demanding some sort of ransom for him in jail. Lol They tossed him to the curb. Crazy cause they see him every now And then pan handling around the way. They give him something to munch on, but no money. They want to help him but he doesn't believe anything is wrong.

Rob you did the right thing, man. You don't need the drama, you don't need to give her a reason to be back in your life at all (back and forth arguments with her will only give her steam to piss you off more), and in my opinion the best thing to do is move forward like nothing happened.. he can have his power trip if it makes him feel better but at the end of the day your son is your blood and flesh, not his. You have the right to see your son, take care of your son, and be in his life no matter what ol dude thinks about him "being a father figure". As long as you keep doing what you're doing, your son will undoubtedly group up to know that you are his father and no one else. Some random dude sending you a wall of text doesn't make him a father and it doesn't make him worth your time.

Just keep doin you, don't ever stop putting in that effort to be a role model for your son.
On the other topic, if my cousin tried to rob my house, it would look like a backyard Kimbo Slice fight at the next family cookout foreal.


Spoiler: I'm Kimbo Slice and my 'cousin' boutta get put to sleep.

The disrespect. :smh:
That ain't your cousin fam.

How does someone decide to rob their cousins house?
He's about that life, I been cool with him for about 4 good years like brothers. He gets the money any way he can, so it didn't surprise me he wanted to make a quick buck of my stuff. Helped him with money when I lived with him, rent gas money bars food you name it. Very loyal to him and he tries to do me like that, that's what bothers the **** outta me
On the other topic, if my cousin tried to rob my house, it would look like a backyard Kimbo Slice fight at the next family cookout foreal.


Spoiler: I'm Kimbo Slice and my 'cousin' boutta get put to sleep.

The disrespect. :smh:
[emoji]128514[/emoji] Maybe a couple years ago it would have gone down, but I have to comply with probation. I'll probably just transfer the rage to my workout today
That ain't your cousin fam.

How does someone decide to rob their cousins house?
He's about that life, I been cool with him for about 4 good years like brothers. He gets the money any way he can, so it didn't surprise me he wanted to make a quick buck of my stuff. Helped him with money when I lived with him, rent gas money bars food you name it. Very loyal to him and he tries to do me like that, that's what bothers the **** outta me
It's time to dead the relationship.
Appreciate all the support fellas, I love y'all.

For real

Regarding the cousin situation, just look at it as a reason to cut him out of your life completely. He didn't go through with it but now you know he's a dirty mfer so that gives you all the excuse you need to drop him. Win-win.

I had a cousin (god brother) who supplied me with herb a couple of times when I used to move weight as a teen. Well, one day he told me he had access to E at a killer price. I trusted him so I gave him the money up front.

Then the excuses came. One after the other. After some time I realized he was never going to come through so I loc'd up on him over the phone & also told him some truths about his pops being a rat (which he didn't know btw).

Son got in his feels, cried wolf to his moms & told her I was a drug dealer blah blah blah & I think he even said I tried selling him a pound of weed :lol:

I was like:


He was my connect, not the other way around.

So his mom cried to my mom & supposedly his mom gave my mom the money he owed me (to this day I think my mom took it out of her own pocket but she won't admit it) because they knew my pops (he had passed long before by that time) & that he was about that life... So his mom feared I was my father's son.

In the end, I cut a toxic person out of my life for a couple of c-notes (I think).

I won.
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^ That's your cousin's fault through and through.

Funny how money can ruin blood relationships. Lesson learned that family =/= through thick and thin.
So im driving to work, eating tacos, and I'm listening to Yo Gotti's, "it goes down in the dm," or whatever it's called. I'm zoned in and listening to all the lyrics. Bros, this song basically depicts almost exactly what happened in my last relationship [emoji]128514[/emoji] Freaking social media man lol
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I don't appreciate money anymore.........I never struggled with money per say but now that I legit have money and zero debt. Sneakers for example mean not much anymore an ill have money even more when parents pass obviously. I got all I want material wise, I'll get a dope car later obviously.........buying a Rolex means nothing. I don't ever want to work a 9-5 that **** isn't for me at all. My favorite show is Shark Tank an I love entrepreneurs. Being an entrepreneur seems like a real accomplishment to me. No wonder rich kids got issues an no I'm not a millionaire but it takes money to make money that's for damn sure seems a lot more realistic now. Actually very realistic I know ppl already who can get me there. Another thing do people realize how many ppl are corrupt and immoral? You wonder why ppl wanna sell drugs? Ppl complain about student loans I know ppl with penthouses and cars. That's no trolling either. I've always been a good guy and I've done some hard *** blue collar work in my years for sure but facts are facts. Even ppl in the suburbs I got stories.....

Also now I think about our country more and the presidential election........this country is easier if you have money but as long as you're good and comfortable, why do ppl strive to be rich? Seriously? Why? This country worries me low key, the state of current affairs among black and white.....not all blacks and all whites but there is ignorant on both sides.

End of my pathetic rant, call me a cry baby could care less. Signing off.
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