COP STRIKES MELANIN DEFICIENT FEMALE-you don't see that too often

Originally Posted by Dead Stokc

This is all over the news. I know ur perturbed.

i hope i'm not late...i've been watching this vid on repeat for the last 20 mins.

That's ridiculous.
Why are you letting him do that?
Last time I checked touching a cop while he's trying to do his job makes this legally justified. As a black male i would never even entertain the thought of putting my hands on a cop.
Originally Posted by Dead Stokc

This is all over the news. I know ur perturbed.

i hope i'm not late...i've been watching this vid on repeat for the last 20 mins.

That's ridiculous.
Why are you letting him do that?
Last time I checked touching a cop while he's trying to do his job makes this legally justified. As a black male i would never even entertain the thought of putting my hands on a cop.
Police been doing this, biggest gang on the planet. Their job description has evolved from protect and serve to control and abuse. Welcome to America
Police been doing this, biggest gang on the planet. Their job description has evolved from protect and serve to control and abuse. Welcome to America
Originally Posted by mYToAsterspeak

Police been doing this, biggest gang on the planet. Their job description has evolved from protect and serve to control and abuse. Welcome to America

Out of all the acts of police brutality that have been recorded, I can't cosign this one. You're literally not allowed to touch the police. If she were 6ft4 and black, we'd be having a different convo.
Originally Posted by mYToAsterspeak

Police been doing this, biggest gang on the planet. Their job description has evolved from protect and serve to control and abuse. Welcome to America

Out of all the acts of police brutality that have been recorded, I can't cosign this one. You're literally not allowed to touch the police. If she were 6ft4 and black, we'd be having a different convo.
Originally Posted by trhee

What did she do?

If you watch the beginning of the vid she was grabbing, touching, pushing the cop while he was trying to arrest her friend. The cop pimp smacked her to stop it and she started swinging.
Originally Posted by trhee

What did she do?

If you watch the beginning of the vid she was grabbing, touching, pushing the cop while he was trying to arrest her friend. The cop pimp smacked her to stop it and she started swinging.
Originally Posted by Crispy Cream

If it wasn't for the other cop, dude would have got his %++ whooped.
yea, cops tend to have back-up and partners for that very reason.
Originally Posted by Crispy Cream

If it wasn't for the other cop, dude would have got his %++ whooped.
yea, cops tend to have back-up and partners for that very reason.
Originally Posted by trhee

What did she do?

The cop was trying to arrest someone next to her and she kept pulling him off them and pulling/pushing his arm.  Finally the copped smacked her out of the way (to this point neither of them were even paying her any attention) then she punched the cop in the face and he flipped and snuffed her.  The cop then dragged her to the ground and arrested HER.

I think we all know first and foremost that interfering with an arrest is illegal.  You can't even put your hands on a cop unless they let you, so the fact that the girl got away with what she was doing for so long is a testament to that officer's patience.  But then punching him in the face?!  Regardless of how we feel about physicality towards women, the girl was in the wrong and out of line.  And if she was a larger less attractive woman or a man we wouldn't even be debating if the cop was justified in responding.
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