Crazy stories from your job.

I was working at jfk airport a few years ago,
this is about meh 2016-2017

terminal 2 is an old *** terminal that’s owned by delta, and I was doing wheelchairs at the time
anyways , one night when I’m working a Over night shift - this old lady from like Albania I think who I take over to the restroom since she couldn’t walk goes in , and when an elderly person goes in the restroom, we sit across from the restroom and wait for them .
im watching the football game on the tv while waiting, 15 mins go by, 20, 30, 40, an hour goes by, I’m like wtf, and it’s not like she could Have walked past me, she was wearing like an orange dress that you could see from a mile away
i call security over to see what’s going on, if she’s alright or needs help

security goes in, comes out, the security lady is crying, I was like what happened, she fall or something? ( people always used to spill water all over the bathroom floors)
she said nah shes unconscious, i was like wtf
so they call the port authority ambulance, turns out she passed away, they never told me the reason Of death, man I remember her giving me a $10 tip too , super nice lady

rip hope she’s happy,

have a TON OF CRAZY airport stories though, since I practically worked in every terminal in jfk more or less

there was a friend of mines ( I never smashed since she was like super religious Muslim with a scarf and everything), I don’t like middle eastern girls so I never was interested, nor did she ever give anyone signs of that nature of interest or anything.
months later I found Out shorty was getting railed by a hood *** ramp agent in the lost and found office back area where no one ever goes

I’ve taken some beats pro headphones, and Bose noise cancelling headphones from lost and found, ( items that have been there for years + because people just don’t claim them). I found a iPhone 8 once, unlocked, no iCloud account on the charging docks when the flights had all left, kept and sold on eBay

there was a story of a girl who I worked with, we never were cool or anything, who apparently shot a amateur porn video in our back office with a duty manager of ours, the duty manager was hideous , I mean joe pescis ugly friend in home alone ugly, and the girl was super fine, like crazy fine. She was from Egypt, super light skinned, amazing booty.
it was apparently uploaded to ******* and xvideos( I was good friends with hr so I saw the report)
i searched for days, never found it lmao , i never saw that girl again though, after the report came out. the duty manager still there.

heard A story of a tsa agent who banged a chick in a private search area for the girl to able to take her perfumes in her bag on the flight

i got a few Numbers of elderly Dominican chicas , I would always request to meet the incoming dr flights on purpose,
one of those dr girls was about actually my age, her husband was 55, yes I’m 25 at the time and her husband was 55. Never saw him, but I would speak with her sometimes and we were getting close to meeting up and out of nowhere her husband gets a hold of the phone we’re talking on and started yelling. They Hung up the phone and I tried getting in contact with her after that but never went through

this one Time this illegal immigrant dude with fake papers gets caught and starts yelling “ I’ll suck your pee pee if you let me go” in his African accent mad loud in those exact words, me and my home girl couldn’t stop laughing that whole day
I was working at jfk airport a few years ago,
this is about meh 2016-2017

terminal 2 is an old *** terminal that’s owned by delta, and I was doing wheelchairs at the time
anyways , one night when I’m working a Over night shift - this old lady from like Albania I think who I take over to the restroom since she couldn’t walk goes in , and when an elderly person goes in the restroom, we sit across from the restroom and wait for them .
im watching the football game on the tv while waiting, 15 mins go by, 20, 30, 40, an hour goes by, I’m like wtf, and it’s not like she could Have walked past me, she was wearing like an orange dress that you could see from a mile away
i call security over to see what’s going on, if she’s alright or needs help

security goes in, comes out, the security lady is crying, I was like what happened, she fall or something? ( people always used to spill water all over the bathroom floors)
she said nah shes unconscious, i was like wtf
so they call the port authority ambulance, turns out she passed away, they never told me the reason Of death, man I remember her giving me a $10 tip too , super nice lady

rip hope she’s happy,

have a TON OF CRAZY airport stories though, since I practically worked in every terminal in jfk more or less

there was a friend of mines ( I never smashed since she was like super religious Muslim with a scarf and everything), I don’t like middle eastern girls so I never was interested, nor did she ever give anyone signs of that nature of interest or anything.
months later I found Out shorty was getting railed by a hood *** ramp agent in the lost and found office back area where no one ever goes

I’ve taken some beats pro headphones, and Bose noise cancelling headphones from lost and found, ( items that have been there for years + because people just don’t claim them). I found a iPhone 8 once, unlocked, no iCloud account on the charging docks when the flights had all left, kept and sold on eBay

there was a story of a girl who I worked with, we never were cool or anything, who apparently shot a amateur porn video in our back office with a duty manager of ours, the duty manager was hideous , I mean joe pescis ugly friend in home alone ugly, and the girl was super fine, like crazy fine. She was from Egypt, super light skinned, amazing booty.
it was apparently uploaded to ******* and xvideos( I was good friends with hr so I saw the report)
i searched for days, never found it lmao , i never saw that girl again though, after the report came out. the duty manager still there.

heard A story of a tsa agent who banged a chick in a private search area for the girl to able to take her perfumes in her bag on the flight

i got a few Numbers of elderly Dominican chicas , I would always request to meet the incoming dr flights on purpose,
one of those dr girls was about actually my age, her husband was 55, yes I’m 25 at the time and her husband was 55. Never saw him, but I would speak with her sometimes and we were getting close to meeting up and out of nowhere her husband gets a hold of the phone we’re talking on and started yelling. They Hung up the phone and I tried getting in contact with her after that but never went through

this one Time this illegal immigrant dude with fake papers gets caught and starts yelling “ I’ll suck your pee pee if you let me go” in his African accent mad loud in those exact words, me and my home girl couldn’t stop laughing that whole day

i wanna smash a middle eastern girl who wears a scarf bad af
I was working at jfk airport a few years ago,
this is about meh 2016-2017

terminal 2 is an old *** terminal that’s owned by delta, and I was doing wheelchairs at the time
anyways , one night when I’m working a Over night shift - this old lady from like Albania I think who I take over to the restroom since she couldn’t walk goes in , and when an elderly person goes in the restroom, we sit across from the restroom and wait for them .
im watching the football game on the tv while waiting, 15 mins go by, 20, 30, 40, an hour goes by, I’m like wtf, and it’s not like she could Have walked past me, she was wearing like an orange dress that you could see from a mile away
i call security over to see what’s going on, if she’s alright or needs help

security goes in, comes out, the security lady is crying, I was like what happened, she fall or something? ( people always used to spill water all over the bathroom floors)
she said nah shes unconscious, i was like wtf
so they call the port authority ambulance, turns out she passed away, they never told me the reason Of death, man I remember her giving me a $10 tip too , super nice lady

rip hope she’s happy,

have a TON OF CRAZY airport stories though, since I practically worked in every terminal in jfk more or less

there was a friend of mines ( I never smashed since she was like super religious Muslim with a scarf and everything), I don’t like middle eastern girls so I never was interested, nor did she ever give anyone signs of that nature of interest or anything.
months later I found Out shorty was getting railed by a hood *** ramp agent in the lost and found office back area where no one ever goes

I’ve taken some beats pro headphones, and Bose noise cancelling headphones from lost and found, ( items that have been there for years + because people just don’t claim them). I found a iPhone 8 once, unlocked, no iCloud account on the charging docks when the flights had all left, kept and sold on eBay

there was a story of a girl who I worked with, we never were cool or anything, who apparently shot a amateur porn video in our back office with a duty manager of ours, the duty manager was hideous , I mean joe pescis ugly friend in home alone ugly, and the girl was super fine, like crazy fine. She was from Egypt, super light skinned, amazing booty.
it was apparently uploaded to ******* and xvideos( I was good friends with hr so I saw the report)
i searched for days, never found it lmao , i never saw that girl again though, after the report came out. the duty manager still there.

heard A story of a tsa agent who banged a chick in a private search area for the girl to able to take her perfumes in her bag on the flight

i got a few Numbers of elderly Dominican chicas , I would always request to meet the incoming dr flights on purpose,
one of those dr girls was about actually my age, her husband was 55, yes I’m 25 at the time and her husband was 55. Never saw him, but I would speak with her sometimes and we were getting close to meeting up and out of nowhere her husband gets a hold of the phone we’re talking on and started yelling. They Hung up the phone and I tried getting in contact with her after that but never went through

this one Time this illegal immigrant dude with fake papers gets caught and starts yelling “ I’ll suck your pee pee if you let me go” in his African accent mad loud in those exact words, me and my home girl couldn’t stop laughing that whole day
So being super light skinned makes someone prettier?
Not too wild but this situation is very flagrant. I was a systems administrator at my last job and my main client IT infrastructure was a mess. Was their for four years and cleaned up a lot of crap but one of the last things we wanted to do was clean up the active users accounts that were present. So we went back and fourth with HR for about a month until they finally decided to provide us with a list of all current active employee's and contractors. So we have a snow day and I'm allowed to work from home so I figure this would be good time to do it since no one else is on the clock except my department and executives who don't really do **** when they're home anyway.

My manager gets the list from HR but he didn't even look at it, he just forwards it to me. Its an excel spreadsheet nothing special, so I open it and what do I see? The SSN for every single employee and contractor including the CEO. I stop immediately and tell my boss, he tells me to delete it off my computer completely. We have an internal meeting and notify our client. Nothing happens and it seemed like they aint even care. That was the tipping point where our internal higher ups realized the people in charge of this place were unqualified
Nothing crazy recently but I did hear the windows notification chime come from someone on the shutter recently.
so in queens we have a lot of Guyanese Indians (east Indians that immigrated to Guyana).

anyway, yeah. its just like any other box. its cool.
Bunch of hindus from india , muslim pakastanis & bangladesh (with some guyanese ) all flooded on hillside (from jamaica estates side all the way up to queens village side of hillside in the 200s) i gotta say from my personal experience i never bagged 1 ...every now & then i see a fly indian chick (usually young ) but overall most be ugly & i dont think they give most brothers burn ( not including the young ones in junior high / high school) the dudes is cool to politic with but the women stay to theyself it seem ( never knew any dudes to really bag them like that ,some slip thru the crack )
A client's financials weren't hidden in an email that went out. You can see their name, how much they're worth and how much their account makes per year. They're beyond rich. The numbers made me double take. Carelessness. For as much compliance that's supposed to happen in Finance, you see a lot of wreckless behavior like this at my firm.
Or maybe they wanted to let you (or whoever) know how much they made. :lol:
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