
Of course I wouldn't hit my sisters. That's wrong, so is killing.

It's all about context. I would never randomly punch my sisters like dudes were telling me to, but what I mean was of I could make them disappear with the press of a button I wouldn't give it a second thought.

Lol, that's way worse.
Will never forgive my piece of **** father for leaving and not providing the suburban lifestyle that I so desperately desired as a kid.
I'm kinda in the same situation. Except I'm only sixteen, and I've never had hard feelings towards the dude. He came back in my life about a year and a half a go, and I see him once on a blue moon. Told me to call him if I need something, sneakers, clothes, money, etc, but I can't bring myself to do it. I don't want to disappoint my mom who was always there for me, so I'll work and get my own money, no matter how hard I have to hustle.
In high school (I feel old as hell this was like 8 years ago).... during a regular season game, we were playing a rival HS that my friend was at. 

We had been cool for awhile, but whenever we'd play each other I'd hate his guts. Mainly cuz he talked **** to me all game long.

Well the game was probably one of the most physical games I'd ever played in.

One thing led to another and I was getting flustered, and on a rebound that I didn't get, I punched him in the face as I was coming down after jumping.... since there were so many bodies going up for the rebound I got away with it. I legit just socked him in the face 

I felt pretty bad, we still talk about it to this day 
Got an internship coming up next week at a local retirement home, hopefully everything goes right.

I've been off Tramadol for a while now but if I had access to it I wouldn't be able to stop it. I just searched the house looking for some.

My Ambien prescription got renewed thankfully but my mom hid the box somewhere so I can't abuse it too much.

It was my dad's birthday on the 12th and I didn't wish him anything. Forgot about his birthday tbh even though I turned 19 two days after.
I spent all day on the metro riding from Virginia, to DC, to maryland and back and forth all day. Meeting random people as I went along.

One the inside it was like Nagasaki in 1945.
IDK why but I am in love with that plain ***, milla vanilla, flat booty, no ****, white ***** Cara Delevingne. I dont go for white chicks or asians because they are racist for the most part. My time is better used elsewhere. But I do find some of them attractive. Cara is not one I would usually find attractive but damn...... I would do anything to turn that *** out!

I want her to have my babies
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i'm feenin' so bad for my dude since we got cockblocked on thursday. but i don't wanna seem clingy so i haven't text him since then. :smh: :smh: that tension when you're on the DL is some srs stuff.
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I dont go for white chicks or asians because they are racist for the most part.

Oh the irony. The flat out stereotypical irony.

Basing one's personality by their race makes you somewhat racist in itself, Does it not? Skipping over this, that, and the next just because "white people and Asians are racist" is just foolish.

As I always say; Individuals, my friend, individuals.
Oh the irony. The flat out stereotypical irony.

Basing one's personality by their race makes you somewhat racist in itself, Does it not? Skipping over this, that, and the next just because "white people and Asians are racist" is just foolish.

As I always say; Individuals, my friend, individuals.
I get it. But I don't mean they are bigots. Just when it comes to dating, they aint having it. I **** with people from every race when it comes to being friends. I didnt say their personality was bad. I dont judge personalities based on race at all.

But for the most part, when it comes to sexual partners, fresh off the boat asians definitely aint having no black man except for the very very very very very very rare exception, americanized asians aint having it but the exception is far less rare (two of my friends are dating asians and one has a half philipino half black kid), and whites women aint having it either most of the time.

There is this study that completely backs up what I have to say. I will try and find it.
But basically it shows that even though interracial marriages and couples are at an all time high for people under 30 or so (1 in 12) there are mostly the same combination. white guy / asian woman being the most common (because asians have that white is right house slave mentality, my asian friends would back me up on this).

But overall black guys are most likely to be in an interracial relationship and the race of the partner is not always the same.

meh I am done searching I doubt I will find it.

Like I am saying. It isnt racism, just me allocating time wisely using STATISTICS. NOT blind hate.
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^yup. And i forgot to say that i do try with southeast asians as they are leasr likely to have that white is right mentality since those countries were constantly invaded by americans for no reason. Philipinos also mostly lack that mentality but i havent been around enough of them to know how they feel about dating a black guy or someone in their families dating a black guy.

Ohh and by whit i mean white by culture. People from argentina and spain who are whit by skin color count as hispanics to me.

American black women don't like me either so if you see me with a girl she is likely hispanic. White, fair, or darkskin.
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Obviously numbers are the numbers for a reason but I go by individuals.

I've dated all races and if I'm interested in a girl I'll see if it's mutual. If I take the L I chalk it up to the game.

If I paid attention to stereotypes then I would have never dated this Persian chick, still one of my better relationships.
I wouldnt care nor do I shun dating whites or asians. If one were to like me then more power to her i would give it a shot. But society pretty much dictates that women cannot express feelings for a guy first.

I don't ACTIVELY chase white or asians because few things frustrate me more than being into someone but she doesn't like you like that because of race of all trivial ******** (which is the case 99% of the time). I would prefer if she didnt like me because of the shoes I was wearing that day, or she doesnt like my nose or for just being an ugly dude or something. If one were to express interest in me I would not ignore it based on skin color.

Since I dont have game I play the numbers game. If I had game it would be a whole different story.
The uncle that I live with temporarily is a ******g dumbass. Don't care that I owe him for cosignin my student loans. I am moving back to Chicago, then ultimately NYC first chance I get. If I can't afford the loan payments on top of everything else too bad.

Waking me up early to praise a god I don't believe in. I just fall asleep in church anyway. Then sends me onn stupid task that when I execute it the way he wants to a T, he still *******. :smh:

it is so unbearable living with him.
reading the posts here about depression really make me wish I knew what words to say to ease it, but my mind is blank. Lame :/
I dont believe in god but somehow I am maf at him for being a terrible god. I keep getting the short end of the stick but I should thank him for not being worse? If a muderer stabbed and paralyzed me should i thank him for not murdering me. >:

The way I see it I was born with sickle cell anemia, look half my age, and ugly. He is in no position to demand praise or that I ask for forgiveness for my sins. If anything he should be begging for my forgiveness.

Which I would not give him.
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i'm feenin' so bad for my dude since we got cockblocked on thursday. but i don't wanna seem clingy so i haven't text him since then. :smh: :smh: that tension when you're on the DL is some srs stuff.

Tell him that. We love that, in fact, I'm willing to bet he'd almost jump through the phone to get it :lol:.
That CB tho....terrible :smh:
Talked to the girl I have been simpin for today. I think I'll invite her to see The Great Gatsby soon. :pimp:

Wish me luck, Old Sport.
Hung out with one of my exes today and I couldnt believe I actually went out with her in one point of my life :x
Shes so damn dumb its sad. She made me miss my recent ex even more...
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