
I've self diagnosed myself wrong for the most part of 2013 Any minor occurrences on my body like skin irritation from exercise I freak out.   ... I constantly think I have an STD even though I get tested and have no symptoms. I thought I had HIV and was depressed until I tested negative. My latest fear is Syphilis even though I've been test recently. I had protected sex a few weeks ago and constantly worried I have the disease. Even though it's WELL past the amount of time it takes for symptoms to show.

It's unhealthy and mentally debilitating I actually went to bed at an decent hour tonight and when my girl climbed into bed I went to the bathroom and saw a pimple on my chest. I examined it for about 20 mins then Googled symptoms and pictures of Syphilis for about 2 hours now. I get obsessive and overwhelmed to the point of tears.

My last STD test I actually cried tears of joy's not limited to HIV and STD's, I constantly fear a heart attack or airborne sickness from the subway as well. 

I was prescribed anxiety meds to reduce serotonin levels but I won't take them I don't want to be a pill poppin' med junkie. I already learned to control my diabetes in under 2 months  because I didn't want to continue to take pills. I want to get over this fear.

Abstinence or monogamy truly might be the only way to cure my phobia. Deep down I think it maybe guilt from my wrong doing and I believe there should be a punishment more severe than the guilt itself.
Women do not fall in love with looks but what is between their ears
If you just have a normal, witty conversation with a woman, have some smell good on and a outfit that is on point( you dont have to be flashy, just be well put together) you can pull chicks
Confidence and a strong mouth piece can honestly get you a girl
You having money and looks are just icing on the cake
If you don't develop yourself as a person, no amount of money, looks, ostentatious car is going to get you play unless you looking for birds and golddiggers
I was prescribed anxiety meds to reduce serotonin levels but I won't take them I don't want to be a pill poppin' med junkie. I already learned to control my diabetes in under 2 months  because I didn't want to continue to take pills. I want to get over this fear.

Don't take the damn medication, Nomad. Ever.

By the sounds of it, you went to a psychiatrist. Which is a terribly corrupt practice. They take normal human behaviors such as depression, and anxiety, and they give you medication which completely alters your way of thinking. 

With the medication they gave you, which lowers serotonin you are likely to become depressed. Seeing that lowered levels of ST is the cause of depression. Secondly, with the blocking on the neurotransmitter receptor sites you will more than likely go through withdrawal after six weeks. Which is a lot worse than anxiety.

Psychiatrists are the type of people who reach for the impossible. They want to tell you what normal human behavior is. As if they have the handbook of humans.

Go see a therapist. You may want to see a cognitive therapist, or a client-centered therapist for your issue. This is a permanent fix to your problem if you follow through with it. Maybe you want exposure therapy for your airborne virus phobia. 

Either way, I have a video I would like you to watch. Found in the link below


Don't take the damn medication, Nomad. Ever.

By the sounds of it, you went to a psychiatrist. Which is a terribly corrupt practice. They take normal human behaviors such as depression, and anxiety, and they give you medication which completely alters your way of thinking. 

With the medication they gave you, which lowers serotonin you are likely to become depressed. Seeing that lowered levels of ST is the cause of depression. Secondly, with the blocking on the neurotransmitter receptor sites you will more than likely go through withdrawal after six weeks. Which is a lot worse than anxiety.

Psychiatrists are the type of people who reach for the impossible. They want to tell you what normal human behavior is. As if they have the handbook of humans.

Go see a therapist. You may want to see a cognitive therapist, or a client-centered therapist for your issue. This is a permanent fix to your problem if you follow through with it. Maybe you want exposure therapy for your airborne virus phobia. 

Either way, I have a video I would like you to watch. Found in the link below

Thanks, but I have seen a therapist and relationship counselor... I was never prescribed anything by them but it was noted that I have trust issues.
And it almost is always my reason for proving myself all the time. Nothing more than intimacy issues.

The stress medication was prescribed by my physician, I have the exact name I'll try to find it later. But it lowers your anxiety. 

I'm scared to see a psychiatrists in fact my therapist is against it. For the same reasons you've stated... my hypochondria stems from my guilt about wrong doing. And this is from their mouth that my characteristics aren't consistent with the diagnosis for clinical hypochondria.

Good ole fashioned obsessive guilt and me needing to get my **** together in the relationship department.

Don't take the damn medication, Nomad. Ever.

By the sounds of it, you went to a psychiatrist. Which is a terribly corrupt practice. They take normal human behaviors such as depression, and anxiety, and they give you medication which completely alters your way of thinking. 

With the medication they gave you, which lowers serotonin you are likely to become depressed. Seeing that lowered levels of ST is the cause of depression. Secondly, with the blocking on the neurotransmitter receptor sites you will more than likely go through withdrawal after six weeks. Which is a lot worse than anxiety.

Psychiatrists are the type of people who reach for the impossible. They want to tell you what normal human behavior is. As if they have the handbook of humans.

Go see a therapist. You may want to see a cognitive therapist, or a client-centered therapist for your issue. This is a permanent fix to your problem if you follow through with it. Maybe you want exposure therapy for your airborne virus phobia. 

Either way, I have a video I would like you to watch. Found in the link below

Thanks, but I have seen a therapist and relationship counselor... I was never prescribed anything by them but it was noted that I have trust issues.
And it almost is always my reason for proving myself all the time. Nothing more than intimacy issues.

The stress medication was prescribed by my physician, I have the exact name I'll try to find it later. But it lowers your anxiety. 

I'm scared to see a psychiatrists in fact my therapist is against it. For the same reasons you've stated... my hypochondria stems from my guilt about wrong doing. And this is from their mouth that my characteristics aren't consistent with the diagnosis for clinical hypochondria.

Good ole fashioned obsessive guilt and me needing to get my **** together in the relationship department.

A therapist shouldn't prescribe you anything. Their job is to help you find out what your problem is, and find a solution. 

I don't know about your relationship though, man. From the sounds of it, you hate the woman and only have a few moments of peace with her. I think it really is time you end that. It will be a weight off of your shoulders.
I have no confidence. I haven't been able to approach a girl in like 2 years. I've gained so much weight recently and it's really my confidence and outlook on things
I still lurk my ex's twitter. She instigated the breakup 2 months ago and since then I've removed her from all social sites but her page is open so I check it. She knows this so for a while she would post updates about her lunch and evening dates, sometimes with pics but wouldn't show who she was with. One was even at a spot I put her on too. A lot of updates would be specifically to spite me but I have yet to openly react. But now she barely updates at all and that's not like her. Her face is always in her phone. Like this week, nothing. No "lunch w/ ___", "good morning!" "can't wait for ___" coworker complaints, instagram pics......nothing. Not sure what to make of it.
Mine deactivated her Facebook. I friend requested only because she kept getting suggested due to mutual acquaintances, I wanted to stop seeing her face. I did check her gchat status every now and then, that's like her Twitter and I had to stop, that **** is more harm than anything. Plus estalking aint really my lane. It still bugs me how at one point I'd be in such pain, while she was indifferent to anything thats not her, her words. I just don't understand how you just flip a switch and its off like that. Maybe it wasn't on and she was phony from the word go.
 I just don't understand how you just flip a switch and its off like that. Maybe it wasn't on and she was phony from the word go.
That feel
I know it.

That thought crosses my mind often and whenever it does it just opens up another level of dragon rage.
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