
Im similar to everything baised said:

-Mad trust issues. This world is full of snakes who will use you to get what they want, hence why I truly have only 3 friends at 22.
-Most people see the things I have and my attitude towards money and automatically hate me and chalk me up as a "spoiled rich kid". Little do they know I grew up in in one of the worst neighborhoods in DC.
-My family life is ***. My father has 4 kids that we know of and doesn't care for any of us.
-Older cousin just beat murder, little cousin just went in for murder.
-I'm severely underpaid at work
-I truly hate how people can say live life to the fullest yet on average we spend the majority of the ofour life working.
-Money truly doesnt mean much to me which is why I spend it mainly on alcohol and fun times because that's what I truly enjoy, having fun.
-Women come a dime a dozen so I truly don't care for most women in my life outside of 3.
-As I get older I find myself becoming much colder and the nice person inside of me is dying.
-The only person who keeps me sane is my mother and If something were to happen to her, I would just live that f it lifestyle.
-the wealth gap isnt about hard work, it's about greed and corruption and I can see this country being torn apart soon over money. You have guys giving themselves billion dollar bonuses when you have the average joe making less than 10 an hr working three jobs to support himself and his loved ones. Life isn't fair unless you make it fair.
-All in all, life is what you make it and you only get one so make it count.

And to the dude up there get tested my g. It's nothing to fear.....unless you been raw doggin. We don't do that out here.
better man than me...
not gonna lie... this might sound messed up...
but i'm SOOOO glad i got that abortion a few years back... kid would be going on... i think 3, now...
Nah dont get it twisted IM GLAD! lmfao...i mean the situation was totally F and I goofed up, i feel like she was trying to trap me cause she knew I was off to school out of state and making moves...She had that same Chicago, Humboldt Park Puerto Rican mentality and i couldnt rock with it any longer...

I broke up with her 6 months after the incident, graduated HS, went to school out of state and not even 4 months being out there she got a new man and then 4 months after that she popped off by him...She still with him and got 3 kids by em now... I AINT EEEEEEM MAD! bruh saved me the stress hahahahaha
I'm going to be a dad this time next year....
I gotta get my **** together.
This is a good thread, never knew some of you have gone through some serious stuff like you've mentioned...I hope y'all can pull through and even if you can only find one reason to keep powering through your tough times, make that your motivation...worst thing you can ever have happen is wondering what if

-Always wondered what it would be like to have an older brother, I'm an only child and wish I had a sibling
-I feel like I'm not close enough with some of my family members as I should be...some are spread out in SC or FL but still, I should pick up the phone and check in on them more often, but I feel like they don't care to contact me so I make myself not go through with it...I really only keep in touch with 2-3 of my cousins and extended family
-I was lucky to have my parents bust their butts to send me to a great private school for high school, but part of me always wonders how I would've been if I went to a local public school b/c I had a bit of a harder time relating to some of my friends at college when we first met and couldn't really grasp some of their stories, etc because I'd never been a part of it or experienced it first hand...this might be part of the reason why I have more white friends than black friends though (not that it matters just a self observation)
- I have lost contact with a majority of the people I was cool with in HS, I know its normal but I thought some of em would be my boys for life but its for the better I close friends are like my brothers and we'll always look out for each other....its crazy b/c we all go to different schools in diff states and don't talk too often but whenever we go back home we always pick back up to kick it like we're still in high school, love those dudes
-I hate people who are stuck up, judgmental and degrading of people who may have less monetary or material wealth than they do (mostly bc they feel entitled to things they shouldn't and plan on mooching off their parents their whole lives), reallllllly want to tell this one girl I know off but I'm not really confrontational and don't feel like dealing with all that
- This sounds corny, but I've been keeping motivational messages on my phone as wallpapers for like 5 yrs now and check them whenever I doubt myself and before tests and stuff, its actually helped me feel more confident
- My biggest fear is dissapointing my parents, they've sacrificed so much for me to be where I am and I really want to make it so I can treat them to the biggest vacation or gift that I can give them to show my appreciation
- This isn't necessarily a confession, but NT tell your loved ones or anyone whose relationship/friendship you value how you feel as often as you mother went through some serious health problems and I always took her for granted sometimes but I'd be a wreck if I lost her...she's pulled through them thankfully but I make sure I let her know how much I love and appreciate her each time we talk since I don't see her while I'm at school
-I HATE seeing people take advantage of others just to get ahead
-I honestly want to change the world in some way or fashion....I want to leave my mark in some capacity whether its going back to the area I grew up in and mentoring some kids once I'm older or helping cure some disease or ailment that's affecting millions of people
Bout to let off some steam lambs

-turn 24 at the end of this month and I finally feel like I know my direction
-too bad it took me 6yrs of college to find out, still got 30 credits left for my bachelors
-pops passed 3 yrs ago and ever since I was mad depressed (stopped going to class and all that)
-can't go to school this sem cuz I can't get a loan
-have about $9000 in debt from hospital visits that messed up my credit, I have sickle cell anemia so I'm always in and out
-been striking out with the breezys since me and my girl broke up last month (can't stop shooting though, russel westbrook approach)
-since I'm taking the sem off I'm trying to take my ccna exam in october hoping to get a better job while i'm still finishing up my degree (currently work a decent help desk job $20/hr but only 20hrs a week :smh: )
-watch way too much pron (damb that diamond kitty :smh: :smh: )
-even though I shouldn't be stressing bout breezys I be getting type frustrated when I see some bad chicks with cornballs
-I get about 3 numbers every week when I go out but none of them chicks be hitting a playa back

boy that felt good, love y'all NT fam
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- I'm not as close to my brothers as we were before they got married.
- I only trust my parents.
- My good "friends" from high school and I aren't as close as were.
Nah dont get it twisted IM GLAD! lmfao...i mean the situation was totally F and I goofed up, i feel like she was trying to trap me cause she knew I was off to school out of state and making moves...She had that same Chicago, Humboldt Park Puerto Rican mentality and i couldnt rock with it any longer...

I broke up with her 6 months after the incident, graduated HS, went to school out of state and not even 4 months being out there she got a new man and then 4 months after that she popped off by him...She still with him and got 3 kids by em now... I AINT EEEEEEM MAD! bruh saved me the stress hahahahaha


dodged them bullets
I'm a relatively young parent and have gone through all the stereotypes BUT guess what I still have a son to raise. As a black father i'm looked down upon for having a kid young and not being married. While my counterparts have been married 10 times with 6 kids. I'm 24 1/2 and he's 5. I just got full custody of my son and he lives with me. I hate (yes I know it's a strong word) his mom with a passion and can't even stand to look at her. :smh: Yes I know I chose to have a baby with her but my issue is not with my son but more so how she's not been there for him. Still that doesn't stop me. I've graduated with a BA and have a stable job with growth. :pimp:

With that said just by nature I cannot stand to be around people I know who have kids and do abosutely nothing for them but they stay "fresh" grinds my gears.

I gave up the shoe game cause it just isn't the same anymore. I guess when everyone became a sneakerhead and watered it down. Dudes went from straight rocking fakes to lining up for the yeezy's, galaxy's, etc...

Haven't played video games in forever but will be copping GTAV even though I bought into the hype callled GTAIV :smh:

I really hope the iPhone 5 just isn't taller but at least 4.3in c'mon Apple.

Can't stand dudes who's lives strictly revolve around getting yambs every sec of the day.

S&T dudes are way too serious, if you casually watch sports you're not a real fan you have to be able to break down film and call out plays.

Fitteds >> Snapbacks

Only god can judge me or serenity prayer tats :smh:

Some of yall take life way too seriously, yall too young to be thinking bout offing yourself live a little. Go out and do things you enjoy, slow life down a little :pimp:

be back later......
I've upper decked 4 different peoples toilets when me and my friend drank too much

sorta feel bad
I cannot stand to be around people I know who have kids and do abosutely nothing for them but they stay "fresh" grinds my gears.
I gave up the shoe game cause it just isn't the same anymore. I guess when everyone became a sneakerhead and watered it down. Dudes went from straight rocking fakes to lining up for the yeezy's, galaxy's, etc...
Haven't played video games in forever but will be copping GTAV even though I bought into the hype callled GTAIV :smh:
Can't stand dudes who's lives strictly revolve around getting yambs every sec of the day.
Fitteds >> Snapbacks
I HATE Only god can judge me or serenity prayer tats :smh:
Some of yall take life way too seriously, yall too young to be thinking bout offing yourself live a little. Go out and do things you enjoy, slow life down a little :pimp:
be back later......

-sometimes i fell like im all alone in the world
-women have made me bitter somewhat
-i was fat and unattractive growing up, now that im tall and someehat handsome i still soemtimes have low selfesteem
-i have a idgaf attitude about everything and i think it will keep me from being great
-sold over 20 pairs from my collection just so i could afford my then girlfriend (we broke up a month ago) :smh:
-as a result of said girlfriend, i dont trust nor care for any women at the moment (except family of course) and i even told my closest female friends to F off
feels birdman
-I think being so damn handsome is a curse sometimes, and just maybe had I been born an ugly duckling men wouldn't make googly eyes at me.   I really don't understand what I'm doing wrong.  I mean I put on that "DON'T FUNK WIT ME FOOL" face on daily, and these cats still press there luck.  I just don't get it.  Every girl I spit at either take me to be a dealer, banger, or both.  So how is that a welcome sign that says, "gays apply here".   I think these strikingly good looks got me herpes(protection didn't prevent shive) from a girl that pressed up on me because she was smitten by me.  Even though she says otherwise.

-I feel guilty as hell for having sex knowing what I have, but sometimes I just want to infect every tr*mp I see out of spite.  Because when I am honest about it before hand tr*cks just try to clown me not even knowing that rubber or not you still might end up being down wit La Cosa Nostra. 

-I hate being tall.  I would prefer to be unnoticed, and being tall is really funking that up for me.

-Sometimes I wish the wood was alittle less intimidating.  Dimes be fronting on a ni**as size like its over whelming.  I really think I could be happy with a thick 5incher.

-I pissed off more money then alot of people have seen, and I have nothing to show for it other then some pretty cool times.  

-I've exchanged stories with people I've meet over the years, and they always tell me how interesting my life is, but I don't see it.  I actually think I could lead a much more interesting life then what I'm living.  I really feel as if I've wasted my life up to this point and made some very bad moves.

-I wish I would've taking school much more serious and played sports instead of hanging out with grown idiots with no positive outlook on life.

-I think not being self-centered has held me back in life.  I have helped way to many people in life, and for them to treat me as if I still owe them something makes me just want to walk through the door of a family reunion straight swinging on fools. 

-I wish I was an orphan sometimes with no one in my life to try and provoke me into committing murder. 

-I've become Little to honest and open(as you have just seen) these days.  Sometimes it feels good and sometimes not so.  Mainly because of the judgmental ways of fake people that refuse to keep it 100 with themselves and the world.

-I think I smoked myself dumb.  Should've dared to be different.  

-Drinking has brought me to do some extremely reckless things in my life.  I wish I would've never started.  Thank God for mercy.

-Sometimes I think I'm like one of those girls that be like "I live my life drama free", but be the ones starting all the drama.  Because drama just seems to be a magnet to my life at times.  Even though I'm a don't speak unless spoken to kind of guy.  The BS still seems to find me, and I start second guessing myself like, "Did I do something" or "could I have done something to prevent this". 

-I don't like people especially men.  I'm always throwing hands with men for no damn reason.  It's like mf's got it out for me just because they don't like me, and I'm thinking to myself, "I don't even know you WTF".  It's like they just take my size as an automatic challenge.

-Sometimes I feel like I don't have self control, and it would just be best to not leave the house. 

-All the real interesting girls that I've met throughout my life that I felt were worth cashing out for label me a player and a cheater automatically.  Stupid B****s

-The only reason I want a wife now is for sexual and cleaning purposes.

-I find octomom to be a very interesting person and would love to have a real long convo with her for free.  Besides her manager pimpin her out and the media painting her out to be such a horrible person I think she might actually be real cool people.  That type of person that says the funniest shnt you ever heard in your life, and looks at you with a straight face like she wasn't looking for laughs.  I like those kind of people.  I can't stand my uncle, but the only part of him I love is the fact that he will say the most outlandish, kooky, out of line, insanly funny shive with the straightest of straight faces like he had no intention on making you laugh.  Until he actually trying to get a laugh out of you and it's just the saddest thing you have ever seen.    
I smashed this chick last night that is married, but legally seperated. She just had a baby 5 months ago and when I was trying to suck on the tetas she kept giving me the D Howard rejection. Didn't hit me til after I was done that she wouldn't let me cuz she is lactating :smh:

After we finished she broke down into tears because she is having some kinda emotional meltdown
one time this girl gave me the top then started crying cuz she wanted to change her ways I hit her wit the Seinfeld
one of my randoms got an abortion a few years ago, the story behind it is cold blooded. I told her straight up if you don't get rid of it believe me I will have my best friend come out in a ski mask one night and punch you in your stomach till its done, or ill personally trip you down steps my self down the line. I told her you pick but your not having my child. What scares me is I wasn't making an empty threat.

Not something im proud of but also something I was dead serious about

:smh: Been there before. Freshman year of college and the jump wanted to keep the baby, I told her straight up you gotta get rid of this jit or I'm
gonna lose my **** and force you to. She aborted and I still have no feelings for her but I'm not proud of what I did |I
You are a nice person, but you are willing to potentially commit murder, I'm not talking about the baby either.

In the process of trying to get rid of the baby, you could have killed her. 

If I was her I would have filed a restraining order on you, or killed you myself because you made a threat on my life.

That is one lucky baby though, didn't have to come in a world like this.
^ I feel so bad for her, why are you dudes so evil 
trust me i tell everyone the same thing when they meet me I am the nicest guy you will ever meet, I will go to war for you if I call you a friend, but the day you try to f*** me over I will destroy you point blank. I never lied or made her seem like she was more than a jump. Im very direct with women no games

YOU came in her, dont know how that constitutes as her fn you over. I wish a n would do something like that to one of my close homegirls or relatives.
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