
-I'm definitely an introvert- I prefer staying in relaxing over going out and partying with a bunch of people. I definitely prefer having a few close friends to kick it with every now and then, but in general I'm fine being alone. In the past I always felt that it wasn't normal but now I'm more at peace with myself and realize everyone has a different tempo- this just happens to be mine. I've never been to a club and don't plan on doing so.
-Now that I'm older I also more closely understand what kind of woman I would get along with better. I've definitely blown chances when I was younger
, but I'm alright with that, I know what I'm looking for now so I'm confident that life will find its way to work out as long as I keep moving forward.
I really have found out that I am a loner at heart. for some reason people like being around me, but I operate best alone. Im a natural born slimeball NT. it seems all of the good things that I do backfire, but when I sleez it up with my "get it how you livin'" mantra, everything I want happens
I am finishing up an internship and I see myself and my mind changing as a man. I like different things now, but everything just feels so weird. I think that I am at the biggest crossroads in my life in a while. I don't know what to do except just live life. Thank God Im straight in school and heaaded on the right path because it is all I have right now.
Lastly, I regret losing my virginity:smh: I CANT STOP THINKING ABOUT YAMBS. Ppl say focus on money not women. well yeah, duh, my my D is craving for that attention because he's felt the yambs before. I have to be careful or women will be my downfall.

Im not sure what to do with myself man, b
i bite my tongue alot. I really want to call people out on their bs. especially this one chick but i just cant. :smh:
i feel like Im to nice of a person.
i bite my tongue alot. I really want to call people out on their bs. especially this one chick but i just cant.

i feel like Im to nice of a person.
Same here sort of. I try to be a good guy when at certain times I just want to say something really mean to someone. I try not to stoop down to a low level but It's hard though which makes me wonder If I'm actually a good guy.  

Except towards my family. For some reason I always blow up on them and say things I don't mean. They don't take it personally and probably see it as just me being a young kid getting angry. It's something I need to work on though. 
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-my friend gf was throwing the box at me but i rejected her on account of my loyalty and because shes not attractive to me. he's thinking about marrying her now. oh and one of his friends tried to plow her behind his back. i dont know if i should tell him because they have a 3 year old kid together and seem happy now and i dont wana break up a family :\

-when i got mad at my cousins for beating me at nintendo games i would run to the bathroom in their house and scrub the toilet with their tooth brushes =(

-when i was 16 i was solicited for sex by a 29 year old woman from seattle. her yahoo sn was surenidy and she owned a beauty salon and lived in the apartment above. she would run the place from her home office and would sneak up stairs and get on cam to flash me and show me her box. she demanded that i show myself to her so i ran to fry's and copped a webcam for like 19.99$ + tax and i showed her my wiener on cam a bunch of times. i was addicted to chatting at that point and skipped class hella times because she was manipulating me into thinking we were true friends. she said she would fly to SF to meet me and hang out and "make love"... i was scared as hell the more serious she got and i never went through with it.

one of the biggest regrets of my life not letting that woman molest me. she had a spectacular rack. but now that i think about it she was a psycho and probably would've killed me. i distinctly remember her going into the teen chatrooms in yahoo and asking for guys under 17. i.e no legal dudes only young kids like me (at the time)
Damn dude my condolences that sounds rough 
eff it..

- The first girl I ever went bare back in, I got preggo. I dropped the seed 3 different times. The first time was a surprise, the second time she was going ham on top and I was feeling it and let it ride. She realized what happened and we just kinda looked at each other "we just did that?........Aight". Which immediately led to the 3rd time. I guess we was both like, "eff it, you aint too bad'. The missed up part about it, I immediately knew she was pregnant. Her face and ankles had swelled up like a week later. A month later she leave from work early and I don't see for about three days, she gets back and tells me she had a miscarriage. My reaction was "OMG are you ok?!", but in my mind I was dancing like Maury just told me I wasn't the father.

- I felt like I met the perfect woman once, but she was taken....because she was perfect.

- I'm a sucker for anything with tan skin and long dark hair, which brings me to the conclusion that I want be in happy relationship unless with a Latina. Truth be told doe...

- I don't think I'm ever going to have kids or get married. Thus..

- I have absolutely no fear of ending up alone.

- When it comes to black girls, I'm either ice cold or fire hot. Its I'm not interested at all or I'm completely infatuated, but I haven't felt that way in over 5 years.

- I swear I'm not racist, but sometime I be thinking some racist *** stuff to myself.

- I've been living in Houston for almost 10 years and I kinda hate it. Real talk....this **** wack, bruh. Club scene is a bad joke. Houston is big for NO damb reason. Really, Houston is even really big, its just spread out to give the illusion that its big.

- Sometimes I understand why other races don't like black people. Some Ns give no dambs whatsoever. They really thinks its cool to be hyper stereotypical or "ratchet", which seems to be the new hot word.

- Sometimes I wish I could be another race just for a day. Just to see what its really like to have the whole world as your oyster.

- I'm not homophobic nor do I hate gay people, but I really dislike lesbians. Mostly because 9 out of 10 times, these chicks don't even be gay, they just have issues. I don't even see how the gay community supports that type of behavior. These folks done went through all kind of internal struggles and here you are turning it on and off. ****!
Tr1ll's entire confession was mad informative and the writing style really felt like I was inside someone else's head...I now have no desire to see Houston.

"- I felt like I met the perfect woman once, but she was taken....because she was perfect."

No truer words have been simple, yet profound.
- Sometimes, I go through really weird moments of depression where some **** that isn't even that upsetting completely screws up my day/week/month. Then the switch turns off and I'm back to how I am normally. It fluctuates to when it happens to how long. **** just comes up at random.

- I kind of hate a few of my friends but I can't help being friends with them because we've been through so much together. Plus, I feel like they're the only people who will tolerate me.

- I'm really paranoid about how other people see me. I keep thinking that my coworkers don't like me at all and that they talk **** about me when I'm not there. Keep thinking that I'm going to get fired or something for no reason. I still think that friends that I've had for 5+ years are still not even really my friends and that they're just people who only hang out with me because they're obligated to.

- I've been in Community College for 3 years and I still don't know what I want to do with my life. My dream job for the longest was an architect but it seems too far out of reach. I don't have a lot of drive to do anything anymore.

- I hate being "the funny guy" sometimes because it means that nobody really takes me seriously when I need them to. They all think that everything that comes out of my mouth is a joke. It's like they can't comprehend when I have some real **** to say.

- I can't really make eye contact with people. Makes me uncomfortable and I get really anxious if I do it for too long. Same thing with touching people like pats on the shoulders or hugging people I kind of know but not really... just makes me feel like I'm gonna **** something up.

- Because of this, I haven't had a real relationship. Had one GF in all of my life and that only lasted about 3-4 months. I'm still a virgin too. I would like to have a relationship with a girl who cares about me but I would always be thinking that I'm not enough for her so I'd end up sabotaging it or something. I have too much self doubt.
- I erased and re edited this message like 25 times before I posted it.
I can relate to almost everything in here but...

Something that continually gets to me is my confidence, I work and play sports and go to school but i feel like im not attractive at all, Im very outgoing and social but with women its hard to approach randoms not even to smash, just talk. but thats on me something i will work on and get over.
- Because of this, I haven't had a real relationship. Had one GF in all of my life and that only lasted about 3-4 months. I'm still a virgin too. I would like to have a relationship with a girl who cares about me but I would always be thinking that I'm not enough for her so I'd end up sabotaging it or something. I have too much self doubt.
I had the same self doubt as you have.

You just have to implant in your mind that:
  • No relationship is perfect. (fights, disagreements, different philosophies, etc.)
  • You always have to work at it.
  • If she truly likes and respects you for who you are, that means you are enough for her.
- I felt like I met the perfect woman once, but she was taken....because she was perfect.


I feel that bruh , Im so picky and ran into a couple females just like this over the past yr, could never get a good read on em then eventually found out the bad news, feels batman, just felt like I was in the wrong place at the wrong time
To everyone out there who feels they have confidence issues or might not be the most attractive person.....despite popular belief there are some people/females who don't have physical appearance ranked at the top of their list of important qualities.

As people we tend to project our outlooks/beliefs onto others and if you truly value physical appearance, and that is fine to do, it is normal to think the opposite sex you are seeking feels the same about you.

Confidence is key and if you are always worried about failure/ won't even try and if you never try mannnnnnnn you are limiting yourself and doing an injustice. Just live.
-I'm really happy with my current GF, but I just can't see this lasting long term.

-As much as I hate school, I just might have to go back

-Biggest regret of my life is not going active duty military

-I hate going out to party, cause I really don't have that mentality anymore, the way I did in Highschool, and I'm only 21

-21 and don't give a **** about clubbing or bagging random yambs

-Quality>quantity in anything.  Friends, girls. etc
I think about leaving this earth on a daily basis.

I have the worst mood swings, one minute ill be super optimistic and literally a second later id feel like ^

i stay gettin played and am the king of rebounds. Its true, nice guys finish last.

I pretty much came to realize that my life is never going to or even come close to the way i want it to be. For as long as i could remember, ive always been a jinx, forever gettin the short end of the stick and ive learned to accept it.

I must have been a pretty big piece of **** in my past life, i cant catch a break for nothing in this one.

I cant stop eating out, i always smh whenever i look at my statements.

I can honestly say i dont have any true friends that would be down to ride for me when **** hits the fan.

edit: hah 666th post... story of my life fellas.
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I have no self esteem because I'm fat..I hurt my back really bad and I've had 4 spine surgeries and on top of that I quit smoking after 20 years..These things have cause me to gain about 65lbs. and now I'm really fat..I'm reminded everytime I go to buy t-shirts/jeans and it's damn neer impossible to find anything that doesn't look like it came from a big and tall store..

I try to be funny at all times in the hopes that people like me..But no matter how funny I am, I still feel like people don't like me..

Most of my wife's family (that's close to both our ages) drink alot and smoke weed/pop pills..Because of this I think that I'm better than them and don't want to be around them..But yet when they aren't under the influences they are nice people to be around and I enjoy their company..

I feel like because of the pain I'm in every minute of everyday that I'm always cranky or "in a mood' and I hate that about myself..

I tend to hold a grudge or not let things go..No matter how small or meaningless something is, if I feel like you've wronged me in some way I won't let that **** go..

I really want some friends, but after being laid up for a couple years with my back and losing contact w/most of my friends of the years, I have no idea how to go make new friends..And the older I get the more impossible it seems..
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I can relate to almost everything in here but...

Something that continually gets to me is my confidence, I work and play sports and go to school but i feel like im not attractive at all, Im very outgoing and social but with women its hard to approach randoms not even to smash, just talk. but thats on me something i will work on and get over.
i use to be the same way when i was younger but once you get out more and start choppin it up with women it becomes natural and easy.   Put yourself in positions where a lot of females will be at.   I use to hang around people that i didnt have anything in common with just to get around the women they were cool with. lol  Kick it with ugly women too they will bring their friends around and one of them females will be good looking.   To keep it real looks help but really its all about your mouth piece and how you interact with women.   I know some fat goofy looking cats that be pullin beautiful women all the time.
Trying to be real as possible!

- My confidenve level is at absolute zero!!! ever since i got these acne scars on face i feel hideous and timid toward the world... girls have been out the equation for 2 years.. it used to be so easy going with hte girls, but now i feel so mortified by my face and daaaaaaaammmm i truly think nobody understand unless they dealt with this 

-Its like i got 2 personalities, either I'm being goofy and playing around or I'm just chilling and very intelligent.

-Lupe Fiasco is actually one of the reasons why i want to be educated. In HS i slacked and looking back if i could restart my Freshman yr i would be a valedictorian...How stupid but i used to listen to ignorant rap music and though being smart was lame...Now at 20 the way that the music was being my path of F##k B####S get money was deteriorating my brain.

-I was always a nerd...loved video games, pokemon, bugs, etc. it seems like i was being fake my whole HS career...i played basketball and was varsity since sophmore year and was somewhat in the cool scene...ever since then i been fake with buying tall tees, fake jordans, spiderman backpack, etc. you know thats what was in, in 06-08

- I really want to go back in time and start from my freshman yr in HS, i totally believe that i would have myself in a better position in life and school

- I don't know if the first girl i loved was love, i cheated on her and never told her...

- I swear its like everytime i try to see in the future it comes out the total opposite...not kidding... like in hs i imagined by the time i was 18..19..20 i would be living the dorm life and just be having fun....but in reality im at home and go to a college down the street....just so many times i invision my future it comes to be the complete opposite
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I have no self esteem because I'm fat..I hurt my back really bad and I've had 4 spine surgeries and on top of that I quit smoking after 20 years..These things have cause me to gain about 65lbs. and now I'm really fat..I'm reminded everytime I go to buy t-shirts/jeans and it's damn neer impossible to find anything that doesn't look like it came from a big and tall store..
I try to be funny at all times in the hopes that people like me..But no matter how funny I am, I still feel like people don't like me..
Most of my wife's family (that's close to both our ages) drink alot and smoke weed/pop pills..Because of this I think that I'm better than them and don't want to be around them..But yet when they aren't under the influences they are nice people to be around and I enjoy their company..
I feel like because of the pain I'm in every minute of everyday that I'm always cranky or "in a mood' and I hate that about myself..
I tend to hold a grudge or not let things go..No matter how small or meaningless something is, if I feel like you've wronged me in some way I won't let that **** go..
I really want some friends, but after being laid up for a couple years with my back and losing contact w/most of my friends of the years, I have no idea how to go make new friends..And the older I get the more impossible it seems..
start changing your diet and ask your doctor about them new diet pills that have just been approved by the FDA.   get on facebook and find your old friends and there.  I did that when i moved from michigan to vegas.  even the friends that dont have a fb i was able to get in touch with them through other friends.
I was once confident in myself, had success, was no longer successful, fell off, lost confidence in self altogether, fronted to hide my true embarrassment, then realized.

Self confidence is the difference. I was successful when I believed that I would be successful. It was only when I started second guessing myself or doubting myself that I saw less success. Believing in yourself is so simple, but so hard. There's a reason why there's THOUSANDS of guys in this world who could fill the 10-12 spots on any NBA roster right now by only 90 guys do. Because somewhere along the line, one guy thought of himself as a professional basketball in the making and the other guy saw himself as a guy who "hoped" he could be.

I've, self consciously, always believed I'd be where it seems I'm heading. You know how some people's "dreams" come true. The guys who make it to the NBA. Your 5 star hollywood actors. Lead singer of an iconic band. I always felt like I was destined to be one of those guys. Most people would say that's cocky or arrogant, but I kept that to myself, because at the same time I was self conscious. Mainly because it seems naive as well.

I didn't take the path I thought I would, but I'm starting to think maybe I should have just accepted what I'm doing now as it was always obvious. Some of the people I've met with in the last year, potential employment opportunities. Man, I believed it when I was 10. I thought I was a complete joke at 19. Today, I believe again.

I enjoy reading different people's thoughts on a topic on NT. I really enjoy it. A fair amount of people in my area only think a certain way, it's refreshing to be reminded there is common sense in this world. Common sense, compassion, integrity,

I tend to stay out of any threads outside of music, sports, or this for stimulating dialogue. I go to the sneaker threads to either post helpful insider info or gather info myself. That and when I'm high to laugh at the stuff said. NT used to be nothing but like "in the know" guys. almost like a neighborhood before everyone got famous type of feel. Now there's more herbs posting photoshoot qualities photos of themselves not wearing shoes but holding them on their head, hanging them from their neck, or heaven forbid trying to recreate some kanye moment.

I know that last comment came off as really condescending, but come on, is anyone gonna actually tell me I'm wrong? That's the only thing that disturbs me about this board. Some guys are so sucked in. Like, the post frequency in some threads is so frequent it's hard to believe you can be doing anything but sitting at the computer. And that's the only thing that worries me about the kids of today. I NEVER see kids in neighborhoods or in driveways shooting basketball or throwing the football anymore. But there's 232,435 kids on xbox live at any given moment.

Before I die, I think we'll see some really crazy type of **** happen with the government and the people in this country. Don't ask me why, gut feeling.
I wish I wouldnt of half assed high school.  

I wish I would of went to college.   I went to a trade school and   I didnt finish and now I owe $13,000.00 for nothing

I should of dedicated myself to baseball in high school instead of just winging it.  I went from almost making the varsity team my freshmen year to not even making the team by my junior year and the talent at our school got worse.  smh I didnt even try out my senior year I just played football.  smh 

I hung with all the wrong people growing up tryin to fit in and most of them are losers now. 

If I could have that night back when me and my friends crossed paths with the local city gang I wish I would of just shut my mouth and have let them bump their gums instead I slept one of them with a henny bottle and a couple days later they came by my parents crib and fire bombed the cars in the driveway costing my parents $20,000.00 because their insurance at the time didnt cover arson.

 one night i went up to a strip club drunk with a couple of friends and right when we got there I threw up in front of all the strippers.  lmao I wish i could have that night back.  that was so embarrassing!
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I was once confident in myself, had success, was no longer successful, fell off, lost confidence in self altogether, fronted to hide my true embarrassment, then realized.
Self confidence is the difference. I was successful when I believed that I would be successful. It was only when I started second guessing myself or doubting myself that I saw less success. Believing in yourself is so simple, but so hard. There's a reason why there's THOUSANDS of guys in this world who could fill the 10-12 spots on any NBA roster right now by only 90 guys do. Because somewhere along the line, one guy thought of himself as a professional basketball in the making and the other guy saw himself as a guy who "hoped" he could be.
I've, self consciously, always believed I'd be where it seems I'm heading. You know how some people's "dreams" come true. The guys who make it to the NBA. Your 5 star hollywood actors. Lead singer of an iconic band. I always felt like I was destined to be one of those guys. Most people would say that's cocky or arrogant, but I kept that to myself, because at the same time I was self conscious. Mainly because it seems naive as well.
I didn't take the path I thought I would, but I'm starting to think maybe I should have just accepted what I'm doing now as it was always obvious. Some of the people I've met with in the last year, potential employment opportunities. Man, I believed it when I was 10. I thought I was a complete joke at 19. Today, I believe again.
I enjoy reading different people's thoughts on a topic on NT. I really enjoy it. A fair amount of people in my area only think a certain way, it's refreshing to be reminded there is common sense in this world. Common sense, compassion, integrity,
I tend to stay out of any threads outside of music, sports, or this for stimulating dialogue. I go to the sneaker threads to either post helpful insider info or gather info myself. That and when I'm high to laugh at the stuff said. NT used to be nothing but like "in the know" guys. almost like a neighborhood before everyone got famous type of feel. Now there's more herbs posting photoshoot qualities photos of themselves not wearing shoes but holding them on their head, hanging them from their neck, or heaven forbid trying to recreate some kanye moment.
I know that last comment came off as really condescending, but come on, is anyone gonna actually tell me I'm wrong? That's the only thing that disturbs me about this board. Some guys are so sucked in. Like, the post frequency in some threads is so frequent it's hard to believe you can be doing anything but sitting at the computer. And that's the only thing that worries me about the kids of today. I NEVER see kids in neighborhoods or in driveways shooting basketball or throwing the football anymore. But there's 232,435 kids on xbox live at any given moment.
Before I die, I think we'll see some really crazy type of **** happen with the government and the people in this country. Don't ask me why, gut feeling.
You're wrong!!! I literally seen 8 little Asian kids down the street playing soccer, No Pedo it was cute they was like 4-7yrs old arguing about a is rare that i see kids out playing though... I remember in my block we would be out all the time, especially playing cops and robbers, we would be in random peoples back yards and ish lol....
Love yourself on some ALI, T.O./Kanye steez, them dudes didn't acquire ego's over night, nor did they half-azzed through their careers. Earn the confidence you want to have by working for it. 

Set Goals figure out where the fug you want to be in life and if you can't, quit hanging around stupid people who can't ignite drive and initiative in your life (may be your best friends or family)

Get inspired stand for something! join community initiatives, volunteer, build a network of progressive individuals in all facets of life; academia, politics, healthcare, creatives, artists, business. Travel and don't be afraid to do it alone, for starters visit the closest major city in your state or in the next, walk the streets, go to a ball game, eat the food, chat up the people in the bar or coffee shop, and in small towns women love outsiders, I promise you. 

The confidence level of some of you guys is atrocious, and the few of you that probably think you're doing it, by knocking up chicks at 17 then wishing death on them and your unborn seed is appalling. Own up to your mistakes, there is not much worse than lying to ones self. 
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