
Well this one hurts....

My ex girl of four years and I broke up about 2 months ago. Found out she was messing around with some football player at her school(won't name names). Broke it off, it was tough, but it wasn't gonna work out. Got curious last night and looked dudes name up, found out he is a legit NFL prospect and his father owns some big auto dealership in the area. Also found out they took a private jet to Vegas for her birthday... I'm just an everyday dude in community college playing baseball from an ordinary blue collar family backround. Don't have time to compete with cats like that..
She's just an everyday girl, smart, but comes from a broken home and they can barely pay her way through college. I know what exactly she is doing and damn...never thought she'd turn out that way.
Be careful out there dudes.
i'm sorry. :frown: you deserve so much better. you deserve someone who loves you for WHO you are. :smile:
Thanks guys. I needed to hear those things
I was told not too long ago that "being yourself never worked before but you keep doing it as if it will magically start working. You need to learn game"
Those words had me shook. At the time I felt it was the truth so I was focused on learning game. Even read an updated version Neil Strauss "The Game" made by that mystery pick-up-artist. I have been practicing PUA negs since. :/

:stoneface: whoever told you that is an idiot. You rather show a girl who you are upfront or wait till later after she already creates a perception of you based off of said "game"? Think about it like this fam, this perception of "game" is based off of something you seen from somesome else. Be you and if a female doesn't like that then oh well, why would you be interested in a female who isn't interested in you anyway? The female you desire may or may not come right away but when she does you'll know it and you won't be questioning yourself or the situation.
Wow that does hurt. Damn if she's doing it for that reason..she dosent deserve to be with you anyhow. You never picked up on any of those habits? In time your wounds will heal sorry :frown:

She never really showed those traits til later in our relationship, she got really expectant of me paying for her things, I know she didn't really have the opportunity to have anything extra, so I would pamper her in ways. Never really realized that she could have been taking advantage of me. I mean in terms of financial well being my family has it good. Makes you think if she really had other intentions... :smh:

I read what happened, and you know what? It's better off it ended this way. Say you make it, she stays with you and expectations aren't what SHE wanted. Your problem would be bigger. Just look at it as a blessing that it got cut early. Might sting now, but in the long run, it hurts less.
This girl has put me through so much. Why do I let her do it? It's depressing, I love her but I wish she would just leave me alone. I can go for days without talking to her and I will be happy. But if she calls or texts I just cant ignore her and I go back to feeling depressed. She is crazy, she has me wrapped around her finger. I hate it so much but I think for some strange reason that I like it otherwise I wouldn't let her do it.  
:stoneface: whoever told you that is an idiot. You rather show a girl who you are upfront or wait till later after she already creates a perception of you based off of said "game"? Think about it like this fam, this perception of "game" is based off of something you seen from somesome else. Be you and if a female doesn't like that then oh well, why would you be interested in a female who isn't interested in you anyway? The female you desire may or may not come right away but when she does you'll know it and you won't be questioning yourself or the situation.
I can see it from both points of view. But right now I am not looking for love.
This girl has put me through so much. Why do I let her do it? It's depressing, I love her but I wish she would just leave me alone. I can go for days without talking to her and I will be happy. But if she calls or texts I just cant ignore her and I go back to feeling depressed. She is crazy, she has me wrapped around her finger. I hate it so much but I think for some strange reason that I like it otherwise I wouldn't let her do it.  


It's called being a sucker. Right now that's what you're acting like. Why subject yourself to being miserable? You create your own happiness. Want to feel free? Tell her how you feel. It's plain and simple man.
It's called being a sucker. Right now that's what you're acting like. Why subject yourself to being miserable? You create your own happiness. Want to feel free? Tell her how you feel. It's plain and simple man.
Yup, hear it all the time man, its bad. Let this girl run my life pretty much. Im getting better at not allowing her to do that though. Going out doing my own thing, talking to other females. It feels good but weird at the same time.
This girl has put me through so much. Why do I let her do it? It's depressing, I love her but I wish she would just leave me alone. I can go for days without talking to her and I will be happy. But if she calls or texts I just cant ignore her and I go back to feeling depressed. She is crazy, she has me wrapped around her finger. I hate it so much but I think for some strange reason that I like it otherwise I wouldn't let her do it.  


Change your number
Finals got me stressin.

I really dont think im cut out for college, and its funny because I got a 24 on the ACT with no calculator and coulda probably ended up with a 27-28 if I did have one.

But none of that matters. These two semesters I've been here if there's one thing I've learned it's not about what you are, or what you think you are, but who you are.

That natural intelligence in the long run means nothing if you don't have that hungry mindset, that habit for success, that I forgot to eat because I've been buried in books attitude.

I don't have that. I've never had that. I have 3 finals next week and all I've really done is just fill out the study guides. Haven't even really reviewed em.

Messin' the mental all up bruh. I know im getting dark when I start repeatin Cudi's old work.

I need to do phenomenal on my finals in every class just to pull out a C average this semester on top of a similar average first semester. Haven't signed up for fall classes, can't afford summer classes.. I think I should just call it.
This girl has put me through so much. Why do I let her do it? It's depressing, I love her but I wish she would just leave me alone. I can go for days without talking to her and I will be happy. But if she calls or texts I just cant ignore her and I go back to feeling depressed. She is crazy, she has me wrapped around her finger. I hate it so much but I think for some strange reason that I like it otherwise I wouldn't let her do it.  
What does she say and do to depress you? How long has this been going on?
This girl has put me through so much. Why do I let her do it? It's depressing, I love her but I wish she would just leave me alone. I can go for days without talking to her and I will be happy. But if she calls or texts I just cant ignore her and I go back to feeling depressed. She is crazy, she has me wrapped around her finger. I hate it so much but I think for some strange reason that I like it otherwise I wouldn't let her do it.  
It's called being a sucker. Right now that's what you're acting like. Why subject yourself to being miserable? You create your own happiness. Want to feel free? Tell her how you feel. It's plain and simple man.
Yup, hear it all the time man, its bad. Let this girl run my life pretty much. Im getting better at not allowing her to do that though. Going out doing my own thing, talking to other females. It feels good but weird at the same time.
Damn I know this feel all too well. That isnt something that can be done in a short time for those who dont know this feel. This takes MONTHS of time and mental effort.
Its an incredible feel once you're free though and give no dambs what moves she makes. I've become better friends with someone like that and we've come close to smashing a few times. But we're legit friends now, no yearning and its much better. Real sexual tension . Just takes time and other women to occupy that mental space.
Finals got me stressin.

I really dont think im cut out for college, and its funny because I got a 24 on the ACT with no calculator and coulda probably ended up with a 27-28 if I did have one.

But none of that matters. These two semesters I've been here if there's one thing I've learned it's not about what you are, or what you think you are, but who you are.

That natural intelligence in the long run means nothing if you don't have that hungry mindset, that habit for success, that I forgot to eat because I've been buried in books attitude.

I don't have that. I've never had that. I have 3 finals next week and all I've really done is just fill out the study guides. Haven't even really reviewed em.

Messin' the mental all up bruh. I know im getting dark when I start repeatin Cudi's old work.

I need to do phenomenal on my finals in every class just to pull out a C average this semester on top of a similar average first semester. Haven't signed up for fall classes, can't afford summer classes.. I think I should just call it.

make sure dropping out is really a decision you would still agree on a year or more from now. you've only done two semesters. You can find a better path in college rather than dropping out.

i'm not one to say this but you can't get too comfortable with mediocrity or failure. it makes you feel worse.
This girl has put me through so much. Why do I let her do it? It's depressing, I love her but I wish she would just leave me alone. I can go for days without talking to her and I will be happy. But if she calls or texts I just cant ignore her and I go back to feeling depressed. She is crazy, she has me wrapped around her finger. I hate it so much but I think for some strange reason that I like it otherwise I wouldn't let her do it.  


Real question though before you dip, have you ever even escalated?
I'm so indifferent about everything in life right now, I don't even care to post any confessions... because I don't know if they actually even bother me anymore :smh:

Maybe I need to stop :smokin for an extended period of time. I can't even remember the last time I went more than 1-2 days without blazing.

Maybe then, I'd feel feelings again.... lol.
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I'm so indifferent about everything in life right now, I don't even care to post any confessions... because I don't know if they actually even bother me anymore :smh:

Maybe I need to stop :smokin for an extended period of time. I can't even remember the last time I went more than 1-2 days without blazing.

Maybe then, I'd feel feelings again.... lol.
It would only make things worse
ya boy is mad homesick out here in Rhode Island. I'm in the Navy and I'm here for school for afew months. I see all my boys back in Atlanta livin it up in the warm sunny weather and folks out here still wearing hoodies and its damn near May :smh: :smh: :smh:.
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