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i honestly stopped reading when you said you went back to the party when you knew the cops were coming. sounds pretty dumb to me.
jes woke up n read all the replies in here... but 2 answer tha questions... na im not white... kinda irrelevant tho... n 2 clear up the story... we were walkinback 2 her house wen we found out the cops were comin... so we rushed back 2 give everybody tha heads up...

not sure wat i was expectin wit this thread... jus wantd 2 share my nite wit u guys... thanx 4 listenin NT
last night i got drunk and had to baby sit my friends sister at a keg, she puked on her uggs.
You want to hear a story, my friend had a birthday party last night (that I missed btw) anyways he had a birthday party and it was suppose to be off the chain.Drinks everywhere, drugs, women, etc. Apparently my boy was snorting cocaine off a bunch of women in a restroom, next thing everyone knows he is gone. My boyRoger gets a call from my boy that had the birthday and dude was all the way in Tijuana Mexico. So some how he got all the way from here the Bay Area, drovesouth and cross the Mexican border by 11am pst with 2 women.

Now that is a hell of a night.
this story sucked lol. Again, why the hell would you go back if the cops were coming? Doesn't make sense.
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