
^ I feel so bad for her, why are you dudes so evil :smh:

trust me i tell everyone the same thing when they meet me I am the nicest guy you will ever meet, I will go to war for you if I call you a friend, but the day you try to f*** me over I will destroy you point blank. I never lied or made her seem like she was more than a jump. Im very direct with women no games

YOU came in her, dont know how that constitutes as her fn you over. I wish a n would do something like that to one of my close homegirls or relatives.
I'm confused as well.. What exactly did she f*** you over on.. You busted a nut inside her your damb self fam.. That s*** is disgusting what you said
^ I feel so bad for her, why are you dudes so evil :smh:

trust me i tell everyone the same thing when they meet me I am the nicest guy you will ever meet, I will go to war for you if I call you a friend, but the day you try to f*** me over I will destroy you point blank. I never lied or made her seem like she was more than a jump. Im very direct with women no games

YOU came in her, dont know how that constitutes as her fn you over. I wish a n would do something like that to one of my close homegirls or relatives.

Unless she poked a hole in his condom or something I'm with y'alll
one of my randoms got an abortion a few years ago, the story behind it is cold blooded. I told her straight up if you don't get rid of it believe me I will have my best friend come out in a ski mask one night and punch you in your stomach till its done, or ill personally trip you down steps my self down the line. I told her you pick but your not having my child. What scares me is I wasn't making an empty threat.
Not something im proud of but also something I was dead serious about
I've jokingly said this as well but I was always dead ******g serious as well at least if its a point in my life where I cant have a child
some of you need a reality check

you don't anything about hard life
If thats the case then next to no one here does if any of us do. I mean we're all using the internet right now, that alone is enough to say that we dont know what a hard life is about. We're sitting here on the internet, while people are out there dying of famine and disease every minute. Some people dont automatically put their lives in a global perspective, I know I dont. I do it when I need to knock myself out of being sad about things and it helps me remember how good I really do have it. I dont have any serious problems in my opinion, only what I would consider mild issues, most of which have already been posted by others in this thread, but I'm sure as hell not going to judge anyone for them posting what they deem to be serious issues. Props to all of you for sharing.
Don't have to have a hard life to make a confession. People with the easiest lives in the world can make a confession. It's all in the eye of the beholder
Unless she poked a hole in his condom or something I'm with y'alll

YOU came in her, dont know how that constitutes as her fn you over. I wish a n would do something like that to one of my close homegirls or relatives.

I'm confused as well.. What exactly did she f*** you over on.. You busted a nut inside her your damb self fam.. That s*** is disgusting what you said

Well if you must know the entire story if you would have read I said she saw me as her lotto ticket so clearly she wasn't innocent. lmao yes I hit raw she was on top and when I told her get off im about to *** she laughs and sits down on me harder. Regardless had this happened I still would have made her get rid of it I might have just been a little nicer about it..... doubt it
If you cant have a child, don't go raw. The whole "condom broke" is ducktalery, you weren't using one. 

A lot of you guys see an abortion as a form of contraception and it isn't, getting abortion is the hardest thing a woman can do.

Even chicks who aren't morally against it have a hard time getting one,think about that before you go team raw

You guys are willing to threaten someones life, but you aren't willing to strap up.

Dude just got convicted round my way because he shot his BM and the stomach and killed her,Yah a bunch of psychopaths 
Well if you must know the entire story if you would have read I said she saw me as her lotto ticket so clearly she wasn't innocent. lmao yes I hit raw she was on top and when I told her get off im about to *** she laughs and sits down on me harder. Regardless had this happened I still would have made her get rid of it I might have just been a little nicer about it..... doubt it
Gots to be more careful boss
I think I have posted a lot in this thread because I have so many foul things I done over the years and this is probably why when I was finally happy it came crashing down.

Another one of my randoms got pregnant, she was cheating on her man. I remember the day she called me and told she was pregnant I dropped off the face of the earth, even though it could have been mine or his I was taking no chances. I changed my number, deleted every social network I had, and left town for a while. About a year ago I had a friend look her up on FB and that baby looks exactly like me but in some ways look like the other dude too. My motto what I dont know cant hurt me
I think I have posted a lot in this thread because I have so many foul things I done over the years and this is probably why when I was finally happy it came crashing down.

Another one of my randoms got pregnant, she was cheating on her man. I remember the day she called me and told she was pregnant I dropped off the face of the earth, even though it could have been mine or his I was taking no chances. I changed my number, deleted every social network I had, and left town for a while. About a year ago I had a friend look her up on FB and that baby looks exactly like me but in some ways look like the other dude too. My motto what I dont know cant hurt me
I have a question for you, are you not curious as to whether or not its your child? You said what you dont know cant hurt you, but you know that theres a child that could easily be yours that you are for lack of a better word abandoning. This doesnt bother you at all? 

I'm not judging cause IDK you or your situation, this is just a question I've always wanted to ask someone who's been in the situation.
Wish I would of spent less money on shoes. I now look at the collection like WTF DID I DO. Now all I want to do is get rid of them.

In the same boat as you..Now I can't get rid of these things for even half of what they're charging on some poplular sites..Now I'm basically stuck with over 100 pairs of shoes and don't know what to do with them..

But my dumbass will still go buy some hot retro that I missed out on 15 yrs ago..
If you cant have a child, don't go raw. The whole "condom broke" is ducktalery, you weren't using one. :lol:
A lot of you guys see an abortion as a form of contraception and it isn't, getting abortion is the hardest thing a woman can do.
Even chicks who aren't morally against it have a hard time getting one,think about that before you go team raw

You guys are willing to threaten someones life, but you aren't willing to strap up.
Dude just got convicted round my way because he shot his BM and the stomach and killed her,Yah a bunch of psychopaths :stoneface:

Nothing major compared to some stuff being posted, and will look completely different, but just some random blurbs:

-Still feeling lost as to what I want to do. Graduated 2 years ago and have been working for almost a year now, still wondering what the "next" step is. Been evaluating options between going to graduate school and/or finding a different job but it's extremely difficult to make a decision because that will all end up having a huge impact on what happens after.

-Now that I'm a little bit older and out of school I realize that my parents have made me who I am in both good and bad ways. I also realize that my parents do not know better than I do on a lot of things even if they say they do. It's very tough trying to balance life in America growing up in a traditional Asian family, even though I was born and raised here. I'm not quite "American" enough for a lot of people, but at the same time if I go over to Taiwan (where my parents are from) I'm definitely not "Asian" enough for them. Point is, sometimes I get lost in an identity crisis over exactly who I am. I'm basically mixed, but given that I'm full-on Asian I still think a lot of people assume I'm completely different than they are. I'm sure a lot of Asian-Americans feel this way too, but it's really an identity crisis I think I'll have to learn to deal with. It's a balance between traditional Asian family values and finding a way to break out of it and do your own thing. For example, many don't understand that traditional Asian parents actually feel that if you move out of the house before you get married it's because you had a fall-out with them. Only when my older brother moved out did my parents realize this wasn't the case.

-I'm definitely an introvert- I prefer staying in relaxing over going out and partying with a bunch of people. I definitely prefer having a few close friends to kick it with every now and then, but in general I'm fine being alone. In the past I always felt that it wasn't normal but now I'm more at peace with myself and realize everyone has a different tempo- this just happens to be mine. I've never been to a club and don't plan on doing so.

-Now that I'm older I also more closely understand what kind of woman I would get along with better. I've definitely blown chances when I was younger :lol:, but I'm alright with that, I know what I'm looking for now so I'm confident that life will find its way to work out as long as I keep moving forward.
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I think I have posted a lot in this thread because I have so many foul things I done over the years and this is probably why when I was finally happy it came crashing down.
Another one of my randoms got pregnant, she was cheating on her man. I remember the day she called me and told she was pregnant I dropped off the face of the earth, even though it could have been mine or his I was taking no chances. I changed my number, deleted every social network I had, and left town for a while. About a year ago I had a friend look her up on FB and that baby looks exactly like me but in some ways look like the other dude too. My motto what I dont know cant hurt me

:stoneface: :stoneface: :stoneface:
Some of you dudes gotta be trolling or need to learn how into self awareness. Seriously, some of this **** is appalling.

I got some though;
-I rarely go out anymore, if I do is to the streets to take pictures or to work
-Me and my "closest" friends aren't close anymore. Main reason being that I feel like I tried and tried to re establish our friendship after I messed it up, but it's not the same. I lost them and I really don't feel like hitting them up anymore after so many failed attempts and I think we're probably better off this way anyway.
-Really feeling myself lately. The aspie is leaving me and I like this :smokin
-Too lazy. I would have finished my book by now.... but it can wait for tomorrow. LEL
I have a question for you, are you not curious as to whether or not its your child? You said what you dont know cant hurt you, but you know that theres a child that could easily be yours that you are for lack of a better word abandoning. This doesnt bother you at all? 

I'm not judging cause IDK you or your situation, this is just a question I've always wanted to ask someone who's been in the situation.

Her and the dude she was cheating on are no longer together I did my research and he takes care of the child more than her. The child has a male figure in his life I can afford not to know for sure. Messed up thinking maybe or maybe not
I was the same way. I grew up poor, my boys all had families with money. It was 4 of us, we would take turns spending the night over each others crib, but never mine. I would always make up excuses for why they couldnt spend the night. I would say my mom ain't letting nobody come over, or I'm on punishment or some wild story. But really I wea just poor and I didn't want nobody to know where I lived.
As far as after school, I went to the military. I ain't no recruiter but i would recommend the military if u want to create ur own lane, have ur school and home paid for, all u have to worry about are car and cell phone everything else is paid for. I did one year of college and worked full time to maintain and it's rough. My boys ain't have nothing to worry about either, but now I have a son and I'm setting things up so that he won't have nothing to worry about, but I'm still gonna make sure he knows it's important to work hard for what you want
Man that was the worse smh the past couple years in high school everybody knew where I lived but me and my boys would never chill at my house cause their houses are so much better. Like I share and have been sharing a room with my brother for the past couple years and the rooms in the houses that I've lived in (we move once a year smh) haven't been big so it's only able to fit our 2 beds and sole dressers and stuff so it'd be embarrassing having all your boys sitting on one small little bed :lol: .. I've been thinking about that military life just to get away but I just don't know man :smh:
I smoke a lot of bud...I just smoked my last blunt from this quad i just picked up yesterday afternoon :stoneface: now i gotta get more :smh:

I haven't had a relationship in 3 years...intercourse in a year...and im fine with both.

I rather work>smoke>chill>repeat everyday, like ive been doing for a long time now.

My life is boring and basic. I want to date, but I cant catch any prospects attention my way. I think im ugly, but I know im not. But i feel like i am to others >D idk what to think.
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