Could you feed yourself on $3.50 a day?

Organic brown rice is $1.25/lb
Beans are like a $1/lb
Rolled oats - $1/lb
Water - free
Bananas - 20 cents/ea
Spend the rest on veggies from the farmers market and you'll do quite well. I could eat better on $3.50 than most Americans can on $20. Thesegluttons spending $12 at Cheesecake Factory for some frozen appetizers that are re-fried make me sick. Buy local, cook your own food, don't wasteresources, don't be a glutton.
Some of ya'll are fat. somedays I only eat a sandwhich and a bannana, I'm 6'1 167 and am in pretty decent health. I'm pretty sure you could doit if you were use to it, college kids know, raman, cereal and sandwhich meat, get 18 worth of that(Like 10packs of raman, like 10 bologne sand., and like3days worth of cereal) it can be done, little variety, little health choice but I think it could be done, especially since it is.
Originally Posted by Nktran001

Originally Posted by AgentArenas

Originally Posted by Nktran001

Originally Posted by potus2028

Boy, stop...I'm a grown, 6'4" 237 pound man, I can't hardly feed myself on $3.50 a meal.

I'm still growing at 6'1 195 lbs. I eat by the minute.

Im 6 4, growin but im only 185 :/ I needa put on muscle.
Lol, just eat a lot of meat, and drink a lot of milk. That's what i eat/drink the most. My mother always did tell me vegetables were also good for you, so i eat veggies a lot too. I lift everyday before i go to sleep as well.

I do, Im constantly eating. The problem is that I cant workout. I have growing pains so Im trying to finish growing before I start lifting.
i dont eat a lot, but even if im only eating lunch and dinner, theres no way on $3.50
Yo, you stay on that nutritionist tip, you ever considered a job as Secretary of Health or sumthin? Like I said, I'm a large man, not a frail Africanvillager. I'm gonna need more than rice, vegetables, and rolled #@%@%* oats 2 keep me goin...gon have dudes on here starvin 2 death. Besides...where isthere a farmers market in the hood (where the most folk on food stamps live)? Where's the meat? *pause, continue* No bread? Where ya calcium comin from?Step ya food groups game up... Just cuz you eat tofu and drink exotic health nectars from Whole Foods don't mean everybody else does...
Cream of Wheat and Toast.
I would do much better with $10 a day cuz then I could work the dollar menus at Wendys and McDonalds respectively.
$3.50 for a whole day is not enough, I would be starvin like Marvin for sure.

2 dozen eggs- $4
2 loaves of Bread- $5
2.5 Gallon Water- $3
Brown Rice/ Whole Wheat Pasta for the week - $4
2 lb. Beef- $6
4 tins of beans- $2

There it is.
I couldn't even come close. I'm really picky about what goes in my body. I consume close to probably $15 a day worth of groceries.
Originally Posted by wawaweewa


2 dozen eggs- $4
2 loaves of Bread- $5
2.5 Gallon Water- $3
Brown Rice/ Whole Wheat Pasta for the week - $4
2 lb. Beef- $6
4 tins of beans- $2

There it is.
I added 24. Where you get those $.50 from?
3.50 a day.

you guys think u can eat 1 meal a day... smh

3.50 maybe an apple and banana. lunch....ramen..... dinner.....a can of soup
These people need to stop complaining.. shoooot Yall must not know..


Ill make that Hustler's Diet stretch
Originally Posted by Snake201

Originally Posted by wawaweewa


2 dozen eggs- $4
2 loaves of Bread- $5
2.5 Gallon Water- $3
Brown Rice/ Whole Wheat Pasta for the week - $4
2 lb. Beef- $6
4 tins of beans- $2

There it is.
I added 24. Where you get those $.50 from?
Alright. A snack for .50 cents. A treat for the week.

I left that out.
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