Crazy lady flips out on black USPS worker

Once it's signed for and it goes into the system, the tracking/ Delivery confirmation # is updated online... Sounds like it's her problem. He was just going by policy.

Then again, when you sign something, they ask if you are so and so. Maybe certified mail is different? Was the address wrong? I'm a bit confused.
Once it's signed for and it goes into the system, the tracking/ Delivery confirmation # is updated online... Sounds like it's her problem. He was just going by policy.

Then again, when you sign something, they ask if you are so and so. Maybe certified mail is different? Was the address wrong? I'm a bit confused.
Why did she get signed?

She went IN on the threats though...makes me wonder how many people think like this so much...


Update from the Youtube page:
this postal customer used to babysit the officer's kid who came at the scene. I've just learned both the police department and the court have dropped the case, she is free, and no charges against her. I was never sent a noticed by the court to appear for hearing nor trial. And a a year since that happened, USPS postal inspection service has not investigated this matter
Why did she get signed?

She went IN on the threats though...makes me wonder how many people think like this so much...


Update from the Youtube page:
this postal customer used to babysit the officer's kid who came at the scene. I've just learned both the police department and the court have dropped the case, she is free, and no charges against her. I was never sent a noticed by the court to appear for hearing nor trial. And a a year since that happened, USPS postal inspection service has not investigated this matter
WOAH. After her dropping the N-bomb, I didn't think it could get much worse..but the stuff about the lower IQ scores at the schools ? Jeez louise. She was really trying to break him down psychologically, on some insanity tip.
WOAH. After her dropping the N-bomb, I didn't think it could get much worse..but the stuff about the lower IQ scores at the schools ? Jeez louise. She was really trying to break him down psychologically, on some insanity tip.

i don't hit women but if i was the guy in the video, i would've sent her to the ER

i don't hit women but if i was the guy in the video, i would've sent her to the ER
Originally Posted by dunkaruu

WOAH. After her dropping the N-bomb, I didn't think it could get much worse..but the stuff about the lower IQ scores at the schools ?
And she seriously believes she was saying it in a calm manner trying to enlighten my man. 

@ my man being a foreigner tho, dude didn't have time for that BS, just tryna cake up and do his thing.
Like stated, had this been any American person, they would have definitely handled the matter differently.
Originally Posted by dunkaruu

WOAH. After her dropping the N-bomb, I didn't think it could get much worse..but the stuff about the lower IQ scores at the schools ?
And she seriously believes she was saying it in a calm manner trying to enlighten my man. 

@ my man being a foreigner tho, dude didn't have time for that BS, just tryna cake up and do his thing.
Like stated, had this been any American person, they would have definitely handled the matter differently.
Wow. The more I read and see, the more mad I become.

From what i'm reading, She signed for something that may be a legal notice of some sort, or something for her significant other. She signed it willingly, and likely figured out what it was right after signing, and didnt want a record that it was ever received.. Sounds like a great law abiding citizen
Wow. The more I read and see, the more mad I become.

From what i'm reading, She signed for something that may be a legal notice of some sort, or something for her significant other. She signed it willingly, and likely figured out what it was right after signing, and didnt want a record that it was ever received.. Sounds like a great law abiding citizen
This guys kept his cool. I have had to deal with crazy people like this at work before. The hardest thing is to keep your cool because you dont want to lose your job.
This guys kept his cool. I have had to deal with crazy people like this at work before. The hardest thing is to keep your cool because you dont want to lose your job.
Damn African dude has the patience of a high school teacher, props to him for staying professional. People like this want to get a certain reaction out of you as a justification for negative attitudes toward black people. Personally I wouldn't have humored her as much as he did, she's either really ignorant or mentally challenged...either way it's a waste of energy. I would have said peace and driven off.
Damn African dude has the patience of a high school teacher, props to him for staying professional. People like this want to get a certain reaction out of you as a justification for negative attitudes toward black people. Personally I wouldn't have humored her as much as he did, she's either really ignorant or mentally challenged...either way it's a waste of energy. I would have said peace and driven off.
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