Could you wife a girl who had 70+ sexual partners? (Pic on Pg 7)

LULZ at her thinking im new on #NT... i prolly been around on #NT longer than she has.
Originally Posted by GoinHam

all of yall fail to realize that the females that you know who are %$$%%*/bustdown/JOs are in the severe minority when compared to the rest of the female population.

iono why yall MALE & FEMALE, seem to believe that every girl has slept with upwards of 10+ people
Exactly. And I am not assuming: Even if you multiplythat number by 2 you reach 8.
Originally Posted by SaintVitus07

Originally Posted by GoinHam

all of yall fail to realize that the females that you know who are %$$%%*/bustdown/JOs are in the severe minority when compared to the rest of the female population.

iono why yall MALE & FEMALE, seem to believe that every girl has slept with upwards of 10+ people
Exactly. And I am not assuming: Even if you multiply that number by 2 you reach 8.

dont bother trying to explain stuff to people on #NT... nobody on here is gonna change their opinion regardless of the facts/evidence you present to them imstill laughin at the fact that Ole girl thinks im new, that jus kinda proves that she aint up on #NT like she think she is.
Originally Posted by shortydoowopp

Dudes are def extemely disrespectful on here. For no reAson other than we're female so they somehow think they know all about us.

you know how NT do.......none of you female NTrs should be shocked by comments in these type of threads at this point........

im not justifyin it, im just sayin.
Originally Posted by GoinHam

all of yall fail to realize that the females that you know who are %$$%%*/bustdown/JOs are in the severe minority when compared to the rest of the female population.

iono why yall MALE & FEMALE, seem to believe that everygirl has slept with upwards of 10+ people
married at 23, kids--slept with 2 people prior to her husband (so that puts her at 3)
divorced at 40
date some more 2, 3 (maybe)

she a jo? For real? hmmmmm She slept more than 4 guys so I don't know.....

LULZ at her thinking im new on #NT... i prolly been around on #NT longer than she has.



Exactly. And I am not assuming: Even if you multiply that number by 2 you reach 8.

and you are really using a SELF interview?? And let's not forget that, uhm, uh----people lie, right? But whatever, let's say that people were using asuper special windows explorer that doubles as a lie detector as you type...kinda like spell-check for firefox and it's the truth. And median scores areby far some of the WORSE central tendency methods because if you have a really high numbers and low numbers, it can skew what's really going on. It'sjust the number that's in the dam if you get 7 people--3 can have 15, and 3 can have 2, but the middle one can have 3. Then the 3 is themedian...can you HONESTLY say that's a fair assessment of that population??? $#%! NO. Oh, and you know what they do if it's even? YOU TAKE THE TWOMIDDLE NUMBERS AND DIVIDE, that's it.

and how you gon' leave out the teenage years!? THAT'S WHEN JIGS IS GETTIN' IT IN THE MOST!!!

And hail, what other factors have they taken into consideration? race, religion, region, parents in household, ses, etc. and notice the use of "malepartners/female partners" so having sex with another man or woman isn't sex?

It's not your fault though, you didn't know that the testing method itself was flawed, sorry.
Originally Posted by I Drink Your Milkshake

and you are really using a SELF interview?? And let's not forget that, uhm, uh----people lie, right? But whatever, let's say that people were using a super special windows explorer that doubles as a lie detector as you type...kinda like spell-check for firefox and it's the truth. And median scores are by far some of the WORSE central tendency methods because if you have a really high numbers and low numbers, it can skew what's really going on. It's just the number that's in the dam if you get 7 people--3 can have 15, and 3 can have 2, but the middle one can have 3. Then the 3 is the median...can you HONESTLY say that's a fair assessment of that population??? $#%! NO. Oh, and you know what they do if it's even? YOU TAKE THE TWO MIDDLE NUMBERS AND DIVIDE, that's it.

and how you gon' leave out the teenage years!? THAT'S WHEN JIGS IS GETTIN' IT IN THE MOST!!!

And hail, what other factors have they taken into consideration? race, religion, region, parents in household, ses, etc. and notice the use of "male partners/female partners" so having sex with another man or woman isn't sex?

It's not your fault though, you didn't know that the testing method itself was flawed, sorry.
The basic point being made is that 10+ is still a lot. Men sleep with a significantly more amount of women. Women in this thread are sayingthere's a double standard and that if all those men are sleeping with tons of women than women must be sleeping with tons of men. That logic is flawed.Those men are usually sleeping with the same women. That's how they get it in, and that's where the ratiosplits.

I am equal opportunity here. If you're a man and you've slept with 10+ you're a little quick to hand out the d. If you're a woman andyou've slept with 10+ you're a little quick to give it up, too. If you've slept with that many people, man or woman, you can't blame yourpartner if he or she falls in that category, too.
Originally Posted by DCAllAmerican

Man think about this. Especially minority women. They are being offered penis starting about 5th grade. If they have ******* in 4th grade, then it might be 4th grade.

Just SAY that they accept 2 penises per year. Starting at age 11.

So from ages 11-30 (if they go to college that is probably 4 penises per year)

19 years

38 penises if they stay on track

Add on the extra 8 they get in school; that is almost 50.

I know that is SLIGHTLY extreme but it is realistic.

Dude that said he won't marry a woman that has more than 5? LOL. Yea ok dude
I swear NT is home individuals with THE MOST confused, most ignorant, skewed views of women I've ever come across. DC you normally a cooldude and I want to think you were joking but I can't cosign this nonsense.

@##! is a reoccurring theme on NT. I come from a city with some of the most misogynistic men and some of the most promiscuous individuals in minority society. I've seen the EXTREMES, and yet still my perspective isn't as @@##%% up as some of yalls.

I don't know whether to laugh or cry.
Originally Posted by SaintVitus07

Originally Posted by GoinHam

all of yall fail to realize that the females that you know who are %$$%%*/bustdown/JOs are in the severe minority when compared to the rest of the female population.

iono why yall MALE & FEMALE, seem to believe that every girl has slept with upwards of 10+ people
Exactly. And I am not assuming: Even if you multiply that number by 2 you reach 8.

you assumed I've slept with a high amount of men cuz I'm 'defending' women who have did you not? Don't worry. I'll wait.
This thread is full of buffoons. Its a simple yes or no answer with a brief explanation. The idiots really showed who they were in this discussion.
I'm not that handsome, I don't have money, I never been "cool" and I've been with over 40 women and that includes only being with 4 thein last year.

Outside of my high school sweetheart whose V-Card I took none of them took longer than two weeks to smash.

Out of my old group of friends I'm by far the lowest on the body count.

Now when I was in college me and my dudes took out whole crews and most of these chicks were down for anything.

Some of these were chicks bad and I mean really bad and were thirsty as hell.

Now the reason I bring this up is because I refuse to believe these chicks body counts weren't just as high or higher than mine considering they liked sexjust as much as I did and the fact that they were attractive women dudes are going to proposition them more than women would proposition me.

So unless you are younger than 18 or you pulled one from a convent, she is def going to have more than 5 bodies by 25. Especially if she went to college.

I'm 27 and if I met a chick my age that told me she had only been with 4 or 5 dudes and she didn't get married fresh out of high school, I'd be madthis broad was trying to insult my intelligence.

Edit-On the topic at hand, OP you a fool. 70 by 20 is just nuts even for a jumpoff.
Originally Posted by DCAllAmerican

There's your problem. People that are 59 years old are/were not smashing like men who are 17-20 today. I'd say that large group of people from 35-59 bring that average WAY down and that's the reason for the numbers being so low. You have to think about that... Baby Boomers make up a LARGE part of the population. and their morrals and values were almost totally different than youth of today, causing that average to flex WAY down. Realistically, I'd say people's average today by the age of 20 is between 5 and 10.

I'm willing to bet money on that.
Maybe she doesn't have a good feel for reality because I swore I said anyone born in the 80s and beyond. No way in HELL the average for females is 6.6. No point of arguing with a woman about something like that. SHe is obviously in denial about her gender.

I think it is you DC who is in denial. Your estimate is way too high. A lot of the studies I looked into are saying this would be the average of sexualpartners for males and females in a lifetime. So, it does take into effect everybody at every age range, even for today. Some of theolder generation such as those born in the 60s had their fair of sexual experimentation when it came to the "sexual revolution". So, some of theirnumbers would actually be high. Didn't I say that most of the statistics I found said that the sexual male partners of women ranged from 4 to 9 people in alifetime?

What about this survey then about women in their 20s?
Young women in their 20s have had more sexual partners than their male counterparts, so says a new survey.

In a change from the traditional perception, the average 21-year-old woman has had nine sexual partners, compared with men who on average have had seven.

The findings, however, are a snapshot of the reality of sexual activity in this age range, with just 2,000 young people responding to the poll.

Saying that the average number is double digits for MOST women is overestimating. Some women tend to experiment when younger, but in their early 20s or rightafter college, they tend to stay in monogamous and long term relationships. The average age that a woman gets married in this day and age is 27.

Who says that teens are having more sex now? What are you basing your opinions on? What about this survey...
The B.C.-based McCreary Centre Society found that teens in 1998 and 2003-those who are in their early 20s today-had significantly less sex than teens a generation previous. According to the 30,000-youth survey, released in 2003, just one in four high-school girls had lost her virginity, compared to one in three in 1992. Furthermore, decade-long trends discovered by both McCreary and the U.S. Centers for Disease Control and Prevention include young women starting sex later, with fewer partners, with better protection, and mixing sex and drugs less than a generation ago.

Originally Posted by SneakerPro

I'm not that handsome, I don't have money, I never been "cool" and I've been with over 40 women and that includes only being with 4 the in last year.

Outside of my high school sweetheart whose V-Card I took none of them took longer than two weeks to smash.

Out of my old group of friends I'm by far the lowest on the body count.

Now when I was in college me and my dudes took out whole crews and most of these chicks were down for anything.

Some of these were chicks bad and I mean really bad and were thirsty as hell.

Now the reason I bring this up is because I refuse to believe these chicks body counts weren't just as high or higher than mine considering they liked sex just as much as I did and the fact that they were attractive women dudes are going to proposition them more than women would proposition me.

So unless you are younger than 18 or you pulled one from a convent, she is def going to have more than 5 bodies by 25. Especially if she went to college.

I'm 27 and if I met a chick my age that told me she had only been with 4 or 5 dudes and she didn't get married fresh out of high school, I'd be mad this broad was trying to insult my intelligence.

Edit-On the topic at hand, OP you a fool. 70 by 20 is just nuts even for a jumpoff.


this was a great response
Son..I've only read the first 11 pages of this thread..all I gotta say is you have no excuses...

I REALLY hope this broad was really a ho. Cuz if she's f-ing 70 people FOR FREE, you should smack yourself for even being with her. At least if she was aho, she had some business sense

She prolly been sexually abused when she was younger too. Its a fact you aint never know how many bodies your girl has..because females have "don'tcount sex". But you are a straight up rest haven. She knows she got you becase she prolly turnt you out. For her to even make that seem like its yourresponsibility to stick with her AFTER getting burnt..she knows what type of dude you are..

And after she burnt you, you should put hands on her or got her touched.
I cant believe yall still arguing numbers. Hazel, ur my girl but sweetheart you are delusional. Chicks have sex, and a lot of it. I speak from a lot ofexperience. The girls with the 6-7 partners are 100% definitely in the minority and i dont care what stats you bring to the table. Just because you might notbe all that promiscuous dont let that cloud your judgement.

kinda like dude up there said, im not sure if im gods gift to women, in fact i know im not but chicks been throwing themselves at me for over 15 years, myfriends, guess what all the same. I refuse to believe that these chicks are only sleeping with me like that.
Originally Posted by FeelMode

I cant believe yall still arguing numbers. Hazel, ur my girl but sweetheart you are delusional. Chicks have sex, and a lot of it. I speak from a lot of experience. The girls with the 6-7 partners are 100% definitely in the minority and i dont care what stats you bring to the table. Just because you might not be all that promiscuous dont let that cloud your judgement.

kinda like dude up there said, im not sure if im gods gift to women, in fact i know im not but chicks been throwing themselves at me for over 15 years, my friends, guess what all the same. I refuse to believe that these chicks are only sleeping with me like that.

LOL I wouldn't even bother going back and forth with that girl. She just doesn't get it. She keep posting these survey stats as if folks are REALLY(women) going to tell the truth. Like I said she doesn't understand and obviously lives in a fantasy world.
Originally Posted by FeelMode

I cant believe yall still arguing numbers. Hazel, ur my girl but sweetheart you are delusional. Chicks have sex, and a lot of it. I speak from a lot of experience. The girls with the 6-7 partners are 100% definitely in the minority and i dont care what stats you bring to the table. Just because you might not be all that promiscuous dont let that cloud your judgement.

kinda like dude up there said, im not sure if im gods gift to women, in fact i know im not but chicks been throwing themselves at me for over 15 years, my friends, guess what all the same. I refuse to believe that these chicks are only sleeping with me like that.
I should just give up, huh?I am just trying to argue about when it comes to the average number of sexual partners. I am just astonished thatmost of you think that MOST women have numbers in the double digits. Some here have given ridiculous numbers such as 20+ partners for most girls. That reallyis overestimating. That is what I am arguing against. I think 4 to 9 partners is more believable for women's sexual partners in a lifetime. Again, I amtalking about average. My argument also stands when it comes to men, I believe the average tends to be about around 11 in a lifetime. I do not generalize andstate that most men have had 20+ partners, so I cannot understand why some give that number as the average for most women.

There is a huge misconception when it comes to the views about the number of sexual partners of men and women from both sides. I think that those who areputting in numbers for the AVERAGE estimate to be 20+ partners for most girls are just basing it on the type of women they have associated themselves with oreven just their miscontrued outlook on women's sex lives and prosmiscuity, which surely does not represent the average.
I'm sorry. If you are a 25 year old woman, attractive or even decent looking and you have been to college you have been with AT LEAST 10 dudes.
Ive kept up with most of this thread and I see a lot of ignorance being spit on both sides of the spectrum. Everyone thinks they have the real number. I seewords like "average", "median", and "mode" being thrown like ya'll know something that the rest of the world hasnt lookedinto. Everybody is quick to bash what other people think a realistic body count is. Yet nobody is spilling the truth about themselves.

NEW RULE: Unless you willing to put your age and your body count prior to adding your 2 cents, I dont want to hearyour opinion.

I dont care who you know and how many people your friends, cousins, uncles, band members have been with. I dont want a research study that involves so manywild variables that will completely throw the number off from what WE want to examine. Most of us here are in our early to late 20s. We do not give a +$+*about no damned 59 year olds, because chances are thats not the age group of the people we are smashing.

I see a lot of people bashing each other for their beliefs in what a realistic body count should be, but aint nobody here talking about facts.
men averaging 11 in a lifetime? look ill concede that i might have been a little more sexually active then your average dude but that number seems shockinglylow. i have 100% forgotten all together more then 11 sexual partners in my life
Originally Posted by DCAllAmerican

LOL I wouldn't even bother going back and forth with that girl. She just doesn't get it. She keep posting these survey stats as if folks are REALLY (women) going to tell the truth. Like I said she doesn't understand and obviously lives in a fantasy world.
Why would women not tell the truth in these surveys?Most of them do in these type of questionnaires/surveys. They are anonymous and they willinglyparticipate in these surveys. You might as well dismiss all surveys for any research topic then. I am not saying surveys are always 100% of a valid method forresearch, but it surely is an effective method and they are accurate as a means of representation of sample studies.

We are just going to keep going in circles, but at least I've argued my point eloquently, unlike you.
So we'll both agree to disagree.
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