
Im right there with you man 

Smoke some tree and find new yambs. I was in a funk for months but you can't let one female control your emotions no matter how much she meant to you
"A walking contradiction wounds inflicted on me soley, Pain within running deeper than a ocean floor"

"Sometimes my only friends in life is drugs and a cannoli"

If it wasn't for this song I swear I would had snap already, Only thing keeping me going.
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I look at myself in the mirror and I cringe. It is enough to ruin my day. It will take so long to change what I dont like about myself and even then there are things that cant reasonably be changed.
give me a break its not just a female thing ive seen it happen to guys too..
Then break the mold and dump the loser. Your placing yourself into the stereotype of women who stay in unhealthy relationships.

There's so many men out there waiting for a beautiful woman like you to fall into their arms.

And most of them are here on NT. Wearing pink capes :D
Man all these chicks you think are so perfect and such angels and you're so lucky to have them, beware. They're always gonna put their best foot forward. NEVER let your guard down.
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Man all these chicks you think are so perfect and such angels and you're so lucky to have them, beware. They're always gonna put their best foot forward. NEVER let your guard down.

Just go through life not trusting or loving anyone then.
People will tell you that loving an unrequited love doesn't matter, that the important thing is you put yourself out there and that you tried even if your feelings weren't reciprocated, but the reality is it sucks feeling so much for someone who doesn't feel the same way... regardless whether it's love or even just "deep like".

One day I'll be able to look back at this and laugh, hopefully even gain enough perspective to be able to say it all worked out for the best, the way it should have.

But between now and that day? That's the tough part.
fam.....tough is an understatement...
Then break the mold and dump the loser. Your placing yourself into the stereotype of women who stay in unhealthy relationships.

There's so many men out there waiting for a beautiful woman like you to fall into their arms.

And most of them are here on NT. Wearing pink capes
thanks that def made me feel better 
Man all these chicks you think are so perfect and such angels and you're so lucky to have them, beware. They're always gonna put their best foot forward. NEVER let your guard down.

Just go through life not trusting or loving anyone then.

Opposite sides of the coin, but somehow y'all are both right. I dunno b.

It's just something that comes with age and experience. When you're young, you get hurt a few times and think it's the end of the world and develop that cocoon of not trusting anyone. When you get older, that game gets old, unless you resign yourself to the fact that you want to die a lonely person. You can't go on like that, so you have to relent somewhere along the line. Young people have had this mentality for years. I'm only 31, been hearing this since I was 18/19 and always thought it was bull***. Depends on how strong you are as a person. Me, I refuse to let another person "ruin" something for me in life. Why give that person power over how you live your life? Especially after their out of yours, and 9/10 times, they're not even thinking about you.
Yeah I wish I didn't go cold and stay that way throughout my twenties. Cuz when I was truly tired and wanted to be done with that, I wasn't prepared. Realizing I gave this 16 yr old harlot control over my life and relationships, which put me right back at square one when I was ready to let go of ******* ain't ****. Essentially a child trying to carry on an adult relationship with mature, guarded women I helped create.
dude has a wise, experienced and level headed pov of the opposite sex without being too far on either side of the simp/pimp line.
I try to share my perspective at least. I'm tired of the neverending stream of relationship threads, but I understand it's a phase in life that a lot of people go through. I just wish they would search and read and stop adding those threads here :lol:. It's literally the same situations, just with names switched.
That feel when she grabs your hand after a hard day of work and kisses you on the forehead and tells you it will be alright, let your guard down and stop worrying about the past and live in the present
Man I hate I wasted so much time being angry about a relationship that was too young to understand actual growth and what it's like to actually cut for somebody
My chick is always better then what you make it, took me a long time to see what that corny cliche meant
Even if you think your ugly, trust somebody out there things u are the bees knees
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1st bolded I really need to learn to be like that. Like even tho I'm not depressed or anything like that, I am really bitter & angry although I really never show it. But bottling emotions aint good tho cause when it all comes out...

2nd bolded It's funny cause I learned that at a young age and stood by it. Thats also one of the reasons why I'm so damn picky with with who I talk to. If she aint damn near perfect I wont even give her a chance. I kinda just want that ONE girl and thats it. Not the type of dude to talk to multiple girls. Idk why I just dont got that in me even tho I know I could...

Same here my g..
I really wanna just pack up and move the F out of memphis, I feel like its nothing here for me.. Bills are the only thing holding me back..
I havent been to the 2 gym in about 2 months. :smh:

I dont mind actually working out, I just dont like going and listening to the same music, looking at the same people all doing the something. Its just ******* boring.

I cant get any motivation anymore.
I havent been to the 2 gym in about 2 months.

I dont mind actually working out, I just dont like going and listening to the same music, looking at the same people all doing the something. Its just ******* boring.

I cant get any motivation anymore.
Change your playlists. Dramatically. If you usually listen to hip-hop, start listening to rock. Like REM, or The Beatles. They have interestingly motivation songs.

It worked for me, so find music from a completely different genre. 

As for people, do you actually talk to anyone? Or do you watch them? Once you can joke around with people, they wont seem so boring. In theory
college has turned me into a cold person... I got 3 more years to meet more people and not give a damn. But trusting someone is just too difficult... lots of people aren't out there to help anyone out. I've just been on that lonely streak for awhile and it ain't attractive. idk. School is the only thing that doesn't change for me at all. People probably wonder what the hell happened to me cuz I used to be outgoing and all that. Oh well I got a final to think about now...
I smoked trees from this past friday till this wednesday.. Im still high today.. I've never been high for this long, smh..
I smoked trees from this past friday till this wednesday.. Im still high today.. I've never been high for this long, smh..
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