
I got this girl's line but it didnt look like she was having it. :/
I have gotten that face before. The one that says "I'll let you get the line but I'll ignore you when you hit the line up"

for those interested.

I saw her in the mall, stopped her, said that I thought she was pretty and had to say hi. I asked her what she was up to she squinted her face and said "I got to get some milk". I said "I'll let you go. We should hang out sometime though". She said "I don't even know you". I said "we should get to know each other. Can I get your number?" Then she gave me that look. That look always throws me off. :/ I got the digits and said I would call her later.

I don't want to get my hopes up so I will leave it at this.
I got this girl's line but it didnt look like she was having it. :/
I have gotten that face before. The one that says "I'll let you get the line but I'll ignore you when you hit the line up"

for those interested.

I saw her in the mall, stopped her, said that I thought she was pretty and had to say hi. I asked her what she was up to she squinted her face and said "I got to get some milk". I said "I'll let you go. We should hang out sometime though". She said "I don't even know you". I said "we should get to know each other. Can I get your number?" Then she gave me that look. That look always throws me off. :/ I got the digits and said I would call her later.

I don't want to get my hopes up so I will leave it at this.
You tried that's all that matters
Don't take it personal
Things have been spiraling out of of control the past two months. I broke up with my girl and I kinda became depressed after. I'm talking sleeping pills at night and not giving a damn about school/work. Thngs have been picking up though. I'm just ashamed that I let something like that dictate other areas of my life though.
I got this girl's line but it didnt look like she was having it. :/
I have gotten that face before. The one that says "I'll let you get the line but I'll ignore you when you hit the line up"

for those interested.

I saw her in the mall, stopped her, said that I thought she was pretty and had to say hi. I asked her what she was up to she squinted her face and said "I got to get some milk". I said "I'll let you go. We should hang out sometime though". She said "I don't even know you". I said "we should get to know each other. Can I get your number?" Then she gave me that look. That look always throws me off. :/ I got the digits and said I would call her later.

I don't want to get my hopes up so I will leave it at this.

Why are you getting upset about a girl you know nothing about? Honest question - people do this all the time and it blows my mind. She could be the dumbest, most un-interesting person in the world but because she looks good - people start catching feelings.
Things have been spiraling out of of control the past two months. I broke up with my girl and I kinda became depressed after. I'm talking sleeping pills at night and not giving a damn about school/work. Thngs have been picking up though. I'm just ashamed that I let something like that dictate other areas of my life though.

No shame in that whatsoever, fam. Your relationships are the most important things in your life, and when one ends naturally it's going to suck and you're going to feel down. Give yourself time, and try not to beat yourself up too much.

Glad things have been picking up for you, though.

... also, I should really learn to follow my own advice.
I got this girl's line but it didnt look like she was having it. :/
I have gotten that face before. The one that says "I'll let you get the line but I'll ignore you when you hit the line up"

for those interested.

I saw her in the mall, stopped her, said that I thought she was pretty and had to say hi. I asked her what she was up to she squinted her face and said "I got to get some milk". I said "I'll let you go. We should hang out sometime though". She said "I don't even know you". I said "we should get to know each other. Can I get your number?" Then she gave me that look. That look always throws me off. :/ I got the digits and said I would call her later.

I don't want to get my hopes up so I will leave it at this.
Bro you already took care of half the battle, you approached her and got the digits....why leave it at that? She wouldn't of givin you the number if there wasn't a chance. Part of being a man is getting out of your comfort zone, you must be uncomfortable to build self esteem you should break the uncomfortability. Call her. See if she wants to hang out. If not oh well..don't be the guy that is always wondering WHAT IF, be a go getter
Lol if you think just cause you got a chick number there's always a chance you got a lot of life to go through.
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Well this one hurts....

My ex girl of four years and I broke up about 2 months ago. Found out she was messing around with some football player at her school(won't name names). Broke it off, it was tough, but it wasn't gonna work out. Got curious last night and looked dudes name up, found out he is a legit NFL prospect and his father owns some big auto dealership in the area. Also found out they took a private jet to Vegas for her birthday... I'm just an everyday dude in community college playing baseball from an ordinary blue collar family backround. Don't have time to compete with cats like that..

She's just an everyday girl, smart, but comes from a broken home and they can barely pay her way through college. I know what exactly she is doing and damn...never thought she'd turn out that way.

Be careful out there dudes.

Lol if you think just cause you got a chick number there's always a chance you got a lot of life to go through.

Lol you must not get yambs... At least with that additude. Why would she give her number to you in the first place, what's her alterior motive ?
Like I said regardless if the b tells you to KICK ROCKS or YES , I'll go out with you... The whole point is Getting the courage to ask....that's what's wrong with kids today.... I don't go into a business meeting Leaving out major details, "leaving it at that" I want the sale... Selling myself and getting out of my comfort zone is the main goal. Pretty much Doing stuff I DON'T want to do, but doing it anyway, is the beginning stages of Being confident
Well this one hurts....

My ex girl of four years and I broke up about 2 months ago. Found out she was messing around with some football player at her school(won't name names). Broke it off, it was tough, but it wasn't gonna work out. Got curious last night and looked dudes name up, found out he is a legit NFL prospect and his father owns some big auto dealership in the area. Also found out they took a private jet to Vegas for her birthday... I'm just an everyday dude in community college playing baseball from an ordinary blue collar family backround. Don't have time to compete with cats like that..
She's just an everyday girl, smart, but comes from a broken home and they can barely pay her way through college. I know what exactly she is doing and damn...never thought she'd turn out that way.
Be careful out there dudes.

Sounds rough man, but look at the bright side; you found out who she really was. She sounds as if she has a dishonest character. I wouldn't want that around me, cheater or not. Though it is tough, you will soon realize it was for the better. Sme would describe the feeling as a "weight lifted off their shoulder."

Just a girl man, there's 3.5 billion more in the world. No need to have any type of jimmies rustled over something so replaceable.
Bro you already took care of half the battle, you approached her and got the digits....why leave it at that? She wouldn't of givin you the number if there wasn't a chance. Part of being a man is getting out of your comfort zone, you must be uncomfortable to build self esteem you should break the uncomfortability. Call her. See if she wants to hang out. If not oh well..don't be the guy that is always wondering WHAT IF, be a go getter

You too focused on having "game", be yourself.

This. You had the confidence to go up to her (which is most of the battle) but it doesn't really sound like you built any sort of connection.

Just don't be a simp when you call/text her.

And if you get rejected, she's a stranger, who cares.

Honestly man, it seems like you're way too focused on your physical appearance and women/sex. 2 things that don't really matter that much. What are your hobbies? What do you do with your friends? You should focus on yourself and let that other stuff come naturally. I know it's much easier said than done but your confessions/view on life are worrying.
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Well this one hurts....

My ex girl of four years and I broke up about 2 months ago. Found out she was messing around with some football player at her school(won't name names). Broke it off, it was tough, but it wasn't gonna work out. Got curious last night and looked dudes name up, found out he is a legit NFL prospect and his father owns some big auto dealership in the area. Also found out they took a private jet to Vegas for her birthday... I'm just an everyday dude in community college playing baseball from an ordinary blue collar family backround. Don't have time to compete with cats like that..
She's just an everyday girl, smart, but comes from a broken home and they can barely pay her way through college. I know what exactly she is doing and damn...never thought she'd turn out that way.
Be careful out there dudes.

Wow that does hurt. Damn if she's doing it for that reason..she dosent deserve to be with you anyhow. You never picked up on any of those habits? In time your wounds will heal sorry :frown:
Sounds rough man, but look at the bright side; you found out who she really was. She sounds as if she has a dishonest character. I wouldn't want that around me, cheater or not. Though it is tough, you will soon realize it was for the better. Sme would describe the feeling as a "weight lifted off their shoulder."

Just a girl man, there's 3.5 billion more in the world. No need to have any type of jimmies rustled over something so replaceable.
It's just tough, everything I thought she was she has turned out not to be in the past 2 months. She was at every single one of my games my senior year, always along for the ride, parents loved her.. just tough knowing it's gone like that.

Onto the next I you said.
Well this one hurts....

My ex girl of four years and I broke up about 2 months ago. Found out she was messing around with some football player at her school(won't name names). Broke it off, it was tough, but it wasn't gonna work out. Got curious last night and looked dudes name up, found out he is a legit NFL prospect and his father owns some big auto dealership in the area. Also found out they took a private jet to Vegas for her birthday... I'm just an everyday dude in community college playing baseball from an ordinary blue collar family backround. Don't have time to compete with cats like that..

She's just an everyday girl, smart, but comes from a broken home and they can barely pay her way through college. I know what exactly she is doing and damn...never thought she'd turn out that way.

Be careful out there dudes.

cant knock her hustle tho.
Wow that does hurt. Damn if she's doing it for that reason..she dosent deserve to be with you anyhow. You never picked up on any of those habits? In time your wounds will heal sorry
She never really showed those traits til later in our relationship, she got really expectant of me paying for her things, I know she didn't really have the opportunity to have anything extra, so I would pamper her in ways. Never really realized that she could have been taking advantage of me. I mean in terms of financial well being my family has it good. Makes you think if she really had other intentions...
I've finally realized why I am the way I am. Keep in mind I have been thinking very deeply for the past two weeks.

I've always had this need to do better. A natural sense of leadership. Great persuasion, which I use to manipulate those around me. Modesty is a feat I could never do. I don't accept punishment, I just trick the person punishing me. I feel more intelligent than most people around me. I feel like few people around me have a lack of manners. I long for respect and if it is not given to me, I cut the person away from my existence. I'm a show off. I expect people to do things for me, just because I'm me. I feel extraordinary, like I can command those around me and they will listen.

I get really angry when those around me act without manners, like chewing with their mouth full, or coughing with their mouth open. Simple things that affect me a great deal, but as I have noticed, it doesn't bother anyone else.

In other words, I'm narcissistic.

It explains a great deal.

I've talked to my parents about my childhood. It turns out, when I was younger I was an angel. I did what I was told, I was sweet, etc. I believe the change probably happened when I was hit in the head with a shovel. Which was when I was about 7-8 I believe. Which was in the third or fourth grade. Which is about the time my parents said that they noticed a change in me. I started doing poorly in school, and I became a classroom bully. I remember I used to call some kid "tater tot head" over and over again because his head was a bit tall. I became that kid that had to rule the playground, or shoulders were getting clapped.

My parents were always busy, and I was the last thing on their mind so I didn't go to the doctor as frequently as I should have back then. So nothing would have ever been detected.

I've come to terms with it, and go figure, I like it.

It's an amazing feeling. In control. Powerful.


She never really showed those traits til later in our relationship, she got really expectant of me paying for her things, I know she didn't really have the opportunity to have anything extra, so I would pamper her in ways. Never really realized that she could have been taking advantage of me. I mean in terms of financial well being my family has it good. Makes you think if she really had other intentions... :smh:

Honestly if you are good in baseball maybe she thought you'd be going to league. Smfh I'm so sorry sir. She Sounds super trif
Well this one hurts....

My ex girl of four years and I broke up about 2 months ago. Found out she was messing around with some football player at her school(won't name names). Broke it off, it was tough, but it wasn't gonna work out. Got curious last night and looked dudes name up, found out he is a legit NFL prospect and his father owns some big auto dealership in the area. Also found out they took a private jet to Vegas for her birthday... I'm just an everyday dude in community college playing baseball from an ordinary blue collar family backround. Don't have time to compete with cats like that..
She's just an everyday girl, smart, but comes from a broken home and they can barely pay her way through college. I know what exactly she is doing and damn...never thought she'd turn out that way.
Be careful out there dudes.

Damn bro :frown: Stay up
Honestly if you are good in baseball maybe she thought you'd be going to league. Smfh I'm so sorry sir. She Sounds super trif
I've always had the talent, I had some small school D-1 offers out of high school but I stayed away cause the opportunities were better at the junior college, I doubt I'd make the league.. but now she's just gold digging and that kills me.

Screw her. Your better off without her. At least things will be easier on your wallet
Bro you already took care of half the battle, you approached her and got the digits....why leave it at that? She wouldn't of givin you the number if there wasn't a chance. Part of being a man is getting out of your comfort zone, you must be uncomfortable to build self esteem you should break the uncomfortability. Call her. See if she wants to hang out. If not oh well..don't be the guy that is always wondering WHAT IF, be a go getter

listen to mackmittenz
Thanks guys. I needed to hear those things

You too focused on having "game", be yourself.
I was told not too long ago that "being yourself never worked before but you keep doing it as if it will magically start working. You need to learn game"
Those words had me shook. At the time I felt it was the truth so I was focused on learning game. Even read an updated version Neil Strauss "The Game" made by that mystery pick-up-artist. I have been practicing PUA negs since. :/

Well this one hurts....

My ex girl of four years and I broke up about 2 months ago. Found out she was messing around with some football player at her school(won't name names). Broke it off, it was tough, but it wasn't gonna work out. Got curious last night and looked dudes name up, found out he is a legit NFL prospect and his father owns some big auto dealership in the area. Also found out they took a private jet to Vegas for her birthday... I'm just an everyday dude in community college playing baseball from an ordinary blue collar family backround. Don't have time to compete with cats like that..
She's just an everyday girl, smart, but comes from a broken home and they can barely pay her way through college. I know what exactly she is doing and damn...never thought she'd turn out that way.
Be careful out there dudes.
That is terrible. I wish you the best.

I am glad you have the self respect to end it with someone who played you like that.

Sounds rough man, but look at the bright side; you found out who she really was. She sounds as if she has a dishonest character. I wouldn't want that around me, cheater or not. Though it is tough, you will soon realize it was for the better. Sme would describe the feeling as a "weight lifted off their shoulder."

Just a girl man, there's 3.5 billion more in the world. No need to have any type of jimmies rustled over something so replaceable.
Although you are right for most of that it cant be a weight off your shoulder to know your girl of the last 4 years has been tricking around. He only found out this once. What stopped her from doing this a dozen other times.

This. You had the confidence to go up to her (which is most of the battle) but it doesn't really sound like you built any sort of connection.

Just don't be a simp when you call/text her.

And if you get rejected, she's a stranger, who cares.

Honestly man, it seems like you're way too focused on your physical appearance and women/sex. 2 things that don't really matter that much. What are your hobbies? What do you do with your friends? You should focus on yourself and let that other stuff come naturally. I know it's much easier said than done but your confessions/view on life are worrying.
My hobbies are cars (which I can't currently afford), X-Men comics, fashion, enjoying the city, & traveling off the top of my head.

It just traces back to being called ugly nonstop since I was a kid by both girls and guys until I was around 20 years old. It stopped because people tend to mature around that age not because I got attractive. I was told I was ugly a lot after that. So I have always been obsessed with having nice clothes and for the last two years I have been going to the gym on and off.
Well this one hurts....

My ex girl of four years and I broke up about 2 months ago. Found out she was messing around with some football player at her school(won't name names). Broke it off, it was tough, but it wasn't gonna work out. Got curious last night and looked dudes name up, found out he is a legit NFL prospect and his father owns some big auto dealership in the area. Also found out they took a private jet to Vegas for her birthday... I'm just an everyday dude in community college playing baseball from an ordinary blue collar family backround. Don't have time to compete with cats like that..
She's just an everyday girl, smart, but comes from a broken home and they can barely pay her way through college. I know what exactly she is doing and damn...never thought she'd turn out that way.
Be careful out there dudes.

Don't ever look at it as competing, she's not a prize. Things hurt right now because of the time and feelings you put into everything but you'll realize things happened for the better. As long as you are true to yourself you'll be ok fam.
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