
I actually gave up searching to get my credentials up. Now I have my masters and I am taking 1 of 4 parts of the CPA exam at the end of this month. Then I will start searching again. Especially since I am going to Europe for a few weeks at that time anyway.

Do the dam thang fam 8)
iono why but I'm mostly attracted to filipino girls & light skinned black girls w/ freckles :\ :wow:
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Being ugly has driven me mentally insane. Don't know how someone can deal with this. I keep going to the gym hoping to have a decent body by 2015. Hopefully i can grow deep facial hair by then.
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Being ugly has driven me mentally insane. Don't know how someone can deal with this. I keep going to the gym hoping to have a decent body by 2015. Hopefully i can grow deep facial hair by then.

If you can no longer deal with it on a mental level, it might help to talk to someone about options on a physical level.

I'm not a proponent of any sort of beautification surgery, but that's also because I've never had to deal with something like that in my life, making it impossible for me to completely relate.

Everyone deserves to be happy with who they are and what they look like. Some just need to take a detour to get there.
I'm not attracted to be my girlfriend anymore, and to be honest I don't even think I like her that much. Been with her 2.5 years.

She's fat now, but I can't tell her. She's like 5'2" 175 pounds. Maybe a year ago I wasn't into the "thick" body type, but now I just hate that ****. She works out maybe twice a week, and when I mention working out, she says she's "trying hard" and all that. To me she has no desire to lose weight. I hint at it often, but nothing I can say will get her to work out more than 2x a week, 3 MAX.

It frustrates me because if I was in her position, id be working out EVERYDAY. I'm just that type of person. If I WANT something bad, I'm doing whatever it takes to get it. WHATEVER.

This turns me off. Her lack of desire to lose weight and also her weight in general.

I am at the point where I don't want to look at her anymore. It sucks.
^I have considered it before but I wont have money for it for a while. Especially since I would only go to the best.

I see. Well, it's good to know that you've explored the option. Remember what I said! The only one who can control your happiness is ultimately your very own self.

Take control. Be happy. And don't let anything or anyone stand in your path.
I'm not attracted to be my girlfriend anymore, and to be honest I don't even think I like her that much. Been with her 2.5 years.

She's fat now, but I can't tell her. She's like 5'2" 175 pounds. Maybe a year ago I wasn't into the "thick" body type, but now I just hate that ****. She works out maybe twice a week, and when I mention working out, she says she's "trying hard" and all that. To me she has no desire to lose weight. I hint at it often, but nothing I can say will get her to work out more than 2x a week, 3 MAX.

It frustrates me because if I was in her position, id be working out EVERYDAY. I'm just that type of person. If I WANT something bad, I'm doing whatever it takes to get it. WHATEVER.

This turns me off. Her lack of desire to lose weight and also her weight in general.

I am at the point where I don't want to look at her anymore. It sucks.

Sit down with her and tell her that her weight has become a serious issue and that it's resulting in you no longer being sexually attracted to her.
Sit down with her and tell her that her weight has become a serious issue and that it's resulting in you no longer being sexually attracted to her.

I've considered it but that will completely destroy the little confidence she has. It'll also start an argument. But any time weight comes up with a female, you know how that goes. :lol:
Sit down with her and tell her that her weight has become a serious issue and that it's resulting in you no longer being sexually attracted to her.

I've considered it but that will completely destroy the little confidence she has. It'll also start an argument. But any time weight comes up with a female, you know how that goes. :lol:

Then lie to her. Tell her that you're in a place right now where you can no longer have a relationship with her. But you should not be continuing a relationship with her if you can't even look at her anymore :lol:
Then lie to her. Tell her that you're in a place right now where you can no longer have a relationship with her. But you should not be continuing a relationship with her if you can't even look at her anymore
Seriously, why are you afraid of an argument if you have admitted you don't even want to be dating this girl? I swear guys are way too scared of being single.
I see. Well, it's good to know that you've explored the option. Remember what I said! The only one who can control your happiness is ultimately your very own self.

Take control. Be happy. And don't let anything or anyone stand in your path.
The thing is that there is no way to eradicate all evidence of how you used to look. People talk **** about how they have no respect for those who dont "work with what god gave them". They talk **** but dont know what its like.

bruh I even have a pic of what I would like to look like
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I'm not attracted to be my girlfriend anymore, and to be honest I don't even think I like her that much. Been with her 2.5 years.

She's fat now, but I can't tell her. She's like 5'2" 175 pounds. Maybe a year ago I wasn't into the "thick" body type, but now I just hate that ****. She works out maybe twice a week, and when I mention working out, she says she's "trying hard" and all that. To me she has no desire to lose weight. I hint at it often, but nothing I can say will get her to work out more than 2x a week, 3 MAX.

It frustrates me because if I was in her position, id be working out EVERYDAY. I'm just that type of person. If I WANT something bad, I'm doing whatever it takes to get it. WHATEVER.

This turns me off. Her lack of desire to lose weight and also her weight in general.

I am at the point where I don't want to look at her anymore. It sucks.

come here bro..come here

I'm in the same situation fam...been together for about 2 years and 4 months, and it seems she's got the same body type that yours has now

We've talked about it before, and more recently it was brought up and it all went bad. She even admitted that she has gained a lot of weight and how everyone has told her that and that the last person she wants to hear it from is me.

I even bought her some damn nike free's and she knew it was a hint, but i played it off saying i bought them simply because her old running shoes were a bit small (it's true lol). The problem with her is she eats out SO DAMN MUCH it pisses me off...and what started this was when she told me she was going to eat Chinese...i mean, if your trying to lose weight, WHY YOU EATING OUT!?!?!?'s come to a point where whenever we go on a date I dont take her out to eat, no matter how hungry i am.. She says she tried to workout but she gives up after 2 least start eating healthy..But yeah man, i feel your pain, she def let herself go. I love her, but whenever she makes poor choices of eating it pisses me off, and quite frankly, its a turn on when she DOES work out. hopefully after finals she'll get back on track and have a consistent workout throughout the summer.

damn that felt good to let it out

I'm in the same damn boat as both of y'all, although my girl isn't nearly as large as yours (no offense).

I wouldn't be able to take it if it got to that level, and I've actually made it clear to her. I mean, I ain't no gladiator over here, but I ain't inhaling food at 11PM :x
I see. Well, it's good to know that you've explored the option. Remember what I said! The only one who can control your happiness is ultimately your very own self.

Take control. Be happy. And don't let anything or anyone stand in your path.
The thing is that there is no way to eradicate all evidence of how you used to look. People talk **** about how they have no respect for those who dont "work with what god gave them". They talk **** but dont know what its like.

Ignore it and rise above it.
Seriously, why are you afraid of an argument if you have admitted you don't even want to be dating this girl? I swear guys are way too scared of being single.
Just don't try to holla at her when you break up with her and she gets fly again and a new guy starts knocking it down lol
Why continue in a relationship when it's not healthy for the both of you??? Life's too short and you are limiting both of your chances of happiness... Some people out there( even though it my not be healthy) like big girls, so nut up and tell them the truth
CONFESSION #12?: i'm starting to feel bad about going off on my ex a while back, even though she definitely deserved it. i'm not a mean person, i can't deal with being the mean person who got the last word in. even though it feels good that i ended it that way 
damn that felt good to let it out


I'm not afraid of being single either, I just don't wanna start over. I'm cool being by myself but I know eventually I'll have to start the process over with another chick.

I know I can do better, I've dated 8's and 9's before, but I've realized most 8 and 9's I've dated have had ****** personalities compared to the 5's I've dated.

I hate people that talk about wanting to do something, but never follow through. If you want to lose weight, WORK OUT all the time damnit.
CONFESSION #12?: i'm starting to feel bad about going off on my ex a while back, even though she definitely deserved it. i'm not a mean person, i can't deal with being the mean person who got the last word in. even though it feels good that i ended it that way 

If she deserved it, you did the right thing man. She'll get over it. Don't think about it too much either, she's your ex for a reason remember?
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damn that felt good to let it out


I'm not afraid of being single either, I just don't wanna start over. I'm cool being by myself but I know eventually I'll have to start the process over with another chick.

I know I can do better, I've dated 8's and 9's before, but I've realized most 8 and 9's I've dated have had ****** personalities compared to the 5's I've dated.

I hate people that talk about wanting to do something, but never follow through. If you want to lose weight, WORK OUT all the time damnit.

The bit about personalities is so true.

It's like, being slightly unattractive is some magical incubator for stellar personalities.
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