Crazy stories from your job.

A while ago in a different department.. some new chick got hired and was in an entry level job like me.

She got a promotion after like 3 months there. Some of us there had been fighting for promotions for a few years now. She walks in and gets one.

4 months later, another promotion. How? She was still training. Entire department upset, people stay quiet tho cause it’s a business environment.

She gets promoted to manager in under a year. No bs. Had no idea about half the jobs in the department, becomes a manager.

Once she becomes manager, she spends time with the other managers and our director. They do dinners and whatnots. No big they always have.

I leave the department. Get a promotion elsewhere. Well, apparently she started hanging out with the director alone more. Like walks on breaks, running on lunches, etc. so rumors started that she was sleeping with the director and that’s how she got her promotions / job.

Flash forward a few years to a few days ago I’m having lunch with one of the bosses who also left that department a bit after me. She tells me that HR interviewed people because the rumors made their way to HR. (After I left) She says she confirmed everything.. told them they were smashin and all this.. wylin out at work in their cars on break. (Keep in mind this is a manager and director)
All the rumors, speculation, accusations.. solidified

nothing happened.:stoneface:
She’s still a manager.. he got a promotion. HR didn’t do **** and tons of employees got screwed outta promotions because she was suckin **** for her promotions. She’s still a manager who doesn’t know **** about her department lmao and I’m happy af I got out of that department.
A while ago in a different department.. some new chick got hired and was in an entry level job like me.

She got a promotion after like 3 months there. Some of us there had been fighting for promotions for a few years now. She walks in and gets one.

4 months later, another promotion. How? She was still training. Entire department upset, people stay quiet tho cause it’s a business environment.

She gets promoted to manager in under a year. No bs. Had no idea about half the jobs in the department, becomes a manager.

Once she becomes manager, she spends time with the other managers and our director. They do dinners and whatnots. No big they always have.

I leave the department. Get a promotion elsewhere. Well, apparently she started hanging out with the director alone more. Like walks on breaks, running on lunches, etc. so rumors started that she was sleeping with the director and that’s how she got her promotions / job.

Flash forward a few years to a few days ago I’m having lunch with one of the bosses who also left that department a bit after me. She tells me that HR interviewed people because the rumors made their way to HR. (After I left) She says she confirmed everything.. told them they were smashin and all this.. wylin out at work in their cars on break. (Keep in mind this is a manager and director)
All the rumors, speculation, accusations.. solidified

nothing happened.:stoneface:
She’s still a manager.. he got a promotion. HR didn’t do **** and tons of employees got screwed outta promotions because she was suckin **** for her promotions. She’s still a manager who doesn’t know **** about her department lmao and I’m happy af I got out of that department.

said girl 1-10?
A while ago in a different department.. some new chick got hired and was in an entry level job like me.

She got a promotion after like 3 months there. Some of us there had been fighting for promotions for a few years now. She walks in and gets one.

4 months later, another promotion. How? She was still training. Entire department upset, people stay quiet tho cause it’s a business environment.

She gets promoted to manager in under a year. No bs. Had no idea about half the jobs in the department, becomes a manager.

Once she becomes manager, she spends time with the other managers and our director. They do dinners and whatnots. No big they always have.

I leave the department. Get a promotion elsewhere. Well, apparently she started hanging out with the director alone more. Like walks on breaks, running on lunches, etc. so rumors started that she was sleeping with the director and that’s how she got her promotions / job.

Flash forward a few years to a few days ago I’m having lunch with one of the bosses who also left that department a bit after me. She tells me that HR interviewed people because the rumors made their way to HR. (After I left) She says she confirmed everything.. told them they were smashin and all this.. wylin out at work in their cars on break. (Keep in mind this is a manager and director)
All the rumors, speculation, accusations.. solidified

nothing happened.:stoneface:
She’s still a manager.. he got a promotion. HR didn’t do **** and tons of employees got screwed outta promotions because she was suckin **** for her promotions. She’s still a manager who doesn’t know **** about her department lmao and I’m happy af I got out of that department.
Must be nice to be the director.

My friend was talking about how we should start our own accounting business. Best believe I'd be in charge of hiring only hot AF female employees dtf.
I was stationed in camp pendleton from 04-06..

Grunt unit, 5th marines blah blah blah....

I just came from spending a year in Okinawa... I get to pendleton and it's nice... all dudes in my unit/area but it's cool.

So one Monday shortly after I get there there is a area wide barracks inspection...

I was in the combat engineer battalion next to the grunts...

So of course my room is clean... the grunt unit had a full drug set up supplying half of socal...

Dudes was cooking meth.... bagging up coke, cooking up crack rock, and other stuff... like 20 people got kicked out... another 20 or so was punished for popping on piss test etc....

This was in the height of OIF 2....

A gunnery Sgt went to iraq, found out his wife was cheating. Played it cool... woke her up early smashed it out , took her for a picnic in the woods of camp pendleton.. bashed her over the head with a shovel and buried her body in a pre made plot ... she was found a few weeks later and he went to the brig...

My homeboy tried to hang himself in the barracks after he got back from iraq... my other homeboy walked in on him maybe 20 seconds from dieing...
sharpshooter718 sharpshooter718
I think ur talmbout 1/5.
We had a BLT formation and they called out like
30 marines and a few sailors. Next thing the alphabet boys showed up (DEA/ATF/local police/NCIS) and start zip tying each one of the up. I was ****ting bricks cuz those were all my boys. I tried to stay away from them most of the time cuz they were wild.
it’s funny that u brought that up.

so u remember when someone stole 2 cases of claymores and locked down the base? They had marines lined up with E tools hacking the ground across the field looking for the claymores :lol:
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Lol how did the second scenario happened? Sounds like a porn scene.
She did the up and down look after she put the pizza down, came back to the door “u cute” and of course I said “thank you.” I was wild tired and I didn’t really care enough to start up a conversation. She paid me for the pizza and outta nowhere she said “lemme suck your______.” It caught me so off guard that my ears started ringing. And I’m not gon hold u; I was shaking like this
.Never been that nervous in my life. I managed to say something. I don’t really remember I was airplane mode. Next thing I know I’m in the room with my shorts around my ankles getting sucked off. She was good at it too. Really good actually. She finished me off, I took a moment to recover, pulled up shorts, and then she put the tip in my back pocket and patted it like I was some ho.
Back in the day I used to work a wireless retail job. Anyone who worked in wireless sales (really any sales actually) knows in January it’s crickets. Everyone is broke or paying off holiday debt.

So, one day a few of us are working and it’s dead as usual. A few managers were working that day and all went on break together due to how slow it was. They got tipsy but one white dude got a little drunker than the rest.

they come back from break and the white dude was always the type to flex and say he was stronger than everyone (few of us lift weights regularly so it was a pissing contest) He tells this one dude I worked with “you looking small I’m def bigger than you. I can def out lift you etc”

The general manager starts egging them on then says you should arm wrestle to prove who’s stronger. My coworker was like nah I’m good blah blah but gets peer pressured into it. They arm wrestle and nobody wins. It’s a draw. They decide to arm wrestle again.

I’m watching like “these morons smh” and all your hear is SNAP. The coworker just sat there blank faced and the white manager gets up like he saw a ghost. After a delayed reaction, the coworker gets up and dudes arm is dangling from his shoulder. We’re all like Yoooooooo :sick::sick::sick::sick: and everyone was in shock not knowing what to do. I rushed over and helped dude to the back as we waited for the EMT. We all thought he just dislocated his arm but turned out he snapped the bone from your elbow up to your shoulder. Dude was in severe pain.

luckily, he’s a hood dude so he didn’t snitch even when everyone asked how it happened. He just told HR he got hurt outside of work on break or some BS and manager dude just paid all his medical bills so he wouldn’t lose his job. I’ll still never forget the snap sound. Bones are strong as hell man. Sounded like a tree snapping
Guy at my job who was pretty high up in the ranks got caught banging some chick from another dept in one of the boardrooms after hours.

The guys wife also works here, in the same dept as the chick. They sit maybe 3 desks from each other. She's currently on mat leave though.

They fired the guy. Home wrecker is still here.
I used to work for this one charter school that had a couple other “sister” schools around the city (all in the same network). Couple of my homies moved to the other one in queens and worked with this one dude that was a wild boy. He was like a school aide or sumtin but would wear tight *** sweat pants and shorts. Like pipe print in full effect and mind you homie working in a high school. My homies would joke about how wild looking dude is cuz he was built like a football player but would where the tightest pants/shorts ever. Turns out homie was banging a student at the school and got fired. I read the newspaper article and saw that they reported his ig name was “itllhurtbutillmakeitfit” smh how he passed a background check lord knows

Actually now that I think about it I don’t think that charter network did good background checks cuz at the school I worked at they hired and fired a dude that scammed bed bath and beyond for like hundreds of thousands of dollars
Guy at my job who was pretty high up in the ranks got caught banging some chick from another dept in one of the boardrooms after hours.

The guys wife also works here, in the same dept as the chick. They sit maybe 3 desks from each other. She's currently on mat leave though.

They fired the guy. Home wrecker is still here.
Wow. Wife taking everything.
Dirty mackin for real. He clearly had clocked out on his marriage.
I used to work for this one charter school that had a couple other “sister” schools around the city (all in the same network). Couple of my homies moved to the other one in queens and worked with this one dude that was a wild boy. He was like a school aide or sumtin but would wear tight *** sweat pants and shorts. Like pipe print in full effect and mind you homie working in a high school. My homies would joke about how wild looking dude is cuz he was built like a football player but would where the tightest pants/shorts ever. Turns out homie was banging a student at the school and got fired. I read the newspaper article and saw that they reported his ig name was “itllhurtbutillmakeitfit” smh how he passed a background check lord knows

Actually now that I think about it I don’t think that charter network did good background checks cuz at the school I worked at they hired and fired a dude that scammed bed bath and beyond for like hundreds of thousands of dollars
I work with trafficked teen girls daily (CPS).
if homie came on a shift with that BS, he definitely getting checked.
A while ago in a different department.. some new chick got hired and was in an entry level job like me.

She got a promotion after like 3 months there. Some of us there had been fighting for promotions for a few years now. She walks in and gets one.

4 months later, another promotion. How? She was still training. Entire department upset, people stay quiet tho cause it’s a business environment.

She gets promoted to manager in under a year. No bs. Had no idea about half the jobs in the department, becomes a manager.

Once she becomes manager, she spends time with the other managers and our director. They do dinners and whatnots. No big they always have.

I leave the department. Get a promotion elsewhere. Well, apparently she started hanging out with the director alone more. Like walks on breaks, running on lunches, etc. so rumors started that she was sleeping with the director and that’s how she got her promotions / job.

Flash forward a few years to a few days ago I’m having lunch with one of the bosses who also left that department a bit after me. She tells me that HR interviewed people because the rumors made their way to HR. (After I left) She says she confirmed everything.. told them they were smashin and all this.. wylin out at work in their cars on break. (Keep in mind this is a manager and director)
All the rumors, speculation, accusations.. solidified

nothing happened.:stoneface:
She’s still a manager.. he got a promotion. HR didn’t do **** and tons of employees got screwed outta promotions because she was suckin **** for her promotions. She’s still a manager who doesn’t know **** about her department lmao and I’m happy af I got out of that department.
Saw this happen too, but it was a C level exec and they got caught somehow (was the word going around). Almost solidified it though as she flew through coordinator (admin basically) to sr manager is about a year. Hell she might be an exec by now.
A client's financials weren't hidden in an email that went out. You can see their name, how much they're worth and how much their account makes per year. They're beyond rich. The numbers made me double take. Carelessness. For as much compliance that's supposed to happen in Finance, you see a lot of wreckless behavior like this at my firm.
A client's financials weren't hidden in an email that went out. You can see their name, how much they're worth and how much their account makes per year. They're beyond rich. The numbers made me double take. Carelessness. For as much compliance that's supposed to happen in Finance, you see a lot of wreckless behavior like this at my firm.
honestly I think finance in general is like this.
between this and the medical industry, I think if ppl had an idea of what actually goes on they'd panic lol.

lets just say those two things plus policing, the govt, etc. are just jobs to a lot of ppl. they don't care and they cut corners like anywhere else.

I have stuff I want to post so bad but can't because you guys know the company and things were in the news and all that.
I work with trafficked teen girls daily (CPS).
if homie came on a shift with that BS, he definitely getting checked.
did u work on that guap celeste girl
the one who was getting ran through by the oakland pd
and caused that officer to commit suicide
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