
Lol at borderline terrorism charge. Reminds me of Huey Freeman. At least they didnt take you to process. How did they find that charge. Arent you 18 now?

That mom is a perfect example of why i stopped ******g with white *******.
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You're already too far gone my brother
10 years in and strong brudda 
Lol at borderline terrorism charge. Reminds me of Huey Freeman. At least they didnt take you to process. How did they find that charge. Arent you 18 now?

That mom is a perfect example of why i stopped ******g with white *******.
I'm light skinned and I have an afro, well, I cut it off a week ago. But you get my point. 

The charges dropped though. She planned on larceny and sexual assault though. 
Damb Charles. That's some bs man. The mother was out of line. I prolly would have added fuel to the fire smh.
The kid and moms needs a damn Falcon punch that's some ol bull **** charles
I agree, but I was not going to retaliate. Not a good look. 
Damb Charles. That's some bs man. The mother was out of line. I prolly would have added fuel to the fire smh.
Here is the thing, if I were to yell back at the lady, and then the cop arrives he would probably side with her a bit more. Putting me in a bad position.

I usually hate racial slurs, but this time I let it slur because now she lost all of her friends. She was out here trying to get the neighbors to say I was guilty, and they were like ....wut? 

I saw them today, nobody talked to them at all. They didnt dare look in my direction either. 

Momentarily broke AF. I hate this feeling. Just started working two weeks ago, I get my first paycheck tomorrow which s only for about 24 hours. ALL of it is going to bills, and I'll still need about 300/400 dollars just to pay my bills on time :smh:

Im supposed to be starting a second job soon, but they are taking forever with the background check. I'm sure I need to go do a drug test after that too, I want to start already and resume getting paid like I used to...
Haven't drank milk in a minute like a year maybe. Drank milk today and I been farting for like an hour straight. No foul smell but my stomach is not accepting it... So I guess its either drink consistently or give it up altogether... :smh: just bought 4 boxes of cereal
I feel a lot better about myself ever since I started taking care of myself. Take my medications as prescribed for the most part, cut down on my sugar intake but not by enough (damn haribo gummi cokes and arizona teas), lift weights. I need to start running though. My endurance is worse than a smoker. I got sickle cell anemia so my oxygen level depletes too fast.

Hopefully i can be semi attractive by 2015
I hate being told what to do by any female that is not in a position of authority over me..then at that I kinda dislike it as well especially if they have a *****y attitude...ehh I hate being told what to do by anyone that's not in a position of authority over me by anyon
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I agree, but I was not going to retaliate. Not a good look. 

Here is the thing, if I were to yell back at the lady, and then the cop arrives he would probably side with her a bit more. Putting me in a bad position.

I usually hate racial slurs, but this time I let it slur because now she lost all of her friends. She was out here trying to get the neighbors to say I was guilty, and they were like ....wut? 

I saw them today, nobody talked to them at all. They didnt dare look in my direction either. 


Smart man. I would have said at least one thing had racial slurs flew so rapidly in my direction. Lol. That's just in my nature. But I understand why u did what u did. Gotta forgive da ignorant
I found out a little bit about the mother today. Her name is Donna. She is on anti-depressants which make her go insane. When she feels one thing, it gets intensified by 1000.

Heard a story about her. When her son (kid in the story) came home from school she started jumping up and down estatically exclaiming how much she loves him and missed him.

Her drugs make her crazy.

Glad I let her be :smh:
I'm so far behind on life experiences for my age

I'm ready to kill myself, like seriously just end it all

As time goes by I'm becoming less and less able to cope with being ugly/hideous
Y'all trippin, ugliest dude I know smashes way more than I do, and he's unbearably lame. Dude looks like a leper, I get nauseated sometimes I can't look at him for too long, I dunno how them chicks do it, but he's getting it.
I can never let things go. I always hold onto old stuff and never move on from it. Its affecting my relationship with my girl and I don't want it to but I don't know how to get past it.
Women do not fall in love with looks but what is between their ears
If you just have a normal, witty conversation with a woman, have some smell good on and a outfit that is on point( you dont have to be flashy, just be well put together) you can pull chicks
Confidence and a strong mouth piece can honestly get you a girl
You having money and looks are just icing on the cake
If you don't develop yourself as a person, no amount of money, looks, ostentatious car is going to get you play unless you looking for birds and golddiggers
Can't even explain how I feel about graduating from college 2mrw. I'm also a little nervous after the Final I took today but I'm just gonna turn up tonight and forget about it.
back in the day i really thought was a fully staffed by nerds that replied with your answer 
My aunties step-daughter got a crush on me
Shes kinda hot and im thinking about hitting that yambz.
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